Absolute Honor

Chapter 414: lie

While hesitating, Jin Donghai suddenly laughed blankly. Why should he hesitate? Why bother to struggle?

Recalling everything that Qin Fei did after his appearance before, did he hope that he would return to the country and return to the army?

In fact, it is very simple to ask Qin Fei to go back. When he enters the door, he tells his identity directly, and then makes a call back to Unit 203. I believe someone will come from China within 48 hours, and then directly send Qin Fei back to the country.

Didn't everything he actually did prove that he didn't want Qin Fei to go back?

Just like a buzzword nowadays-the mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

My hypocrisy shocked myself.

In this case, Jin Donghai felt that there was no need to disclose any information to Qin Fei. Qin Fei’s amnesia was not caused by himself anyway. Assuming that Qin Fei did not happen to walk into the base today, the two would not meet, and people in China would not know. Qin Fei was still or, and he thought he was dead.

For a soldier who has already held a funeral, it would be better to let him continue to "conclude the coffin".

"Qin Fei, don't take that matter too seriously." Jin Donghai pretended to sympathize: "Although you committed a crime, the person you killed was a local gangster. As your comrade in arms, I respect the law, but in my heart I respect you as a man. As for the escape from prison, I read the news reports, and you fainted a few policemen and did not hurt anyone. From this point of view, you are merciful. NS."

With that, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, handed one to Qin Fei, and then untied Qin Fei's hand.

"First smoke a cigarette," he said.

Qin Fei looked at the domestic cigarette with white smoke in his hand, and a familiar smell suddenly lingered in his mind.

Taking a sharp breath, he said: "If you plan to notify the local police to take me away, I won't resist. I might be destined to break into this place and meet you."

After a pause, he said: "I want to know, except that my father is now with Fan Tianlong in Hei Ri, where did my mother go?"

"Your mother..." Jin Donghai said, "I don't know the details, but after your accident, I heard that she didn't do any work in the hospital. She left her original residence and no one knew that he was going. Where..."

Jin Donghai lied half-truths.

The most powerful lie is this kind of half-truth, half-truth, plausible falsehood, true and false.

It is true that Liang Shaoqin resigned sadly because of Qin Fei's affairs and left his hometown. However, Jin Donghai still heard of Liang Shaoqin's whereabouts through a mess.

He knew that Liang Shaoqin had gone to Doctors Without Borders. Most of the members of this organization practice medicine in Africa. Therefore, he was unwilling to tell the truth. What if, with Qin Fei's stubborn temperament, he was looking for his mother everywhere in Africa, once the two met, wouldn't everything he did was useless?

From the inner analysis, Jin Donghai has no malice towards Qin Fei, at least he is unwilling to harm Qin Fei with his own hands, but he is willing to lie for An Ruosu.

Of course a lie will not always become the truth.

Qin Fei's amnesia might recover someday, at least from now on, he remembers some, but he doesn't remember some, he must be slowly recovering.

Jin Donghai's thoughts were even naive. He imagined that Qin Fei might not recover his memory until several years later.

In the past few years, it was enough for him to do many, many things.

He can use all means to gain An Ruosu's heart. When everything is done, it doesn't matter whether Qin Fei's memory is restored or not.

The important thing is the ending, not the process or the means.

Jin Donghai felt that he had found a justified reason.

"In addition, Qin Fei..." He said: "I have no plans to notify the local police to take you away. This is a military port and base under construction. My comrades and I are also very low-key and undisclosed. Our mission It’s just to ensure the safety here. Therefore, I am not a policeman and I have no plans to hand over you. Besides, Jebuti and our country have not signed extradition regulations. This is a non-aligned, neutral country."

Qin Fei was stunned, looking at Jin Donghai through the thick smoke screen, he felt that this guy didn't seem to be blindly grinning.

"Donghai..." He was really moved. So far, what can his comrades say?

"Don't get too excited. I will need your own cooperation later, otherwise it will be difficult for me to deal with business." Jin Donghai exhaled, "I ask you, what do you do now? Why do you have a gun? Are you a mercenary?"

Qin Fei nodded: "Well, I am a mercenary now, and I can't go back to China, so I formed a mercenary group on the African side with a few friends."

Jin Donghai said: "But why did you get to our base today?"

Qin Fei began to find himself in Africa, how to get to Eritrea due to a lot of twists and turns, and by coincidence, he participated in the **** fighting of the beast camp and won a lot of money, and then he was involved in a rebellion, and then to Kunchai. After being robbed, I tracked the opponent and accidentally entered the sea area of ​​Jebuti, and then fell into the water and was swept here by a storm.

Jin Donghai was shocked while listening.

Qin Fei's experience is simply a life of nine deaths and can be directly used to make a Hollywood blockbuster. If it weren't for the almost cruel and rigorous training of Unit 203, maybe he really wouldn't live today. Even with such rigorous training, those who can survive Qin Fei's experience are people with extraordinary luck.

This kid is really fate!

Jin Donghai is even a little jealous ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a few months, he has become the leader of a mercenary group, and he is also making a lot of dollar bills.


He remembered a sentence-wolves travel the world to eat meat!

21 What is the rarest thing in the world?


Talents, you can eat fragrant and spicy food everywhere, even in the barren land where birds don't **** in Africa, they can get mixed up.

Qin Fei's experience made Jin Donghai determined to conceal Qin Fei's identity.

Anyway, this kid is doing well now, wouldn't it be good if this goes on!

The guilt in Jin Donghai's heart gradually disappeared. If there was still that 5% hesitation before, it would have been wiped out by this time.

"Qin Fei, I don't think we can stay here for too long. The longer you stay here, the greater the chance of exposure, which will not affect me well. After all, you know, it is not easy for me to get into a major."

Jin Donghai looked at his watch: "The time is now 6:50, the sky has just dawned, and the workers will not start working until 8 o'clock. I intend to let you leave."

"Will this have any effect on you?" Qin Fei now feels that this comrade in arms is really interesting, and even ventured to let him go, "How do you explain it to the above?"

"You don't need to explain, you just have to insist that you are a mercenary, because the storm sunken ship accidentally arrived here." Jin Donghai said: "My report will say that, we are only here to perform the defense mission, there is no order to let us pass through here. The mercenaries are caught."

"Donghai, thank you so much." Qin Fei didn't know that the comrade in front of him had actually concealed all important information. He didn't even know that Jin Donghai was his comrade, but it was not a comrade in the reconnaissance unit. , But a teammate in Unit 203.

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