Absolute Honor

Chapter 362: Go straight to Huanglong

The two unlucky ghosts who came over to release the water didn't expect that he was still hiding in the grass. With the two sounds of "Ticks", the two soldiers who were just going to the Caribbean beach to pick up girls and drink were immediately broken their necks. He immediately went to the west.

Throwing the corpse to the ground, the front sight wiped his face with his sleeve and mouth with a look of disgust.

"Bah baah baah-shit, dare to pee on Lao Tzu's lips!"

As he spoke, he was annoyed and kicked one of the corpses severely.

"Lao Tzu's mouth is exclusively for beautiful women!"

"Drag the corpse into the grass and hide it so that no one will find it." The old fish told Kun to guess the sight, and then turned around and said to Diago: "Let your subordinates stop here. The action will be temporarily cancelled."

Diago quickly contacted his commandos on the channel and told them to cancel the operation and temporarily stand by in the Kuz Valley.

"Did we withdraw?"

After informing the commando, Diago swept around a little nervously. Obviously, this kind of place made him feel very uneasy. After all, there were too many enemies, and he didn't know where he would come out and pee at any time.

"You don't seem to worry about your uncle at all." The old fish teased Diago.

"I tried my best." Diago shook his head: "No one can predict this kind of thing. My poor uncle, the Lord will arrange for him."

"Wait!" Qin Fei stopped the front sight that was dragging the corpse, and his eyes fell on the two corpses.

"Maybe, there is another way." Qin Fei said.

Everyone was stunned.

Lao Yu looked at Qin Fei, and looked at the legs of the two dead bodies that the sight was dragging.

"Qin Fei, you are not..."

"Yes." Qin Fei said, "Do you think there are hundreds of enemies here, and they are all made up improvised, do you know each other?"

An unbelievable expression appeared on the front sight: "Fak! Don't you want to impersonate them?"

After thinking about it, he said, "But do you know how to speak Somali? As long as you go in and talk, you will be exposed!"

Qin Fei said, "I speak English and French as well as local dialects, right? I think Diago knows how to speak dialects."

He pointed to the Eritrean Tiger Battalion officer beside him.

Diago was taken aback, then nodded, and then shook his head violently: "I can speak Somali, but I don't want to follow you in! Cambert knows me, and some guards here know me too! I won't go to death."

"Didn't you look at their attire?" Qin Fei snarled angrily at the two corpses on the ground.

Diago saw that the two bodies were both wearing masks.

This is a peculiar characteristic of general tribal armed soldiers or temporarily recruited mercenaries. For various reasons, no one is willing to show their faces when participating in such an action that has too much influence, so covering their faces is the best choice.

"With your face covered, who would recognize you as a lieutenant colonel in Tiger Camp?" Qin Fei said, "They all recognize each other by the red cloth strips on their arms."

Diago suddenly became speechless. Indeed, covering his face, he looked like a **** man. There are many black people here. These two people are obviously from the side of Somalia and are also black people. Especially in the dark, black people don’t talk about being blind It looks the same without a face.

"But you are not black!" Diago said.

"Give me your combat paint." Qin Fei said, "I just saw you get the paint by the plane."

Diago reluctantly took out a box of combat paint from the tactical vest and handed it to Qin Fei.

The sight next to him chuckled.

"Diago, why do you want oil paint? What is the difference between applying it and not applying it? Isn't this taking off your pants and farting?!"

"You know what a shit!" Diago said disdainfully: "Do you know what a profession is? Blacks can't paint combat paint? Who said that blacks can't paint? Why can whites paint, yellow people can paint, we blacks do Can’t paint? Which military classic says it? Did you teach it in that military academy?"

The sight was robbed by Diago, and he was so choked that he couldn't speak.

You should know that blacks are a race with great linguistic talents. Their tongue and oral structures are more suitable for complex and high-intensity technical activities like their body structures. Therefore, most rappers in the world are mostly blacks. Others I really can't sing that taste if I want to sing.

In Diagoka's view, the front sight is simply a traitor who has forgotten the sect, whether black is not black, white is not white, and he dares to question himself.

In fact, this box of oil paints was given to him by the munitions supplier of the Tiger Battalion. As the commander of the Tiger Battalion of the Eritrean special forces, Diago has a certain right to decide on equipment procurement.

So in order to cheer him up, the arms dealer in charge of the purchase order sent a better set of equipment to Diago, so he used AK-74 instead of AK-47 like others. Although the caliber is different, but in order to show his identity, Diago was very happy to hold this uncommon automatic rifle to pretend to be forced.

And this box of combat oil paint was given to him by the arms dealer as a free gift. Diago liked it very much, but only used it once. On the day he got it, he returned to the barracks dormitory. Diago himself I applied it carefully in front of the mirror, and the result, as the sight said, there is really no difference between applying it and not applying it.

Only then did he realize that this thing was really an embarrassing thing, so he hadn't used it after putting it on his body.

This time Qin Fei saw it and was forced to take it out with great reluctance. After being molested by the sight, he immediately exploded.

"Okay, okay, I said the wrong thing, I talk too much, I deserve it." The sight is really unwilling to argue with Diago, who is two hundred and five here. Although he has a big mouth, he still knows the importance of things. This is not a stupid argument. good time.

"Unseen South African!" Diago was still aggrieved.

Qin Fei took the oil paint box, took some black, tapped a few times on his face, and then spread it evenly.

Then he took off the scarf from the dead body and wrapped it around his mouth and nose, and tied the other's headscarf tightly around his head, and then asked Diago, "Can you still see that I am a yellow race?"

Diago stared at a pair of snow-white eyeballs for a moment, and was surprised: "Oh! It's easier to be colored by a yellow race! You really look like a black person! It's not like me, painted or unpainted Same……"

Suddenly realized that I had missed my mouth, I quickly shut up.

The sight was on one side and covered his mouth again and couldn't help but laugh slowly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ almost suffered internal injuries.

Diago looked embarrassed, but fortunately he was a black man, and it was night, and no one noticed that this guy was hot.

"In fact, the Somalis are not all blacks, many of them are descendants who moved from the Middle East before, so Qin Fei can be considered as foolish as it is. As long as you don't look carefully, you can't tell that they are Asians." Lao Yu said.

"Yeah." Qin Fei said, "I've been in Africa for a few months, and I'm almost as black as a black."

"What are you going to do?" the front sight asked.

Qin Fei said, "I went in with Diago and looked for opportunities to create chaos. Once the fighting hall breaks out, the guards here will definitely be taken away. At that time, you will cooperate with the helicopter and be able to blow up together. They will explode as many boats as possible, and when the bombing is over, you will find the opportunity to evacuate by yourself."

"What about you?" the old fish asked.

Qin Fei said: "I don't know. When the time comes, we will react accordingly. Anyway, as long as the ship is destroyed, many people will not be able to leave. Remember, if you want to blow up, you will blow up those LCI landing craft."

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