Absolute Honor

Chapter 434: bristle

Before driving out of the officers' club, Qin Fei finally stepped on the brake.

Diago ran towards the driving position of the car, and Qin Fei slowly lowered the window.

"Why the more you tell you to run?" Diago was sweating profusely, looking at Qin Fei panting, the smell of sweat mixed with the strong smell of cologne, making people even more drunk.

"I didn't see it." Qin Fei pretended to be surprised: "What? Is something wrong with me?"

"Of course something is going on!" Diago's very serious expression made his loved ones' hearts jump twice.

"Fati has been sealed off. The incident just now caused all the now established military police to be dispatched." Diago said, "Are you sure you want to leave the city now?"

Qin Fei said silently: "That's your business, and I don't want to participate. I have had enough of the battle last night. I will make an appointment to take a break."

"Take this." Diago took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Qin Fei: "When you get to the checkpoint out of the city, show them and say you are my friend. Tell them if you don't believe it, you can just call it. Call from the club, I think I will stay here until dawn, Fak, the **** kidnapper."

Qin Fei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Diago didn't come to ask the other people where they were going, but because of his going out of the city, he desperately pursued it.

Speaking of which, the actor is not a bad person, at least in his heart is relatively simple.

After receiving the business card in Diago's hand, Qin Fei nodded gratefully: "Thank you, then, I'll go first. Come and make an appointment when you have time."

"Don't worry, of course I will go back to find you. Don't forget, my sister and I still have a little share in your training camp. I can count on you to make a lot of money for me." Diago said of the money. Immediately excited.

Qin Fei smiled, stepped on the accelerator, and the car slid out of the officers' club.

Sure enough, as Diago said, cities in small countries like Africa are usually blacked out at night, but at this time, military and police vehicles can be seen in the streets and alleys.

Fortunately, Qin Fei was not hindered by anything.

At the intersection of the highway out of the city, the police lights flashed there, the iron horse had been set up in the middle of the road, and two rows of army soldiers were guarding there.

Stopped in front of the checkpoint, Qin Fei said that he was going out of the city. The officer leading the team was very rude. Several guns were pointed at Qin Fei and he shouted to get Qin Fei out of the car.

"Come down, get checked!"

In fact, Qin Fei stayed here for a while and knew the number of these people.

Even if Diago didn't give him his business card, it wouldn't affect him to leave the city.

The military police here often intercept the cars of foreigners, especially the cars of national Z people, only for the purpose of "tips."

Here, money is easy to do.

But this is not the time to struggle with them. Qin Fei now wants to go back to the training camp immediately to see what happened.

So he drew two 10 yuan dollars and handed them to the officer under Diago's business card.

The officer took it and touched the dollar under the business card. One glance, twenty dollars, not bad, and again, the name of Tiger Camp Commander Diago was on the business card.

He suddenly understood that this was a friend of Diago, and everyone in the army knew what Diago was from, and the nephew of Minister Lawrence.

To do so, this one is probably a good friend of the two.

The officer handed the business card back to Qin Fei, his attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees, and he paid a military salute to Qin Fei.

"Oh! It turned out to be a friend of Colonel Diago."

He turned and shouted at the soldiers guarding the iron horse and railing: "Raise the railing and let him pass!"

The soldiers lifted the iron horse with all hands and feet, and shook the railing again, so that there was no obstruction to the side of the road ahead.

Qin Fei smiled at the officer, nodded, stepped on the accelerator, the car jumped out, and quickly disappeared at the end of the highway.

Seeing Qin Fei's car going away, the officer breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, there is no end to offending Diago. He took twenty dollars, rubbed it in his hand, smiled, and at least had a small income.

The scenery outside the car quickly reversed backwards, and Qin Fei increased his speed regardless of whether the pipeline was in good condition.

After an hour and a half, he finally returned to the camp.

The camp is still black and light, ruined everywhere.

Only the light still shines in the bar. Don't ask. If Lao Yu and Kun guess they come back, they can only come here to gather except sleep.

Parked the car at the entrance of the bar, Qin Fei rushed into the bar without taking out the key.

Kunchai and everyone else are in the middle of the hall as expected, there will be no guests now, only members of the x mercenary group are there.

The atmosphere is obviously very warm, the table is full of sloshing wine bottles, it seems that everyone is very happy, it seems to be celebrating something.

The nameless fire suddenly surged, and Qin Fei felt like they had played a trick.

Even if you want to do it, at least ask yourself.

He actually left his own hands on his own hands, aside from the possible consequences, Qin Fei couldn't accept this alone.

"You look very happy." Qin Fei walked to the table, his voice colder than the Antarctic ice sheet.

The sound of laughter and conversation disappeared, and everyone at the table fell silent.

We had a good chat just now, no one noticed that Qin Fei had actually come in.

"Qin Fei..." The old fish stood up first.

He was drunk by Qin Fei as soon as he wanted to speak, "Old fish, shut up!"

The sound was like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, everyone's eardrums hummed, and Jonnie, who was wiping the wine glass in the bar, was so frightened that the glass in her hand could not be held securely, and it fell to pieces with a bang.

Time seemed to stand still.

No one has seen such a big fire from Qin Fei. In fact, fortunately, there is no mirror. If there is, Qin Fei can scare himself by looking in the mirror.

Kunchai was so scared that his lips turned white in an instant, and he couldn't say anything while shaking slightly.

Qin Fei is really angry, everyone can see this.

And, more importantly, everyone now suddenly thinks of their previous behavior, which seems very inappropriate.

Often things are like this, and I didn't think it was a big deal when I did it. Looking back on it, it seemed that this was indeed too much.

It's not general excessive, it's very, very excessive.

Qin Fei is the boss of the x mercenary group, elected by everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just now everyone attended the dinner in the officer club, and finally left Qin Fei alone. The big guy decided to do a big thing temporarily.

And this big event, although it seems to be sure after everyone's discussion, but everything is not absolute.

In case of failure, those involved in the action can still escape, but Qin Fei stays where he is, that is a dead end.

This is tantamount to a betrayal!

It's a big mess!

The same thought came to everyone's mind.

Qin Fei paced slowly around the table, his eyes swept across everyone's face, and everyone who was swept by him couldn't help lowering his head.

When approaching Kunchai, Kunchai's head was so heavy that he couldn't lift it at all.


He plucked up the courage, and as soon as he uttered two words, Qin Fei flew a kick, swept across him, and directly re-elected to sweep Kunchai more than three meters away with a stool!

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