Absolute Honor

Chapter 376: Instigate

"It's a BRDM-2 armored reconnaissance vehicle." Lao Yu retracted the low-light mirror and handed it to Qin Fei.

"Fuck! Where did they get this stuff?" Qin Fei asked.

Lao Yu sighed: "This training camp originally had five such vehicles. They were old equipment from the Soviet era. Robert bought them here for training purposes for Cambert. They are equipped with a 14.5MMKPVT heavy machine gun. It was this thing that shot us."

Qin Fei put the low-light sight back on the AK-47 and asked: "It's strange, if it is a 14.5MM heavy machine gun, it is easy for them to kill us. Why do they only shoot at the roof?"

The old fish shook his head: "I don't know. They didn't seem to intend to kill us like this?"

Qin Fei said: "It doesn't seem to be of any benefit to them if it is dragged on. A large force of reinforcements is about to arrive."

"Regardless of them, it's good for us to delay anyway." Lao Yu said, "Let's take one step at a time."

"Qin Fei!"

Outside the house, someone suddenly shouted into the barracks through a loudspeaker.

Lao Yu and Qin Fei looked at each other, but Qin Fei remembered this person's voice——FOX.

"It seems that you really know each other." Old Yu said: "Did your kid soak up his daughter?"

Qin Fei smiled and said, "I don't even remember it myself. But I remember this person is called FOX, a former SEAL team member, and I played against him."

"Have played against?" The old fish looked at Qin Fei meaningfully: "I have always had a guess in my heart. You are not a soldier of an ordinary reconnaissance unit, and the scouts of an ordinary army have no chance to fight against the seals. Qin Fei, if I didn't guess Wrong, you have something to do with a secret force that I know. It’s just that I can’t figure out how would you end up in Africa if you were a member of that force? There are only two types of people coming out of that force."

"Secret troops? Two kinds of people? Which two?" Qin Fei said blankly.

The old fish said: "I don't have time to tell you in detail now. If we can go back alive this time, I will try to check your origins for you. That secret army does not belong to any army in the establishment, and two kinds of people can Get out of that army-one is retiring with the righteousness, and the other is defecting..."

His gaze flickered at Qin Fei, "I believe you will not defect, so I denied my conjecture. If you are really a member of that force, it is impossible to escape as a criminal. They will The End of the World hunts you down, never giving up, no time limit, until you lie in the coffin."

Qin Fei was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"How do you know so clearly?"

Lao Yu sighed, "Because I am the first of the two kinds of people I just mentioned."

"Qin Fei——"

FOX's voice spread into the barracks again.

"FOX!" Qin Fei called out the other party's name through the crack of the door, "Is there anything to do with me?"

"I didn't expect to see you in Africa. We are really fate." FOX said: "I don't have time to talk with you. Now, I give you a choice. I am not interested in you, but I am by your side. The kid from is interested."


Qin Fei turned his head suspiciously and looked at Kunchai.

In the darkness, Kunchai's breathing became rapid and heavy.

"You mean Kunchai?" Qin Fei asked loudly.

"Yes, as long as you hand him over, I will retreat immediately and let all of you have a way of life. You must know that I am not interested in participating in tonight's affairs. I am just coming over to complete my small task when it happens. I am not interested in involving the beast. The personal grievances of the camp." FOX said: "Hand over Kun Guai, and the grievances between you and me will be wiped out!"

"Your little task is to ask Christian for the account and password of UBS Bank, right?" Qin Fei asked.

There was a sudden silence on FOX, and only a moment later he said: "Don't deliberately delay the time to talk to me, you know I am not for money."

Qin Fei frowned.

Not for money?

That's 3 billion U.S. dollars.

If it's not for money, then for what?

Is there any other secret in Kun Guai?

He glanced at the Kunchai behind him, and said: "3 billion dollars, you are really generous."

"Don't go around with me." FOX said: "You know I am not for money. You also know that I have a grudge between you and me. You killed several of my team members and Santos. I can do this. No, the condition is to hand over Kunchai."

"How do I know that if you hand over someone, you will let us go? You have a 14.5MMKPVT heavy machine gun in your hand. As long as the person is in your hand, if you regret it, as long as you sweep it all round, we will all die." Qin Fei deliberately Dawdling.

But Kun guessing behind him was frightened and whispered: "Boss, you really want to hand me over, right?"

Qin Fei glared at the boy: "Stupid! If you really handed over you, do you think you will still linger until now?"

The FOX outside seemed to see through that Qin Fei was delaying time, so his opponent said: "Give them some pressure and let them know who is sitting in the bank now."

All the things-

The 14.5MMKPVT heavy machine gun sprayed out long tongues of flame, and dozens of large-caliber bullets collapsed another corner of the house.

The rich guys were once again frightened and panicked, screaming in surprise, lying on the ground with their heads in their arms.

"Give you one minute. If you don't hand over Kunchai, you will just wait for others to collect your corpses!" FOX angrily said, "The others in the room listen. If you don't want to bury this kid called Kunchai, just immediately Hand him over, otherwise I will smash you into pieces in a minute! Let your parents not come out of you!"

FOX's words caused a commotion in the barracks.

Many commandos began to whisper, nothing more than to consider whether it is worth dying for such a person collectively ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or should not be involved in private grievances and other nonsense.

"Mr. Minister." A chief whispered to Lawrence: "I think the people outside are not directed at us, but at them. You see, we are all here, as long as one person is sent out, We can live..."

Qin Fei drew out the gun, against the chief’s forehead, and said coldly: "If you think we are dragging you down, you can go out now and see if they will let you go, but if you want To hand over my people, first you ask whether my gun agrees or not!"

The commandos saw Qin Fei raising their guns, and they all raised their guns at Qin Fei.

Everyone in the X mercenary group naturally stood on Qin Fei's side, and raised their guns at the commandos.

"It's all your own! Don't conflict! Don't mess up your position first!"

Lawrence and Diago were caught in the middle, one blocking one side.

"All put down the guns!" Diago persuaded Qin Fei bitterly: "This is not the time for internal fighting..."

"These ungrateful bastards!" The sight could not help cursing: "They don't want to think about it. Without Qin Fei, they would venture in and rescue them. Now these rich guys are **** on a boat and sent to Mogadishu. Go! What a chance to bargain with us here!?"

Qin Fei gritted his teeth and said, "My own person, I take care of myself, and it is no one's turn to decide his fate!"

His gun pointed forward: "Diago, you dare to stop me, I will kill you together!"

Diago knew that Qin Fei was sure to do what he said, and sweated down.

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