Absolute Honor

Chapter 454: Set in set

Inside the leading anti-terrorism vehicle.

Captain James turned his head and glanced at his men. This guy has taken off his helmet and gas mask, and the mask on his face is still wiping the blood on his face with gauze.

"Fak!" He cursed angrily, like a gorilla kicked.

"Back to headquarters, I want that yellow-skinned kid to look good!"

"Longel, don't underestimate that kid. If you attack him and let him find loopholes, you will suffer a lot. I can see that this kid has received special pressure resistance training, and ordinary people will not be so close. The sound and light bomb attack can recover so quickly."

"What? You mean, he has received the same training as us? You said he is a member of the special forces?" The SAS member Longer, who had his nose broken, said angrily: "I don't care about him, **** it, MI6 is called Why didn’t we give us detailed information beforehand when we had this kind of task?"

"This oriental man surnamed Qin needs to investigate carefully. According to the information provided by MI6, this kid is an overseas Chinese in Thailand. I don't think it will be that simple. As far as I know, Thailand's special forces do not have the quality of his."

The captain flipped through the target information faxed by MI6 before, his eyes fixed on Qin Fei's information.

"It shows that he once defeated his opponent with a few tricks in a death fighting match held at the largest mercenary training camp in Africa a few days ago, and the opponent was the celebrity ZERO in the African mercenary circle."

"I don't care who he is, anyway, I want to avenge the collision!" Longer was still full of anger.

Suddenly, there was a female voice on the radio.

"Captain James, M wants to talk to you."

James picked up the radio intercom and pressed the call button.

"Yes, sir, I'm Captain James, do you have any orders?"

The Supreme Commander of MI6 has always been replaced by English, and M is the code name of the Supreme Commander.

M said: "Captain James, your team and your team will immediately turn around and return to the farm."

"Sir, our work there has been completed, and the target person Qin Fei has been captured." James said.

M said: "Are you sure you arrested all the members of the X mercenary group?"

"..." James was silent for a moment and replied: "No, we only saw Qin Fei, Kunchai, and Shasa in the target building. The others were not on the scene, but there were gunshots. I think it was them. The team members of was discovered. We are not responsible for the periphery, but yours."

"Things have changed. I ask you to turn around now and return to the farm. The on-site operation commander Lewis will give you the latest instructions. You must follow his instructions."

M's tone is beyond doubt.

It can be seen that James’s face is very ugly. He turned his head and glanced at Longer who was still wiping his blood. "Sir, I think Qin Fei is very suspicious. Judging from his fighting qualities and fighting, he doesn’t look like him. The information you faxed here is so simple."

"Captain James, I am not discussing with you what to do, I am ordering you to do what you want to do. Your commander handed over your team to me for full command, and I have this right. Now, please turn around immediately, mine. People are out of there and need your help."

James was silent again.

Longer heard it clearly in the back row and said angrily: "Damn, what kind of girl is this girl, we are not their MI6 people!"

"Forget it, now she is our temporary boss." After all, James is a calm professional soldier, not as impulsive as his lad, so he pressed the call button again.

"Sir, I need to know further information. I have the right to know what happened."

This time it was M's turn for a moment of silence.

"Three of my people were captured by them. In addition, all the teams that were in charge of monitoring them were captured by them, and now they have six of our field staff in their hands."

"Fuck! Fuck!" James couldn't restrain his impulse either, his fist hit the instrument panel a few times.

After that, the anger finally subsided, and the call button was pressed again.

"Yes, sir, I'll turn around right away."

Putting down the intercom, James shouted in the communication channel in the headset: "Attention to the team, cars 1, 2 and 3 are all listening. We are now returning to the farm. Repeat, we return to the farm. The people of MI6 are in trouble."

The SAS special forces anti-terrorism vehicle came and turned around quickly on the country road, splashed muddy water, and returned to the farm.

In the compartment behind the car, Qin Fei was taken aback.

"Their car has returned." Bald was surprised.

"Well, my people are doing things." Qin Fei had already guessed some of the reasons in his heart, he leaned back in the seat, raised his head and closed his eyes.

"Boss, what's the matter with them, Lao Yu?" Kunchai asked on the side.

Qin Fei didn't open his eyelids: "I guess, Lao Yu intends to exchange hostages with them."

Bald suddenly smiled when he sat across from him: "It's not bad, it's the most popular mercenary team in Africa recently. Mr. Victor really didn't see the wrong person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei opened his eyes and shot a sharp sword. The same sharp eyes: "What did you say! ? "

"I said Mr. Victor didn't see the wrong person." Bald said smugly.

Qin Fei suddenly jumped out of lightning, and directly pushed the bald man against the steel car wall with his shoulder: "What are you talking about!? Victor knows that MI6 will come here!?"

Where did Bald Zi meet Qin Fei’s embryo killing, although Qin Fei was tied back, but every part of his body was trained to kill. At this time, his shoulders pressed Bald’s throat tightly, and he Ding's almost closed his breath.

"Cough cough cough--"

Bald coughed violently, half of his tongue came out of his mouth.

Bald's subordinates desperately tried to come up to save their leader, to be blocked by the polar bear and Kun Guai.

"You better give me an answer right away, otherwise even if I tie my hands, there are still no fewer than six ways to see your God right away! Believe it or not?"

"Believe..." Bald now knew that Qin Fei was not easy to provoke, Victor really did not misunderstand the person, Qin Fei was a fierce man.

But he didn't guess everything right. Qin Fei was not only a fierce man, but also a fiend.

"What does this matter have to do with Victor? Tell me immediately!"

Qin Fei applied some strength on his shoulders, Bald's eyes began to turn white, and then he let go.

Bald coughed so much that his lungs were vomiting out again.

"Cough cough cough-I said, I said... I said... Actually, all of this was deliberately arranged by Mr. Victor, including you being stalked and the meeting at the farm."

"What did you say!?" Qin Fei was taken aback: "Is Victor called MI6?"

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