Absolute Honor

Chapter 447: What's the origin?

"Old fish!"

Qin Fei rushed out of the room, and Lao Yu hurried over.

"What happened!?"

"The evil door! The police have withdrawn!" Qin Fei said.

"Retracted?" Lao Yu didn't understand all of a sudden. If the police caught someone, of course they would withdraw, or else they would stay for a late night snack?

Qin Fei said: "The surveillance car is still there!?"

When Qin Fei said that the car under surveillance was still there, it was Lao Yu's turn this time that his jaw dropped in shock.

He ran to the window and opened the curtains to look out.

Sure enough, the three police cars had turned their heads, and all the policemen got on the cars. In the flashing lights, the London police police car left as it came, and quickly disappeared at the end of the intersection, as if nothing had happened.

The two surveillance vehicles remained motionless and didn't move.

"Fuck! Is it because my eyes are dazzled?!" The old fish rubbed his eyeballs, which was truly incredible.

"What's going on? These people..." Rhodes also seemed to be stunned. He hurried to the desk and picked up the phone and called the police chief. He didn't expect a busy tone to be heard from the other end.

Shut down! ?

Ten minutes ago, the phone was still on, but now it’s turned off?

An ominous premonition enveloped everyone like a dark cloud on a rainy day.

The sight and the others all arrived at Qin Fei's room. After listening to the conversation between the three, everyone seemed to understand something.

Now the situation has become that the people who are monitoring them clearly know that Qin Fei and the others are aware of their existence, but they have not withdrawn. That means that I have stalked you. At first, I watched in secret, and now I am staring at you openly.

"The energy of the Black Sun organization is so great!" Eric couldn't help but sneered: "The police dare not touch them anymore."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Kunchai with pity.

You know, to provoke such an organization with official energy, for an ordinary mercenary, it is simply an ant under the wheel of a truck, without any ability to resist.

Qin Fei also heard Kun Guess before that the Black Sun organization has extremely strong energy in Southeast Asia, America, and Europe, and the only thing that has no interest in getting involved is only in Africa. This is why the two fled to Africa.

Now, Qin Fei suddenly felt that he really despised the Black Sun organization.

He knew that these people had a strong background and influence in Europe, but he didn't know that they could blatantly even dare not control the police.

Things suddenly became tricky.

Everyone fell silent.

Everyone feels an invisible pressure.

What is even more frightening is that if the Black Sun organization has already known the fate of the FOX team and has already targeted Qin Fei in Eritrea, Africa, the reason why they chose to fly to Europe without doing anything is actually equivalent to asking the king to enter the urn.

If you can't kill you in Africa, then wait for you to come to my land, Europe.

Before, Qin Fei thought that in a place like Europe, even if the Black Sun organization had the ability, it would not be arrogant to the point of blatantly doing things.

Now it seems that he is really wrong in his estimation.

"It doesn't make sense!" The old fish suddenly clapped his palms: "How do I feel that those outside are not dark people? In Europe, you can't be so clear, let alone drive away the police, these people. Even if they were sent by Hei Sun, they must have official status."

"Official identity?" Kun Guai turned pale.

Thinking of coming to Green Bank to get the money, it seemed that everything was going well.

It seems that things are not that simple now, and it will not be that smooth again.

In the past, he was just a concept of the Black Sun organization, and knew it very well, but this time he really realized what it means to be awesome. In London, the financial center of Europe, even the police are not afraid of it, and they are watching him openly.

"But it's not right!" The old fish suddenly rejected his opinion again.

"What's wrong!?" Qin Fei asked.

"Think about it, if they really have official status as a cover, and even the police can deal with it, why don't they just find a crime and arrest us as soon as they leave the airport?"

Lao Yu's analysis once again made everyone's heads numb.

Finally, the polar bear slapped on the table, and the teacup jumped up.

"Whatever he does!? No matter who they are? Go catch a few and ask, can't it be enough?"

The Russian way of doing things is simple and rude, especially the polar bear's consistent style.

However, this made Qin Fei's eyes light up.

Rather than sitting here and guessing, it's really like what the polar bear said, go straight up to fix these guys, grab a few and ask them.

Qin Fei looked at every member of the Corps and asked, "What do you think!?"

"Just do it! Grab a few and come back and ask!"

"Yes, it's better to take the initiative to wait here!"

Seeing everyone agreed, Qin Fei made up his mind.

"Come here." Qin Fei waved to everyone, everyone gathered together, Qin Fei whispered something to everyone, and then everyone dispersed and left the room.

As soon as Qin Fei walked out of the room, intending to take action, he ran into Rhodes, who had already left the room.

"Qin, here!" He handed a gun to Qin Fei's hand, "and this."

As he said, three more magazines were stuffed into Qin Fei's hands.

Qin Fei picked up the gun and looked at it. It was a PPK pistol. This kind of pistol was very small and easy to carry, and was generally favored by agents.

"Where did it come from?"

"Usually put it at home~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Rhodes said: "You can use it without worrying about it. You don't have to return it to me. "

Suddenly, he sighed again: "Qin, I can't help you with these things, you know I'm not a soldier."

"It's okay." Qin Fei comforted him: "You go back to your room, when nothing happens, besides, give me the key to the Mercedes-Benz commercial van. I want this car to be useful."

Rhodes said: "The car key is in the hand of the front sight, I didn't get it back."

Qin Fei smiled and nodded to Rhodes as a farewell.

Rhodes whispered: "Good luck!"


Outside the door of Rhodes's mansion.

Under the dim street light, the old-style box car was parked under a tree on the side of the road, the windows and doors were closed, and it was dark inside.

In the carriage, four brawny men in the overalls of the maintenance staff of the telecommunications company sat beside a pile of instruments, wearing headphones, and staring boredly at the large and small screens in front of them.

A monitoring officer in the car picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Border Patrol No. 1, what's the situation?"


"Border Patrol No. 2, report your situation."

"Normal. Except for the **** rain, the mouse didn't see one."

This is a typical surveillance vehicle with surveillance equipment all over it. On the screen of the instrument, every inch of the front, back, left, and right corners of the mansion across the road and every exit of the front door of the back alley are closely monitored.

On a screen linked to a laser listener, the sound track was beating, which was converted into voice after software analysis, and passed into the ears of the listener who was holding a bag of French fries gnawing.

"Asshole! They're having a luxurious dinner, caviar... and blue lobster..." the person in charge of the monitor said angrily: "We are going to eat fish and chips here!"

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