Absolute Honor

Chapter 388: politician

"Well, since Qin, you speak in person, no matter how difficult it is, I will help you." Lawrence said with loyalty: "Give me three minutes. I will contact a few important people immediately. Although I am the Minister of Defense, Everything is not my sole decision."

   Of course, Qin Fei would not be so stupid to believe that Lawrence would contact some "important person" in the middle of the night.

   The bureaucracy is the same in any country and region in the world.

   Entrusting them to do things, they always have to complicate a simple thing first. This is one of the important courses of "Leadership"-to disturb the water beforehand.

Otherwise, the parties will not be too grateful for things that are too easy to accomplish. What they need is that you feel that this matter is more troublesome than heaven and earth. When it comes, I will tell you how to overcome all difficulties, and finally get things done. .

   In this way, no matter how high the price is paid, it is still worth it.

   "Well, then I will ask Mr. Minister." Qin Fei raised his wrist and looked at his watch. "But I am really in a hurry. I hope Mr. Minister can tell me the answer as soon as possible."

   "Don't worry." Secretary Lawrence said.

   cut off the communication, Qin Fei handed the microphone back to Diago.

   The sight came up.

   "Wow! That's tens of millions!" The sight said: "Qin, you are really willing to spend tens of millions in exchange for Kunchai's life. He really does not lose the boss of you."

   Qin Fei blushed slightly, and said, "Sight, I'm sorry, the money tonight was originally shared by everyone, and everyone has put it back. I was eager to save Kun guessing, so I was good at advocating."

"No, no, no, I think you have misunderstood what I mean." The sight shook his head and said, "I didn't mean to blame you. On the contrary, I feel lucky. To be honest, I was a mercenary to you before. The leader of the regiment was a little unhappy. After all, you haven't been a mercenary for a few days. If you asked me to choose at first, I would rather choose Lao Yu instead of you."

   "But after getting along during this time, I changed my mind. Do you know what is the most important thing about being a mercenary?" asked the sight.

   "What is it?" Qin Fei asked, "Is it money?"

"No, no, no." The sight shook his head again, "Of course money is important, but not the most important. Many people think that money is the most important thing to be a mercenary. When you reach an unreliable boss, you have no chance to spend the money you earn. Therefore, a reliable boss is more important than money."

   Qin Fei was embarrassed when he was said by the sight.

   Seeing Qin Fei was still a little embarrassed, and the crosshair comforted: "In fact, it's nothing. Guess that kid said that he has a $3 billion inheritance? Then wait for him to get it and then compensate us."

   "Okay." Qin Fei nodded: "When I save him and get the money, I will ask him to repay everyone twice."

   was talking, Diago ran back again.


   He handed the microphone up.

   "My uncle is online."

   Qin Fei glanced at his watch, and it really took three minutes.

   "Qin, I have good news for you."

Lawrence said on the channel: "Just now I have communicated with the Air Force Commander and Mr. President. Originally, they did not agree. I said that you are the great hero to calm the turmoil tonight. We owe a favor to them. I decided to consider it. In the end, I had to promise them that no matter whether the MB-339 sent out was lost or not, you are willing to sponsor the construction of our military with all the money you got tonight. It took me a lot of saliva to convince them. them……"

Qin Fei found out that Diago’s actor talent is not unique. Maybe their family is inherited from this actor talent. Minister Lawrence’s words are really a genius. It’s late at night. Who believes Mr. President is here? Can you get through the phone within three minutes and discuss such an important matter?

   Obviously, the Minister of Lawrence himself has enough power to mobilize the air force. What I said just now is just asking for credit.

   Regardless of whether there is a loss or not, you have to come up with money.

   This pot is not an ordinary dish, anyway, Minister Lawrence won't lose half a point.

   is indeed a veteran officialdom!

"Well, in this case, I would like to thank you Mr. Minister so much." Qin Fei said: "But I have a request. I still hope to get the right to operate the training camp. I don’t know if Mr. Minister has What objection?"

"Ah, of course there is no objection." Lawrence said without hesitation: "Qin, tonight you have proved the strength of you and your mercenary group with your actual record. I believe it will be less than a week, the reputation of the X mercenary group. It will resound throughout Africa. Even the old mercenary company will give you three points of courtesy and cooperate with you. Of course, I have no objection."

   Qin Fei secretly said in his heart, of course you won't have any objections. Cooperating with those old-brand companies I am afraid that it is easier to get rich profits without cooperating with the X mercenary group. The newly-built mercenary group is easier to control than the old military private companies.

   Lawrence is indeed a human spirit, and all the details are considered exhaustive.

"Well, MB-339 is already on the road. They just turned around, and now they have turned back to the direction of the appointment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't worry, I won't let the guys who have been wild on my turf. Then leave our borders easily. As for the helicopter, you ask Diago to arrange for you, and I won’t bother anymore. Tonight has happened too much. I think I should go back and have a rest. Good luck, Qin. , I hope I can hear the good news of your triumph when I get up tomorrow morning."

   "I accept your words." Qin Fei politely thanked him: "I will remember Mr. Minister's help."

   The communication was cut off, Diago looked at Qin Fei with a smile and said, "Qin, the helicopter will be here soon, you are here and so on."

   A BRDM-2 drove over, Lao Yu, Polar Bear and Chen Yong jumped out of the car and removed the original equipment of the X mercenary group from the cabin.

"Damn!" The front sight picked up his modified SVD, pulled down the bolt, checked the rifling and sights, and after making sure that there was no problem, exclaimed excitedly: "Brothers, let's go! Damn it! Help the seals!"

   The UH-1 helicopter landed slowly on the side of the road, and the dust was rolled up.

"The plane is coming." Diago pointed to the helicopter and said, "Qin, I will not accompany you. I will switch the communication channel of your group to the same channel as our air force command platform. You can control two MB- 339 conducts direct command. They have received my uncle’s order and they are yours to use tonight."

   Qin Fei was a little surprised.

   These big African gangsters are really good, at least they are really doing things with the money, and they directly gave themselves the command of the two attack aircraft.

   In that case, you don’t have to be polite.

   Qin Fei waved to everyone, "Go, brothers, let's save people!"

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