Absolute Honor

Chapter 368: Fish in troubled waters


Qin Fei opened his eyes suddenly and took a deep breath: "Don't shake me... it hurts..."

"You were hit?" Diago was a little panicked, "Where did he hit?"

Qin Fei pushed the dead body away with one hand, sat up from the ground, touched his chest, pulled out two deformed magazines from the bullet belt and threw them on the ground.

Qin Fei was in a cold sweat when he touched the bullet hole on the canvas belt.

"Damn it almost shook me out of breath!"

Picking up the magazine on the ground, the card cover at the point was shaken off, the springs were exposed, and the bullets fell everywhere.

"Fortunately, it didn't explode, otherwise I would be a big firework."

"Your kid is dead!" Diago said, "I think I will be lucky with you."

"Get out!" Qin Fei said in a huff: "You were afraid of the tiger and the queen before the wolf? How did you change your breath now?"

Diago dissatisfied: "Hey hey, can't you be kind to me? If it wasn't for me just now, you would be dead!"

This is not bragging, Diago's performance just now really exceeded Qin Fei's expectations.

According to the original plan, Qin Fei should kill the four remaining Somali soldiers when Diago attracts everyone’s attention. He did not expect that he would have failed. If Diago hadn’t changed his plan temporarily and threw the grenade on the ground, I’d be afraid. Has long been beaten into a hornet's nest.

"Old fish, is there any movement on your side?"

Qin Fei asked Lao Yu for the first time, if such a big chaos still fails to attract the enemy at the dock, there is no hope of success for this plan.

"Moved, they began to withdraw. Many people moved towards the fighting hall. They should be able to act according to the original plan in a few minutes." The excitement of the old fish passed through the headset. "The helicopter is already on the way, as soon as they arrive. , Let's do it!"

"Okay, the dock will be handed over to you."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, the cat got up from the ground, pulling Diago into the corridor behind the stands.

"Let's go, chaos is starting now, we have to take this opportunity to find your uncle right away, otherwise we won't be able to do anything when all the enemies on the dock come over."

The two picked up their AK-47s and searched the houses along the circular corridor.

Along the way, all Somali soldiers who attacked from the other side fell down.

This did not encounter any fierce resistance, so that Diago began to be proud again, boasting of his marksmanship, and the opponent was killed without reacting.

Qin Fei couldn't help but ridiculed the commander of the special forces who felt good about himself: "Why don't you look at what kind of ghost clothes you are wearing?"

Diago thought for a while, blushing again.

The two men wore clothes stripped from the soldiers of the Somali tribe. On the surface, they were indistinguishable from all Somali soldiers.

It's no wonder that those people were first taken aback when they saw them, and they were shot down before they raised their guns. It wasn't that Diago's marksmanship was good, but the clothes were better than body armor.


At a corner of the corridor, Qin Fei pulled Diago and pulled him back behind him.

"Someone ahead."

Qin Fei poked his head cautiously from the corner and took a look.

Two Somali soldiers stood at the door of the room seven or eight meters away, holding AK-47s in their hands.

"I think people are here." Qin Fei said, "I haven't seen anyone guarding the door of the room before."

Diago was a little excited: "So, is my uncle in there too?"

"I don't know." Qin Fei said, "Maybe he was killed."

Diago's face stretched suddenly.

"Go, let's walk over generously, you are responsible for the dialogue, I am responsible for shooting." After speaking, they pulled Diago and pretended that nothing happened, and walked out from the corner swaggeringly.


The two Somali soldiers at the door suddenly raised their guns and pointed them at Qin Fei alertly.

"My own person! My own person!" Diago waved his hands in a hurry: "Don't shoot indiscriminately! We escaped from there, and all the mercenaries escaped."

The guard immediately believed it.

After all, Diago speaks pure Somali and is a serious black man. His costume and the cloth strips on his arms show that he is his own group.

"Where did they hit?" the guard asked nervously.

Diago said: "I'll be here soon, let's run now!"

"No!" A guard said stupidly: "There are rich men caught here, the boss said, and I will take them back to Mogadishu later."

"Where is the boss?"

As Qin Fei approached, Diago kept talking.

The two guards were really not wary yet, and they answered truthfully: "The boss is inside. He is asking the rich guys to call his family and ask them to send the money to Mogadishu through the middleman. "

"Oh!" Diago nodded, and the two of them had already reached the guard.

"What shall we do? Are we going to go in and inform the boss?" a guard asked nervously.

Qin Fei felt that he was lucky. The guys he met were more idiots, and walking so close, he didn't realize that he was pretending to be.

"Huh?" One of the guards finally slowed down. "Why do you two look a bit unfamiliar?"

"I'm making an international joke!"

Diago’s acting skills are really superb~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei thinks that if this guy is not a special forces commander, he might go to Hollywood and have a black interest like Denzel Washington or Morgan Freeman. The actor is as successful.

"How could it be possible to face him?" Diago was puzzled. He and Qin Fei covered their faces, how could they recognize them?

"No..." A guard stared at Qin Fei's forehead, raised his finger and nodded: "Your forehead..."

Diago turned his head to look at Qin Fei, and suddenly jumped down.

After a fight and sweating, the body of the dead Somali soldier rubbed Qin Fei's forehead and wiped off a piece of paint.

Qin Fei also seemed to feel that something was wrong with him, and it might have been exposed.

"What's wrong with me? Why are you all staring at me?"

"You..." The lights were too dim, and the two guards seemed a little unsure if they were dazzled.

"What's wrong with him?" Diago pretended to be confused: "Did the color fade?"

"It seems..." The two guards didn't seem to appreciate Diago's words all of a sudden. They wanted to say "It seems to have faded", but nothing seemed right.

Yeah, how can people fade... and it's not a plastic toy...

Qin Fei had already fully understood what had happened, his hand had been hit on the pistol on his waist, and he winked at Diago.

"Yes, don't look at it, it's faded."

After that, while the two guards were completely unguarded, one shot and one bullet was delivered.

The two puppets guarding the short line fell to the ground as soft as they were.

Qin Fei and Diago supported them and slowly put them on the ground.

"The people are inside. Your uncle's death depends on luck." Qin Fei said, "I left you right after entering the door. Be careful not to shoot the hostages."

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