Absolute Honor

Chapter 478: Victor's whereabouts

After hearing Elizabeth's account, the polar bear was speechless.

He didn't expect that his persistence would cause so much trouble to his son and Naja's mother and daughter, which was not what he wanted.

Although Yuri's approach is somewhat Meng Lang, one thing is undeniable that he is a responsible man.

It is impossible for a man to let a woman suffer.

Although he was walking on the road of crime, the legal principle was difficult to tolerate, but he was excusable.

The polar bear slowly got up from the sofa, and everyone felt a little bit in their hearts, for fear that another moth might come out again.

Nikolay stopped the polar bear first.

"Go away! Do you think I will really kill my only son?" The polar bear stared at his partner and said coldly.

Nikolay was taken aback for a moment, and then gave way.

Before walking to Yu, the latter's eyes were still full of fear.

This GRU-born dad didn't call it for nothing, Yuri was disobedient when he was a child, and being beaten was commonplace.

The polar bear raised his hands, and Yuri subconsciously withdrew back.

After a while, he was hugged tightly by a pair of powerful thugs, and then his head was firmly pressed against the strong chest muscles of the polar bear.

He smelled the familiar smell of tobacco and vodka. It was a familiar smell since childhood, the smell of his father Sasha. When he was a child, he would hold him like this and let him throw him high. In the air, he caught him again in his screams.

"My good son!"

Two lines of tears in the corner of the polar bear's eyes, this is the first time everyone has seen Da Maozi cry in public.

"You suffer."

"Dad..." Yuri slowly raised his hand and hugged his father, "You are the hero in my heart! You do everything that few men can do!"

Everyone present suddenly felt sore noses. Although many people had never been fathers, at least they had been sons of others.

This kind of scene is familiar to everyone. The embrace between father and son is full of comfort, expectation and warmth, and the mutual appreciation exclusively between males is intoxicating.

Qin Fei suddenly remembered his father, Qin Anguo, in his mind. The name was so familiar, the figure in the rain had never been clearer.

He suddenly remembered that his father was also a soldier, but he was later convicted of leaving the organization and betraying the country after performing his mission...

The memory is recovering little by little.

"Okay, okay, don't lie here to lie to your tears." Nikolay said: "Today is a big happy day. Father and son meet again, let the past go away!"

"Yes! You should be happy about this kind of thing!" The sight came up and gave the polar bear a punch. "Da Maozi, have you never mentioned to me that you like Naja before? Do you think I am your friend?"

Speaking of Nadya, the polar bear blushed again.

"By the way, Nadya is still in Russia?" Nikolay asked.

"Well, we ran, and didn't dare to contact her, for fear that the police would track her down..." Yuri said here, and looked at his father in horror.

"You brat! You will make your Aunt Nadya worry about her death!" The polar bear really wanted to have an attack again.

"It's okay." Nicole said, "Isn't there I? I immediately called my friends in China and asked them to pick up Nadya and send her here."

"Yuri!" The polar bear stared at his son and said, "You just said that Elizabeth has your flesh and blood?"

"Yes..." Yuri lowered his head, "That's why I want to make a living, so I sell information..."

"I don’t care how men make a living, but since you’ve got people’s stomachs up, you owe them a wedding. Although your father, I am a soldier, I am also a serious believer. You have to prepare for me. , Then give Elizabeth a decent wedding!"

The polar bear said: "When I finish the next task, I will have income."

"Don't talk about it, Sasha!" Qin Fei said, "My nephew's wedding, can it be me..."

He wanted to say that he was "uncle" because he was the same generation as the polar bear, but his age is really a big deal for Yuri.

"You are his uncle, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I and you are brothers." The polar bear said: "Yuri, come and meet your father's current brothers!"

After that, he introduced Yuri one by one to everyone present.

Yuli took a mouthful of an uncle, and didn't mind calling Qin Fei, who was only a few years older than himself, an elder.

"For this uncle, I have to cover the cost of your wedding." Qin Fei said: "Although we are waiting for the money now, we are not short of the one hundred and eighty thousand dollars for the wedding."

Lao Yu said: "It's definitely not possible here. We are still in a hurry to run away."

"Right." The polar bear said to Yuri: "Don't you have Victor's intelligence? Come, tell us, what's the matter?"

Nikolay greeted everyone to go back to the sofa and sit down, and called his staff to let them go out to visit and pack some delicious food. He took several bottles of wine from the cabinet and put them on the table.

"Happy today, while drinking and talking."

After Qin Fei sat down, he asked Yuri first: "Victor has slipped now~www.wuxiaspot.com~Do you know where he is?"


Yuri took the wine glass his father Sasha handed him, raised his head and drank it, and said: "His first stop was Morocco, then via Algeria, Niger, and finally Nigeria."

"Nigeria?" Qin Fei asked: "He wants Nigeria to trade arms?"

"Well, do you want to know how he broke up with MI6?" Yuri said.

Everyone looked at each other, and everyone did not expect that a hairy young man could even get such secret information.

"Yuri, how did you get this information from him?" Lao Yu couldn't help asking, "How do I think you are better than those intelligence agencies?"

"It's actually very simple. I'm not the only one engaged in intelligence trafficking on the dark web, and everyone exchanges information. In fact, many of the dark webs are professional intelligence dealers, and my source of intelligence is very simple. I work in many intelligence agencies, including Trojan programs are implanted in the police station's system, and then I enter their system and enter my back garden."

Yuri was quite proud: "Of course, there are some information that will not be placed on the Internet, so I can use what I obtain to exchange with other people. Generally speaking, there is no major difficulty."

"Awesome!" The sight gave a thumbs up: "That reminds me of one thing."

He turned to the front sight: "Our mercenary group is not short of a talent like Yuri? He can provide us with technical and logistical support. Yuri has nothing to do anyway. It's better to join our mercenary group and give us special attention. Forget it as a logistics support officer."

Qin Fei's heart brightened. The sight of the guy usually didn't have a few serious words. Today's sentence is the most serious sentence since I met him.

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