Absolute Honor

Chapter 403: Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins

The situation quickly fell into a funny stalemate.

Qin Fei and FOX shot each other for a while in their respective speedboats, and no one could hurt anyone.

When two opponents of similar level shoot at each other in such a place where there is no use of terrain, it is really useless.

FOX did not escape either.

Qin Fei estimated that this guy's speedboat engine was hit somewhere by his own shot when he left the Hornet, which led to a complete strike when he drove here.

FOX, you can't go, and Qin Fei can't attack.

After weighing the situation, Qin Fei decided to take a risk.

Lying under the cabin, Qin Fei lowered his posture as much as possible, holding the throttle lever and twisting the speedboat's head, and rushed towards the FOX boat with a roar.


The gunshots on the other side kept sounding, obviously FOX didn't want Qin Fei to get close to him.

The bullet hit the bow, which was the strongest part of the entire speedboat, and the power unit was at the stern, which did not stop Qin Fei from advancing.

Seeing Qin Fei's speedboat rushing towards him, it seemed that he didn't mean to evade in the slightest, and FOX felt a little chilly.

He originally thought that Qin Fei was just taking the opportunity to get closer and fight himself to the death. If that is the case, it is actually more beneficial to FOX, after all, he is a static brake, waiting for work.

But he seemed to underestimate Qin Fei's IQ too.

Qin Fei considered all these details and possible accidents one by one.

He didn't plan to approach FOX with a speedboat, he just wanted to use a speedboat to hit FOX.

Qin Fei can no longer consider the consequences of a high-speed boat collision and whether it will affect Kun Guai.

Rather than staying in a stalemate like this, and not helping the situation at all, Kun guessed that it was an unchangeable fact in FOX's hands, and FOX was not a fool. He would hardly make mistakes to find loopholes and opportunities.

Once deadlocked, crazy means must be used to break the balance.

No matter whether things are going for good or bad after doing it, at least if the balance is broken, there will be a chance to reverse the situation.

From FOX’s point of view, the special forces soldier in front of him is simply an out-and-out neuropathy. From the first encounter with this young soldier of the Z country in the southwestern rainforest, FOX feels that he has had good luck in his life. It came to a full stop.

He has also heard of the special forces of country Z before, and knows that the special forces of this country have always been in a state of strict secrecy, at least not as high as SEAL’s exposure rate, not to mention that in the world, the special forces are still very young. Special forces have no great reputation at all.

But what I didn't expect was that such a young soldier, who was almost a "rookie", would wipe out his entire team.

Big Bear Knock, Dretto, Mark, Adams...

Now even the old cat seems to be horrible.

Thinking of this, FOX suddenly became angry and mad. He couldn’t wait to tear up the special forces soldier hiding in the speedboat. He couldn’t wait to use his saber to cut the opponent’s veins and let him drain the last drop of blood. , Die after suffering the last trace of torture!

Veteran FOX, finally lost his mind.

Go **** mission!

Fuck the **** of wealth!

Fuck the black sun organization!

At this time, FOX has only one strong idea in his heart-kill Qin Fei!

The M4A1's muzzle exploded with flames, and FOX fired a long burst at the approaching speedboat. One magazine was emptied and the other magazine was quickly replaced.

In the dark, the barrel of the M4A1 gradually showed a dark red color, and the rapid continuous fire power caused the barrel temperature to rise sharply.

A magazine...

Two magazines...


The bullet shells ejected from the projectile fell on the bottom of the cabin, and landed next to Kunchai who was trapped in his hands and feet. Suddenly, this kid felt very deep and straight.

He saw the anger that could burn everything in FOX's eyes.

This guy is going to fight Qin Fei for life and death!

The bow of Qin Fei’s speedboat has shot countless small holes, and the fine glass fiber flies everywhere, and the dense gunfire makes a kind of fear. Although the hull is hard enough, as the distance gets closer and closer, no one dares to guarantee There will not be a lucky bullet that penetrates all the compartments and hits the body.

He had to curl up as much as possible, narrow the range of being hit, and reduce the probability of being hit.

When FOX changed the magazine for the fourth time, Qin Fei's ship had already rushed forward and crashed into it!

FOX was thrown out directly, and fell into the sea with a thud, splashing a small wave.

The immense momentum caused Qin Fei's bow of the fragile speedboat that had been smashed into a sieve by bullets to shatter with a crisp sound, and the motor of the speedboat where FOX was located was smashed into pieces.

Qin Fei was thrown out, but fortunately he had been lying on the bottom of the ship, so he just slid out and hit the instrument panel in front of him.

There was no explosion.

This is simply a miracle.

In fact, the reason why the explosion did not occur was that Qin Fei missed and collided. The reason why FOX’s speedboat was overtaken was not because the engine failed after being shot by Qin Fei’s gun, but that a bullet shot by Qin Fei hit one of the fuel pipes~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Without knowing it, FOX was fleeing in a leaking speedboat until it ran out of fuel.

Qin Fei got up from his boat, carefully searched the surrounding sea with his gun, and skipped FOX's speedboat lightly.

Kun Guai saw Qin Fei, his mouth was blocked, although he couldn't speak, but his mouth made a cry for help.

Qin Fei pulled out the M9 saber in his waist with one hand, and cut off the restraint belts on Kun Guai's hands and feet.

Kunchai rubbed his red-marked wrist and couldn't believe it was true.

"Boss... you are really my lucky star, savior!"

"Hush—" Qin Fei didn't glance at this guy, but stared at the water with a gun.

He knows that it is absolutely impossible that FOX will not be so finished.

SEAL commandos have to undergo professional underwater training, and even have to tie their hands and feet and throw them into the pool to find a way to escape.

A qualified SEAL can hold his breath for at least five minutes underwater.

FOX was just thrown out by the impact just now and was not injured at all.

Now, he must be somewhere underwater, looking for an opportunity to surface and kill himself.

However, Qin Fei is also very clear now that the advantage has reached his side. As long as he guards carefully, the other party will definitely surface. No matter how powerful SEAL is, it is only a mortal, not a fish in the sea. It is absolutely impossible to dive underwater. Do not float your head.

The surroundings were terribly quiet, Kunchai also felt this tense atmosphere, and couldn't help but lie down without daring to raise his head.

Rhythmically, the waves were afraid of hitting the broken sides of the speedboat, and the water slowly began to dip into the cabin.

Suddenly, Qin Fei heard the sound of water coming from behind him...

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