Absolute Honor

Chapter 476: Cautious thoughts exposed

"What the **** is going on!?"

Qin Fei looked at both parties, suddenly confused.

Nikolay said: "The girl is Elizabeth, the daughter of Nadya and Yevgeny."

"What!?" everyone exclaimed again.

I heard the polar bear mention Nadya and her daughter Elizabeth just now, but she never expected to appear in front of her right away, and she became the girlfriend of the polar bear son Yuri.

"You beast! I leave you to Aunt Nadja to take care of, not asking you to get Elizabeth!" The polar bear was ashamed, ashamed, annoyed and angry, and roared at Yuri: "You dare to take Elizabeth there. Come from London!"

"I and Elizabeth really love each other!" Yuri was righteous and refused to give up.

"You dare to say why you really love each other!" The polar bear suddenly jumped and almost overturned the people who were holding him down. "I will kill you now!"

"Uncle Sasha, Yuri and I really love each other..." Elizabeth pleaded with tears in her big eyes, "Don't embarrass Yuri."

"No! How can I be worthy of Nadya and Yevgeny by doing this!"

"Wait!" Nikolay stretched out his hands and waved heavily in the air, "Stop it!"

He looked at the angry Sasha and said, "Actually, what's wrong with this? Yevgeny and we are good brothers, and his daughter is your daughter-in-law, I think it’s good! Yevgeny is watching in heaven I will be very pleased when I arrive!"

He didn't understand his face and said: "What's your point of anger!?"

Everyone was stunned, thinking about it, isn't this the same as dying alone? Anyway, Yuri is not a heinous hooligan, just a hacker.

Hackers, that's a technology flow, there is nothing wrong with it.

"That's right." The old fish suddenly said: "I think this is just like what Nikolay said, Sasha, what can you be angry about? Besides, Elizabeth still has the flesh and blood of your Alexander family. There is nothing wrong, right?"

Everyone quickly agreed.

"Yes, yes, I think it's a happy event."

"Yes, isn't this the best ending?"

"I don't agree!" The polar bear bit his mouth, "I just don't agree!"

"Are you crazy!?" Nikolay couldn't stand it anymore. "Do you have any objections? Let's just listen!?"

The polar bear was silent.

It sounds like there is indeed no reason to oppose it.

"I know why he opposes."

Just when everyone was puzzled, Yuri spoke. He looked at his old man who was crushed on the ground like a pig, and said with a smile: "He is acting for his own sake! He has no reason to oppose it. If there is, he said. There is only one reason-Dad, do you like Aunt Nadya? You want to be with Aunt Nadya, right?"

"You like Aunt Nadya, but because he is Uncle Yevgeny’s wife, you dare not pursue her, for fear of others saying that you are in danger, and then you don’t want us to be together, because you are afraid of becoming Aunt Nadya’s in-laws. It will be harder to start in the future, am I right?!"

The office is as silent as death.

An idea flashed in everyone's mind-knowing father Mo Ruozi.

All the mysteries, in front of this sentence, it seems that everything can be explained clearly.

After a while, someone finally couldn't help it and laughed with a chuckle.

Then the laughter sounded like an infectious disease, and everyone couldn't help pouting and laughing.

It turned out to be because of this! I really can’t see that the usually sloppy, sloppy and rude polar bears still have such a cautious side. They oppose their son and brother’s daughter together because they are in love with other people’s daughter-in-law...

It's so terrible!

"I'm going to kill you!" I don't know if it was because of shame or anger, or feeling embarrassed after the little abacus was pierced. The polar bear's face was darker than the bottom of the pot, struggling to get up and teach Yuri.


Nikolai yelled at the polar bear: "Sasha, are you so troubled!? Do you like Nadya and pursue it. Yevgeny has been dead for so many years, and no one opposes you two being together, even if Elizabeth and Yuri Being together does not affect your pursuit of Nadya. Why do you need to break up your son's great marriage? Besides, Elizabeth still has Yuri's flesh and blood in her belly."

"I warn you, we are brothers, don't force me to turn my face, this is my place, if you want to disadvantage Yuri, I don't agree!"

After that, he said to Qin Fei and others: "Let go! Let go of him!"

Qin Fei and others hesitated at first, but Nikolay looked confident.

"Let go of him!"

Everyone finally let go.

The polar bear got up from the ground, Nikolay turned his head and said to Qin Fei, "Where is his gun?"

Qin Fei handed the gun to Nikolay.

Nikolay directly changed hands and handed it over to the Polar Bear: "Brothers for so many years, if you want to kill your son today, you can try it, or you can shoot me first, if you get me, I can't stop you from killing your son. , Otherwise I will stop you, you bullshit!"

After all, pull the sleeve directly to load the bullet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Grab the hand of the polar bear holding the gun, and put the muzzle of the P99 pistol directly on his forehead.

"Come on, shoot! You idiot!"

The crowd onlookers suddenly became anxious, full of black lines.

No one knows if this violent temper of the polar bear will really pull the trigger, and Nikolay is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he really dared to give the gun back to the polar bear at this time, that is on his own forehead.

There are not many normal people of these big hairs.

The polar bear's hands shook a few times, and the muzzle hung down. Suddenly, as if he was a few years old, he slowly returned to the sofa, sat down on it, hooked his waist and lowered his head, and said nothing.

Qin Fei and Lao Yu exchanged glances, and the two of them walked over and sat down in front of the polar bear.

"Sasha, about your son..."

The old fish was like comforting a polar bear, and suddenly felt that he didn't know where to start comforting.

After all, it was a family affair. I could stop the Maozi and his son from doing a real human tragedy here, and I really couldn't get in on anything else.

Elizabeth walked over, squatted down in front of Sasha, and grabbed the two big palms of the polar bear.

"Dad... Yuri and I really love each other, please bless us."

Her name is Polar Bear Papa, and she obviously regards Yuri as her husband.

"I will not object to the matter between you and my mother. That is your own freedom."

The polar bear's hands trembled again and almost retracted.

Elizabeth grasped tighter, and said: "Actually, the reason why Yuri gave up his studies in London to sell intelligence is compelling...he is in trouble, and it is for you."

"For me?" Sasha raised his head, his eyes fell on Elizabeth's face: "You said he was for me?"

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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