Absolute Honor

Chapter 400: Battle on the deck

The guy let out a short "huh", then slammed his neck to the ground, struggling constantly, like a pig whose throat had just been cut and bleeding.

Qin Fei stood up abruptly from behind the concealment, and the USP pistol in his hand pulled the trigger several times, putting down the two hapless guys who watched his accomplices and didn't know what happened.

To be on the safe side, when he walked to the three of them, Qin Fei didn't be stingy with bullets, but shot everyone's head with a shot. These guys may be wearing body armor, and he can't give the three of them a chance to make a sound.

After it's done, search the surrounding area once and make sure that the bow of the ship has no liveliness.

"It's going to explode." The old fish pointed to his watch and reminded Qin Fei in a low voice, "There are still fifty seconds left!"

Lao Yu's time bomb was installed at the bow of the ship, perhaps near Qin Fei.

He didn't dare to delay, changed a new magazine as he walked, and walked along the edge of the deck back to the front sight.

"It's going to explode, go!" Qin Fei said, "According to the plan, the front sight and Chen Yong went to the stern to find the lifeboat, the old fish and the polar bear. Let's stop the FOX team and don't let them slip away."

After talking, don’t stop, now is the time when every second counts. The whole ship is in a dangerous situation. There is a time bomb in the bow, and the engine compartment under the ship is on fire. No one knows when the fuel explosion will happen. Kind of thing.

Now everyone is like stepping on a pile of moving explosives, whoever can take the first opportunity to kill anyone, or leave here, will win the final victory.

"OK!" The sight made a gesture and told Qin Fei: "There is a speedboat behind them, not a lifeboat."

"how do you know?"

"Just now I saw a section of their stern exposed, with a high-horsepower engine on it. The lifeboat doesn't have that stuff."

After speaking, the two groups acted separately.

The sight took Chen Yong, who was slightly injured, to the left side of the ship to find a lifeboat.

Because the starboard side has been hit by an anti-ship missile, and the damage is severe, even if a lifeboat can be found there, the elevator does not know whether it is still intact. Time is precious and no one can afford to waste it.

Soon, the trio of Qin Fei, Lao Yu, and Polar Bear arrived under the pilot building.

"You attack from the left side of the driver's tower. I will go upstairs and attack from above." Qin Fei finished speaking and asked, "How much time is left."

"Fifteen seconds." Lao Yu looked at the electronic military watch on his wrist without blinking his eyelids.

"The sound of the explosion is a signal, and it will be done as soon as it explodes." After speaking, Qin Fei quickly ran upstairs along the gangway of the pilot building.

On the road, occasionally I saw one or two dead bodies lying on the ground. Those were the masterpieces of previous sights and polar bears.

Running to the third floor, Qin Fei looked down on the deck at the stern of the ship.

On the water at the stern, a speedboat capable of carrying six people has been undulating on the sea, while four sailors are standing by a gallows at the stern, shaking the chain-bound roulette together to bring another speedboat to the sea. Put it in the water.

FOX had arrived on the first speedboat at this time, and beside him was Kunchai who was tied into a zongzi with rags in his mouth.

Tonight is indeed not a lucky night for the FOX team.

After the Hornet was hit on the starboard side by an anti-ship missile, the first thing FOX thought of was Kunchai.

When he brought the old cat and his men to the cabin where Kunchai was being held, the scene in front of him almost made him go crazy.

Jones, the field-tested blasting expert and the interrogation expert of the FOX team, fell to the ground like a dead fish. Kun guessed like a madman, grabbing a dagger and digging a hole in Jones who was so deadly dead.

And that knife, FOX recognized as an extreme force on Jones himself-the fulcrum whaling fork.

This kind of knife is famous for its tough straight blade and the creepy inverted teeth on the back of the knife.

Just one glance, FOX knew Jones was not saved.

The sniper cat rushed up and kicked Kunchai into the corner. He pulled out the pistol and pulled the trigger at him.

In the end, FOX stopped.

Before getting what you want, Kun Guess is more important than anything else.

The old cat was so angry that he almost lost his reason. You must know that Jones is a veteran member of the FOX team, and is different from the new members of the big bear Knok and Adams who were killed by Qin Fei before. This is one of the tribulations that have been with him. pay.

Compared with the anger of the old cat, Kun Guai was surprisingly calm, spitting at the old cat provocatively, and greeted the younger women of the old cat's family with his mouth.

Had it not been for FOX's efforts to stop him, the old cat would have melted Kun guessing.

As a former SEAL member, it was a shame to die in the gutter after a hundred battles and die in the hands of an unknown character.

FOX also felt pressure and heart palpitations.

Since meeting the two guys Qin Fei and Kun Guai, the FOX team, which was almost invincible in the past, is almost as if a **** leaned over. People die one after another, and missions fail one after another.

Tonight, FOX never expected to meet Qin Fei, an old enemy here. The group was dispatched by the **** of wealth in the Black Sun organization-Guizi Liu Li Wen's order. After Kunchai disappeared, look for the illusory illusion. The hope of the account number and password or the bank safe number and key fell on the senior officials of UBS Bank.

And CFO Christian happened to be Robert's friend, and he would go to the beast camp every year to watch death fighting, so Li Wen took advantage of the loopholes.

Hijacking Christian, using his ID and password to enter the system, and then obtaining relevant information, this is the risky plan proposed by Li Wen.

Just before Christian confessed, Qin Fei appeared in the fighting hall and successfully spoiled the fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everything originally made FOX upset. Fortunately, Seweng lost his horse. Let FOX feel like he has won the jackpot.

In front of Kunchai, Christian doesn't seem so important anymore. Because even if you use the CFO's ID to enter the UBS banking system database, finding clues such as the account number left by Zhang Lan there is not much different from finding a needle in a haystack.

I thought that the animal camp wharf had been evacuated, and everything seemed to have gone to normal according to plan.

To FOX’s surprise, in this case Qin Fei still did not give up Kun Guai, chasing like a mad dog, and did not know where the Eritrean air force was transferred from, and he blew up his ship. .

When the explosion occurred from the bow position, FOX, who was already sitting in the speedboat, almost jumped from his seat.


He cursed viciously, spat into the sea, and shouted to the sniper cat and the team member Hawk who were still on the deck: "The kid surnamed Qin must be killed!"

"OK!" The old cat was also full of resentment towards Qin Fei.

So many people died in Qin Fei's hands, which made the old cats and other veteran special forces members feel like a faceless face.

In particular, this turned out to be a member of the special forces of country Z, which made it difficult for him, who had always been conceited, to accept it.

As the explosion sounded, the old fish and the polar bear hiding on the left side of the driver's building were the first to attack. The gunfire started and the two sailors who were guarding on the deck fell to the ground.

Qin Fei was condescending from the third floor, seeing everyone clearly.

He saw the old cat and also FOX.

FOX has activated the motor, and white water splashes are sprayed from the tail of the speedboat.

He wanted to escape.

The second is more.

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