Absolute Honor

Chapter 395: search

When Qin Fei saw the crowds there, he had to go down the gangway.

The old fish suddenly grabbed Qin Fei, shook his head at him, and pointed to the side.

Qin Fei immediately understood.

On the deck on the right lie two dead bodies, two of the crew members who were swept down by a polar bear with an M60 machine gun.

Qin Fei made a gesture to Chen Yong, and the two moved gently, one of them dragged a corpse over and put it down at the entrance, and then the old fish helped one of the corpses up and threw it down the gangway.

Da da da--


What followed was a burst of intensive gunfire.

After a while, someone shouted from below: "Casefire! Ceasefire!"

After he had just called for a ceasefire, Qin Fei threw the other corpse down again. At the same time, the old fish tore off a grenade. When the corpse that Qin Fei threw down fell on the ground, he pulled off the safety ring and called out. Throw it in the direction of the sound.

As soon as the corpse fell to the ground, there was another burst of bullets.

Poor these two crew members, their bodies will be used as bait after they die, and they will be completely unrecognizable by guns.

The gunfire concealed the sound of the grenade being thrown in, and it was already a little late when someone found out that it had fallen under their feet.


The people who did not wait for the yelling issued a warning, and with a "boom" explosion, the screams filled the entire lower deck.

The sound of the explosion had not yet settled. Qin flew off the entrance and jumped down, and the man slid down the handrail of the gangway.

As soon as he landed, there was a pungent smell of gun smoke in his nostrils, and thick gun smoke filled the narrow cabin aisle. Qin Fei ripped off a grenade and threw it at the place where the screams came from. , And then ducked behind the corner.


There was another violent explosion, and the two men wailed and fell from behind the two hatches and fell into the aisle.

The okay enemy tried to rescue his accomplices, but was blown up by this grenade.

Qin Fei whispered at the old fish: "Next!"

Lao Yu and Chen Yong slid down like monkeys, Qin Fei bent over and walked forward with a gun, Lao Yu was behind, and his muzzle protruded from Qin Fei's side, while Chen Yong turned around to take charge of the rear defense.

The three of them kept advancing along the narrow aisle like a bug.

At the end of the aisle, an enemy rushed out. Qin Fei shot him down, and the old fish aimed at the four enemies who were wailing on the ground.

Searching all the way, none of the crew members who were wounded and stunned by the grenade just now escaped the three-person team's supplementary fire.

When entering one of the doors to search, someone inside shot Qin Fei, the bullet grazed Qin Fei's helmet and hit the bulkhead. Qin Fei pulled the trigger and hit him against the wall.

Suddenly half of his body emerged from behind a cabinet on the right, holding an American M4 in his hand, and the old fish quickly filled his gun, knocking him out and fell to the ground.


After Qin Fei shouted these words, his muzzle fell.

Lao Yu immediately noticed something wrong with him, and said with concern: "What's the matter with you?"

"Behind my right arm..." Qin Fei frowned, "It hurts..."

Lao Yu quickly said to Chen Yong, "Keep the door."

With a gun in hand, Chen Yong ran to the door and squatted down, cautiously guarding.

"Let me see!" Lao Yu nervously inspected the back of Qin Fei's right shoulder.

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "There is no time to delay. It is estimated that there is a slight injury, and his hands can still move."

"If you don't see the wound, no one knows whether it is a minor injury or a major injury." The old fish insisted on his opinion, "Don't move!"

Qin Fei had no choice but to let the old fish inspect the injury. When he knocked down the first enemy, although the opponent's shot missed, Qin Fei felt a sharp pain in the back of his arm.

Fortunately, his training allowed him to grit his teeth in pain and insist on shooting. After killing the opponent, Qin Fei’s right arm was actually a bit numb from the pain. The person who appeared behind the cabinet on the left had no time to turn the gun. .

However, the advantage of this one-character search formation is that the old fish at the back can make up their guns at any time, otherwise Qin Fei might not be immune to serious injuries in his body armor at this time.

Lao Yu used a knife to cut a little bit of the camouflage uniform, and seemed to have found the impact point.

"Fortunately, it was a ricochet. It is estimated that it hit the steel door frame of the cabin door and bounced back and hit here." The old fish swiftly took out the disinfectant and cleaned the wound, using medical pliers to clamp the piece that was biting in the flesh. The 5.56 warhead on the top pulled it out, sprinkled the styptic powder on it, and stuck it with tape.

"It should be able to withstand it for a while. How do you feel now."

Qin Fei moved his arm, "It hurts a bit, but it's within the tolerance range."

"Now change me to the front, you go in the middle... Your luck seems to be bad today, the ricochet can hit you, and you just passed the place where the body armor of the shoulder was not wrapped..."

Before Lao Yu finished speaking, the door suddenly sounded like a gunshot.

"Enemy attack!"

While shouting, Chen Yong shot back at the end of the aisle with VZ58.

Obviously, there was a delay in the treatment just now. This ship is very large, with two floors in the lower cabin. It is estimated that people from other places heard the gunshots here and came over and found a bunch of people dead, so they got into fire with Chen Yong. .

The situation seemed a bit beyond Qin Fei's expectations.

Because this is a cabin, it is very narrow everywhere, which leads to not many places to hide. Even if you have received rigorous military training, the narrower the place, the less useful you will be. Often in places with small space ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone is fighting for firepower and equipment, as well as reaction speed and marksmanship.

Knowing that Qin Fei and others were hiding in this cabin, the other party seemed to have no intention of letting Qin Fei and the others appear. The bullet had not been short, and sparks splashed on the metal door frame.

Because most of the ship's structure is steel and iron, it is easy to produce ricochet, and in places with limited space, the lethality of ricochet is several times that of flat ground or mountain.

"Be careful!" Qin Fei held up his gun and wanted to go up to help Chen Yong. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw two dark objects tumbling all the way from the opposite side of the aisle and directly to the door.


The three of them hid in the corner of the room almost at the same time.



The sound waves produced by the explosion made Qin Fei's head hum. Fortunately, he was wearing a communication headset and his ears were covered under the helmet. Otherwise, the eardrums would be in danger of breaking.

Without any hesitation, Qin Fei stretched out the VZ58 from a distance of about forty centimeters from the ground, and shot it all at once.

He must shoot immediately. Generally, special forces attack will take advantage of the opportunity to charge immediately after a grenade or sound and light grenade explodes.

This is the best way to get close to the target with the smallest casualty factor.

And the danger at the height of 40cm will be much lower. Even if the opponent keeps aiming at the door, most people will aim at a height of more than one meter, because there is the upper body part of the human body.

The VZ58's extremely high rate of fire poured out more than a dozen bullets in an instant, and Qin Fei immediately reaped the rewards. The screaming sound meant that the opponent had been shot by his own gun.

"Damn! Are you guys throwing grenades?!"

Qin Fei pulled off a grenade, pulled off the buckle to loosen the shrapnel, and threw it out after waiting for more than a second.

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