Absolute Honor

Chapter 423: The origin of the Holy 10 Brotherhood

"Actually, the Assassin organization has not been completely erased."

Thor Eric finally put the last piece of French fries into his mouth, "At least in Europe, they have a branch, and that is the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross where I am."

"Branch?" This is the first time Qin Fei heard that there is such an assassination organization called "heresy" in Europe. What's more incomprehensible is that it is not the YSL religion but the JD religion that is practiced there. Two It is not an exaggeration to describe religion with the same force as water and fire.

"The Brotherhood of the Holy Cross is a branch of Assassin?!"

A Middle-Eastern assassination organization formed by the heretical tribe of YSL, unexpectedly hibernated in modern Europe, and this had to be shocking.

"Yes." Eric said without evasiveness: "Well, let me tell you a story. Maybe it's a long story, but I still hope you understand what my organization is all about. "

"I have time tonight." The sight was drunk and showed great interest in this topic. "What you and Qin said made me a little bit back to the time when I was a child in school, as if sitting in class listening to the teacher. Talking about the wild history of historical figures."

"Yes, on the surface, it is impossible for Assassin to have a branch in a place like Europe. The reason I think everyone is clear is that it is a question of faith."

Eric said: "But there are exceptions to everything in the world, and the Assassin branch in Europe-the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross is one of them. Back then, under the frenzy of the Crusades, this army had the strongest combat effectiveness. Do you know which unit is the big one?"

Eric's gaze swept across everyone's face, like the teacher who asked the question.

"Knights Templar." Qin Fei answered this question without even thinking about it.

"Yes, it is the famous Knights Templar." Eric said: "The Knights Templar was created by Hugo de Pain in 1119 with Gefri de Saint-Omo on the Temple Mount. The Al-Aqsa Mosque was used as a base to establish a monastic society, a mercenary-like organization for the purpose of protecting the safety of pilgrims."

"Because everyone is the master, the Templars and Assassin have become two opposite sides, and Assassin has also sent people to assassinate the leaders of the Crusades. During this period, the two sides have fought each other. In the long years. Here, in one of the assassinations, a knight named Lusigne de Molay fought against the most elite assassin of the old man in the mountains and chased him into the wild to kill him, but he was also seriously injured."

"At that time, Lusini’s fighting power and tenacious willpower shocked a seventh-generation mountain elder Sheikh Aladdin Mohamed who was secretly monitoring the assassination. Cure. Lucini didn't know that the other party was from Assassin. He thought it was just an ordinary old man, so he felt relieved to recover there."

"Sheikh Aladdin taught Lusini what he had learned all his life, but he knew that the two sides could only be the two sides of the eternal team. He just simply admired this young knight. Later Lussni was in a secret residence. After living in it for half a year, he finally decided to leave. Before leaving, Sheikh Aladdin Mohammed gave his portable dagger to this young man."

Eric took out the Damascus dagger and placed it on the table.

Under the dim light, the blade exudes a simple and heavy light, as if telling an unknown history.

Qin Fei didn't expect this exquisite Damascus dagger to be the blade of the legendary old man in the mountain, but he knew that this dagger was very valuable, as could be seen from its workmanship and the kind of craftsmanship that had been lost.

"When the two were parting, Sheikh Aladdin Mohammed confessed his true identity to Lusini, and Lussini was also grateful to the old man in the mountains for his care during this period. Although the two did not have the name of a teacher and apprentice, they did. As a master and apprentice. Lusini returned to the Knights Templar and continued to be his own knight. He never told anyone what happened to him after returning home, and concealed his year-long friendship with the old man in the mountain."

"Decades later, the Assassin faction suffered an extinction, and Lusini, who was as far away as Europe, became a grandfather, and his son inherited his mantle and became a Templar knight. The son has become the leader of the Knights Templar, and that is the last person in charge of the Knights Templar-Jacques de Molay."

"In 1291, the Knights Templar was almost completely annihilated in the battle of Kalier against Saint Jean Acre. The remaining Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller withdrew to Cyprus and returned to France. Thanks to the Crusades In the Eastern Expedition, the Templars in the form of mercenaries of the Holy See accumulated a lot of wealth. They were even large creditors of the French king. They had thousands of castles and huge wealth, which made the king and the bishop very envy and hate. So, the French king Philip IV weaves the accusation of "heresy" to eradicate them."

"On Friday, October 13, 1307 (this is one of the origins of the "Black Friday" superstition), there was no warning beforehand. Almost all members of the Knights Templar in France were arrested and restricted from using any property to prevent He was transferred out of the country. King Philip IV, the "beautiful man" who is always known for his savvy and capable, issued a secret letter, ordering officials to open at the same time and carry out his purge operations. In Paris alone, 138 members of the group were arrested, including among them. Chief Jacques de Molay."

"In order to save the lives of the members, Jacques de Molay compromised to confess his guilt to King Philip IV and gave up his credit and wealth in exchange for freedom. However, he was betrayed by Pope Clement V and King Philip IV. In the end, all the Templars were arrested and killed, and Jacques was also tied to the gallows and slowly roasted to death with fire."

"What Philip IV and Pope Clement V did not expect was that Jacques’ son had already received the true biography of his grandfather Lucini. After his father was killed, he left Paris and quietly established the “Saint The Brotherhood of the Cross’ organization recruited a large number of descendants and followers of the Templars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to train them to become assassins. They no longer believed in the Holy See, no longer believed in the imperial power, and believed that everything was saved by themselves. ."

"Philip IV and Pope Clement V died not long after Jacques was burned to death. The most widely spread outside is about the'templar curse' that Jacques issued to them before their death, Clay Mang V was struck and killed by lightning. King Philip IV lived only half a year longer than him. On November 29 of this year, he died while hunting. It is said that he was killed by a wild boar. One claim is doubtful, because Philip IV is a knight with extraordinary courage. It is said that he can easily carry two big men on his shoulders."

"In fact, the deaths of the two people are related to the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross, and it can be regarded as the first major event since the establishment of this assassination organization. Since then, this organization has learned the lessons of the Knights Templar. No longer show up, but go underground. For hundreds of years, he has strictly followed the discipline of the organization and undertaken high-level assassination missions. They have been seen in many assassinations in history, but very few people in this organization missed, even if they missed. It will only be a dead end, so not many people know it at all."

After hearing Eric finished the history of the "Brotherhood of the Holy Cross", everyone felt like they had fallen into the fog of history and could not find a way out.

No one thought that an African mercenary would be related to the killer organization in this dark world.

"Eric, I want to ask you something." After a long silence, Kun Guess was the first to speak, "Since you said that the assassin of the Brotherhood would die if he missed, why..."

His eyes slid over Eric's face, hesitant to speak.

Eric said straightforwardly: "You want to ask, why am I still alive?"

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