Absolute Honor

Chapter 416: Good news, bad news

The two of them were too late to say anything. Qin Fei was anxious to leave Jebuti. There was no sense of security in an unfamiliar place, and more importantly, there was the base of the M army.

I killed FOX at sea last night. Obviously, FOX escaped here to go to the M army base. Although Qin Fei didn’t understand how Hei Ri had something to do with the M army, at least in this situation, he didn’t. Willing to be surrounded by those Marines, and then captured back to their base to enjoy the C/IA hospitality.

"Old fish, now Kunchai and I are in Jebuti, you guys find a way to pick us up."

"Have you arrived at Jebuti?" Lao Yu said in surprise: "You chased FOX last night and chased Jebuti?"

"It's hard to say, it wasn't, but I was rushed here in the storm." Qin Fei remembered that when he chased FOX alone last night, Lao Yu and the others were still fighting with Lao Mao and others on the boat, so he asked: "You guys What was the situation last night? What happened to the other members of the FOX team?"

"We are okay, all the people in the FOX team died." Lao Yu said, "Later there was another UH-1, and the military killed them all with machine guns. By the way, did you catch up with FOX? Did you kill the guy?"

"He's also dead." I remembered that the FOX team he had been entangled with was completely wiped out. I couldn't say anything. As a soldier, these highly professional opponents are worthy of respect.

"Yeah, I know." The old fish changed his words and said, "Now I think of a way to pick you up. With the help of the military, the problem shouldn't be big. I will go through the formalities for you. Also, the beast camp is here. Some minor troubles have occurred, I think you have to come back and deal with it as soon as possible."

"What's the matter?" Qin Fei asked quickly.

"It's hard to say a word, let's talk about it when we meet."

Since Lao Yu said that, Qin Fei would not be able to ask further, so he asked the owner of the telephone supermarket for the specific location here.

Jebuty was formerly a French colony. In addition to the local language, the people here generally speak French and Arabic. After making gestures for a long time, I finally determined the location and reported the past to the old fish.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei remembered that Lao Yu mentioned that there was a problem in the animal camp. What kind of trouble would it be?

Leaving the telephone supermarket, Qin Fei and Kunchai found a roadside cafe next to them and sat down, ordering twice the juice and drinking while waiting for the old fish to pick them up.

Qin Fei originally thought that the appointment was not far from Jebuty, and the old fish arrived in at most a few hours. He didn't expect to see the old fish until dusk.

"Why is it so long?" Qin Fei looked at his watch. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, eight hours had passed since the two of them had just sat down.

"Is it a traffic jam?" Kun guessed half-jokingly.

"It's a **** if there is a traffic jam in this place."

I'm upset, I'm upset, I still have to wait.

This wait waited until the sun was about to go down and when it was getting dark, a Toyota Jeep appeared from the street and drove until the two of them stopped.

Qin Fei stared at the car alertly, winked at Chongkun Guess, and touched the handle of the USP gun stuck in his waist.

The car door opened, and the old fish appeared in sight, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good boy!" Lao Yu came up and punched Qin Fei again in the chest, "Is there any injury?"

Qin Fei shook his head: "It's all skin injuries, it doesn't matter."

The sight and the polar bear also appeared next to the car, and they surrounded Qin Fei when they came up to shoot and laugh.

The front sight said: "After we got the big ship last night, we wanted to find you, but the people from the military said that after searching their seas, they didn’t see you. They went to their base. I said you are really bold enough. There are many special forces from various countries and many bases here in Jebuti, and it is easy to enter the security zone of others."

He looked at Kun Guai again, and joked: "Did your kid scare you to pee last night?"

"I'm not that bad!" Kun guessed that he was most afraid of being said that he was timid. "On the boat, I even did a SEAL!"

"Well, we have seen it. You are picking up cheap. It is estimated that when you started, that person was already going to be dead, right?" The sight said: "I saw the corpse. When the missile hit the ship's side, that guy I have passed out."

After being told the truth, Kun guess blushed.

"Let's go, don't delay here, this place shouldn't stay long, we still go back to Eritrea." Qin Fei is sitting on pins and needles here, after all, this is not his own sphere of influence, and the M army is stationed, so it is the best plan to go.

Everyone swarmed into the car, and the front sight was in charge of driving. Qin Fei and Lao Yu and Kunchai sat in the back row. The polar bear with a taller figure naturally occupied the position of the co-pilot.

"Lao Yu, on the phone, you told me that there was good news and bad news, what's the matter?" Qin Fei asked.

The old fish smiled bitterly: "Do you want to hear the good news first or the bad news first?"

"Listen to the good news first." Qin Fei said: "Since the good or the bad can't be changed, please listen to the good news first."

"The good news is that the management and management rights of the animal camp are now ours." Lao Yu said

Qin Fei disapproved and said, "This is also good news? Didn't you say it earlier?"

Lao Yu smiled even more ugly: "Then you have to listen to the bad news~www.wuxiaspot.com~What is the bad news?" Qin Fei was a little puzzled. Now that the management of the animal camp is in hand, what else is bad? information?

Lao Yu said: "Secretary Lawrence called me today. He said that the Air Force lost one MB-339 and one UH-1, and two MB-339 pilots died. We have to bear the loss. "

"What!?" Qin Fei frowned, "This old fox is so greedy!? I told him that all the rewards we got from those rich guys last night belong to him, eight rich guys, everyone Almost all contributed 5 million U.S. dollars. Isn't these tens of millions not enough to make up for him?"

"It's probably not that simple anymore." Lao Yu said, "It was you who talked to him at the time, and now I can't help him if he turns his face and refuses to admit it."

"This **** who was kicked by a donkey!" Qin Fei couldn't help cursing: "I said yes last night, I won't give him a point if I get angry."

Lao Yu said: "It's not bad if you don't give it, but Lawrence said that if you don't give it, the management authority of the beast camp will be withdrawn, and he will give it to others to manage it."


Qin Fei was so angry that he had long heard that the black brothers in Africa were unreliable in doing things, but he did not expect that the dignified minister would also be of this virtue.

It seems that Diago's slippery head is really the "good" gene inherited from their family.

"Give me the satellite phone, I'll have a good talk with Lawrence." Qin Fei stretched out his hand, and the old fish gave him the satellite phone, without forgetting to remind Qin Fei: "I am a fish, don't be too impulsive, and talk. "

Qin Fei took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and dialed Lawrence's number.

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