Absolute Honor

Chapter 436: motivation

Seeing that Qin Fei was silent and calmed down, Lao Yu said again: "Christian’s private jet is scheduled to take off to his hometown Switzerland after the dinner is over. With the experience of last night, I believe He will vigorously strengthen security, and it’s not that easy for us to go to Europe to tie him."

"What's the clue, it's worth taking such a big risk to tie him?" Qin Fei was suddenly full of curiosity, looked at Kun Guai, then looked at Lao Yu, "I hope everything you do is worth it."

"Boss, I really didn't mean to hide from you. I originally planned to inform you as soon as possible, but you didn't even have a phone call..." Kun Guai's tone was full of grievances.

Seeing the poor Kunchai, Qin Fei suddenly felt soft.

To say that Kun guess this person is really one heart to himself, after all, it is just that he can't accept everyone's behavior to deceive him this time.

The fire was a bit big just now.

After sweeping the glass shards in the bar, Zunni walked over with a bottle of beer, pulled a chair beside Qin Fei and sat down.

"Qin, I think they did the right thing tonight. Think about it, the clues on that white man are worth 3 billion U.S. dollars, 3 billion U.S. dollars!"

Jenny's big eyes were full of crazy looks, as if the pile of dollars was right in front of her.

"3 billion sounds very cool, right?" Qin Feipo said coldly, "Do you know how many people are making money? Do you think that money is really the inheritance left to him by Kun Guai's sister?"

Looking around everyone, he continued to say coldly: "Those money is part of the profit income of some of the most famous drug dealers/drug/groups in the world over the past two years. The money is not given away in vain, and the key is not to take the money itself. , But there is also a ledger with the money. I don't know what is written in it, but I know that for this ledger, the seaL commando can be used to deal with Kunchai."

This basin of cold water poured all the fanatical people over.

Everyone fell silent.

The old fish touched his chin, thought for a while, and suddenly said: "No problem, I think it's okay, no matter what seaL or d-BoY, or even sas, 3 billion US dollars, we really have a chance to get it. Enough to build a strong organization of your own, you don't need to be afraid of any party at all. Whoever wants to move us can, even if they are stronger than us, I am afraid they will be torn off by us."

"Yes! I agree with what the old fish said!" The sight raised his hand and said, "Aren't we selling our lives for money?! Such a large sum of money is enough for retirement!"

"I agree! Do it if you want!" Of course, the polar bears will not shrink back. The fighting nation behaves like this. If it's okay, he will find something to provoke, let alone others who are going to provoke him.

Qin Fei's eyes rounded.

Unexpectedly, one by one tonight is going crazy. Have these guys taken expired aphrodisiacs? Suddenly the sky is not afraid and the earth is not afraid, Laozi's biggest posture in the world?

"I hope you have enough reasons to explain why you want to tie Christian tonight."

Old Yu looked at Qin Fei, something shining in his eyes.

Looking at other people again, the same is true, with the same light in his eyes.

Even Jenny is the same.

This is what shocked Qin Fei the most.

These people didn't even hide Zunni, Zunni was Lawrence's niece.


Qin Fei frowned, his heart shook suddenly.

Unless there is a sufficient reason for Jenny to not reveal the least bit of news to her uncle Lawrence and playwright Diego, and the best reason in this world for someone to shut up is to use money to seal her mouth.

Qin Fei couldn't help asking: "Do you know where Zhang Lan's things are stored?"


Almost at the same time, everyone nodded together, in a very tacit understanding.


Qin Fei was shocked in his heart, and he looked for him a thousand times in the crowd, but he looked back at the dim light.

You should know that I had accompanied Kunchai back to his hometown before, and even got the forged bank papers, but I didn't find anything in the end.

The Fox team even worked so hard to track Africa, sneaking into Eritrea at any cost to participate in a rebellion against the local military, just to kidnap Christian, and it seemed that it ended up empty-handed.

Christian was kidnapped for less than an hour tonight. Could it be that the old fish and the others were able to pry open the mouth of this professional cFo and obtain accurate information?

"Have you got the account?" Qin Fei asked.

Everyone shook their heads in unison: "No!"

"Fuck! What did you get tonight?!" Qin Fei said, "I have no patience to guess riddles here."

"We know where Zhang Lan's money exists." Lao Yu said quite proudly.

Qin Fei didn't understand at all: "What if I know it? Do I have a bank account? Do I have a password?"

Lao Yu smiled and looked at Qin Fei and said, "No bank account or withdrawal password is needed."

"Why do I get more and more confused?" Qin Fei first heard of a bank that can get money without an account and password.

The old fish said, "That's how it is. Tonight when you were chatting with the crown prince on the terrace, the sight was walking around looking for the toilet and found that Christian was calling in a room with the door open. "

The sight crossed in quite triumphantly: "Yes, it's me tonight, I'm the biggest hero."

The old Yubai glanced at the front sight: "You like to say so, for you."

"Just talk." The crosshair cleared his throat and said, "I recognized this guy when I saw it. It was the one **** by Fox, so I got a lot of thoughts and hid by the door to eavesdrop. As a result, I found out. A secret."

Qin Fei's appetite was completely lifted.

If the front sight eavesdrops on the content of Christian's phone call, it means that he has heard something of great value, enough for them to decide to take a risk on Christian in the officer's club in just a few minutes.

"Front sight, what did you hear?"

"I heard Christian was talking to a high-level uBs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Apparently Kunchai’s sister did go to the uBs management, and did intend to deposit 3 billion U.S. dollars into uBs, because after all, there is a lot of money there. A safe place. According to UBS rules, even if Hitler's money is deposited without conclusive evidence, no one can freeze it."

Speaking of this, the crosshair still couldn't conceal the excitement on his face.

"However, Christian said to the person on the other end on the phone that fortunately, he did not agree to accept the 3 billion, because it will be a big trouble. Taking this list will bring danger to all the senior management. , And what happened last night fulfilled this idea."

Qin Fei said solemnly: "You mean, Kun Guess sister's money doesn't exist in the uBs bank at all?"

Kun Guai spoke and stopped the subject of the front sight: "Boss, that's right, my sister's money is not in the Swiss bank at all."

"Not at the Swiss bank, where would it be?"

Qin Fei suddenly realized that Christian must have leaked something on the phone, which attracted the attention of the sights and the others, and this adventurous kidnapping operation took place.

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