Absolute Honor

Chapter 359: Cut off ya's retreat

Diago was stunned by Qin Fei.

In fact, he himself was really out of ideas. You know, Cambert is an experienced veteran who has been operating the animal camp for many years, but many of the soldiers in the lazy tiger camp were trained by him and his instructors.

At the thought of going against his instructor, Diago's heart hung in the air, without a bottom.

"I'm just telling the truth, Qin, we have too few people..."

"The way with few people and few people." Qin Fei turned his head and looked at Lao Yu, "According to our old method?"

Lao Yu and Qin Fei received the same tactical training, and immediately understood: "You mean, hit a snake and hit seven inches?"

Qin Fei said to Chen Yong: "Chen Yong, you, your two fellow villagers, and Jonnie, take Eric and rush to Fati, and send him to the hospital for treatment."

"Qin, I think I'm okay!" When Lei Shen heard that Qin Fei asked him to go to the hospital, he immediately stopped and struggled to sit up from the ground: "It's just a small injury."

"Don’t try hard, the bullet didn’t penetrate your liver and you’re fortune-telling, but you’ve already had enough blood. I think you’d better take a break. Don’t worry. Although everything you did tonight seems to hurt us, But if it weren't for your trouble, maybe we are already surrounded by now." Qin Fei said, "When we complete this mission, you can explain the ins and outs of the matter to everyone."

"Brother Qin." Chen Yong whispered from the side: "I don't want to go to Fati, I want to stay."

"The battle will be fierce later, and the mission is very dangerous. If there are hundreds of people on the other side, and dozens of us, we will easily die."

"I'm not afraid!" Chen Yong said, "You have also been a soldier, and you know that when you are in the army, you think about which day you can go to the battlefield. Now that I have a chance, I want to try!"

Qin Fei was startled, and then nodded: "Okay, let you two fellow **** Jenny and Eric to Fati, you stay! Be careful, follow the old players, don't be aggressive, don't be impulsive, don't think you are very powerful! "

"I know!" Chen Yong was overjoyed. He finally had a chance to fight. This is what he has always dreamed of. "I must work hard!"

Seeing Chen Yong's joyous appearance, Lao Yu and Qin Fei smiled at each other.

Young people are like this, especially those who have had a career in the military but have never participated in actual combat have more or less the same impulse, that is to go to the battlefield to test their abilities, it seems that they will not be on the real battlefield in this life. There are so little regrets more or less.

Especially fighting other people's wars in other people's countries seems to be more acceptable, because the fire of war is not in one's own homeland.

"Do you have a way?" Diago on the side watched Qin Fei and Lao Yu talk in Chinese and couldn't help but interject.

Qin Fei asked, "Is there a map?"

Diago asked his teammates to bring a military map and spread it on the floor of the cabin.

After watching for a while, Qin Fei asked Diago: "If you were Cambert, if you got this ticket, what retreat route would you choose?"

Diago frowned and lost his thoughts.

Qin Fei sighed, the black mind was not so active.

In order to waste time, Qin Fei directly clicked on the coastline: "Since the Somalis can sneak in from the sea, it is of course the safest to retreat from the sea. Obviously they have enough ships to take the hostages away. Besides, the sea here will just turn around when you go out. They can go to Somalia, as long as they dock in Somalia, they will be protected by local armed forces."

Diago asked: "You mean..."

"From land and sky, I am afraid that they will not have the ability to leave. Water is the best choice. In this case, we will destroy their ships. As long as they are trapped in the contract, we have enough time to wait for the reinforcements to arrive. "Qin Fei said.

Diago showed his white teeth again, and grabbed Qin Fei's shoulder with both hands and shook it: "Qin, you are really a military genius!"

Genius ass! Qin Fei thought to himself, I am afraid that any squad leader of the Z army can think of it, this is not a big battle, there is no complicated firepower allocation and military coordination, it is the squad to destroy the plan, what is the difficulty?

But when I think about it, maybe Diago’s unit is of this level. Just like the rebel forces encountered in Sierra Leone before, the tactics adopted will always be an ironclad set-roundabout and outflank, encirclement and annihilate.

Sometimes Qin Fei wondered whether this typical army tactics came from China.

"We set off by car, everyone agrees on the time. It takes up to 15 minutes to get back to the training camp from here, and 10 minutes to sneak into. Then we reserve a little more room for changes in the final action and launch the attack after 25 minutes. Yours I saw weapons on the helicopter that could coordinate our ground attacks and provide some fire support."

Qin Fei just noticed that the two UH-1 "Iroquois" general-purpose helicopters aboard the two commandos were equipped with Soviet-made PKM machine guns. This machine gun fired at 600 rounds per minute and used a 7.62X54MM R. Type machine gun projectiles can be shot up to 1000 meters, and it can be said that the power is still considerable.

Qin Fei said, "When the UH-1 helicopter reaches the flames of the crossfire, we will contact you on the radio, and the plane will immediately land near us. One of the 12-person team is responsible for the surrounding guard and cover, and the other 12-person team cooperates. We are attacking, and after the personnel land, the helicopter must immediately take off to provide fire cover."

"Yeah." Lao Yu said: "The action must be fast. After the bombing, we will get on the plane and retreat. We will retreat for a certain distance and then walk back for reconnaissance. We cannot stay where we are. Otherwise, once we are surrounded by hundreds of them, we will be a dead end! "

"Yes, after we withdraw, we only need to guard the crossing of the Kuz Valley. This is the only way to leave the treaty. As long as we keep it, they can't escape." Qin Fei said: "As long as we occupy favorable terrain , We can stop them and drag them to death here in Tiyo."

"Just do it!" Lao Yu nodded in agreement.

Qin Fei took his own person into the jeep, Diago thought for a while, jumped off the helicopter, and jumped into the car.

"Are you not with your own troops?" Qin Fei was a little surprised.

Diago showed his signature white teeth: "I think it's better to be with you."

Lao Yu looked at Qin Fei, shook his head, and smiled bitterly.

It can be analyzed from Diago’s behavior that it seems that the so-called Eritrean Special Forces level is really not too high, otherwise a Tiger Battalion commander would not believe his subordinates and want to stay with other mercenaries?

The jeep turned around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and drove back along the dark mountain road towards the mercenary training camp where the contract was raised.

The mountain breeze at night was slightly chilly, blowing on Qin Fei's face, his nervous nerves were slightly relaxed.

In his mind, the white man named FOX came to mind again.

This person, he remembers that he belongs to the Special Forces, which Special Forces is it?

He turned his head and suddenly asked Kunchai, “Kunchai, you said that you were hunted down before, and I saved you, and then lost your memory. Then, is the person who chased you called FOX?”

Kun Guai was sitting in the back seat, and suddenly heard Qin Fei ask if he remembered FOX, he almost peeed his pants in fright.

My boss even remembered FOX.


He opened his mouth, trembling, but didn't know how to answer.

A terrible thought hovered in his mind-did Qin Fei restore all his memories! ?

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