Absolute Honor

Chapter 484: Not hostile?

(猫扑中文) When the fish died and the net broke, things unexpectedly turned around.

One of the helicopters was obviously equipped with a tweeter or something, and someone was shouting at the people on board.

"Listen to the people on board, we are the U.S. Navy and we are not hostile to you. Please don't overdo it!"

Qin Fei listened for a moment, and hurriedly pointed at the star in the earphone channel and said: "The sight, don't do it first, listen to what they want to say."

In fact, the sight himself secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If he shoots at any helicopter, even if he can kill one of the SAS members, his position will undoubtedly be exposed, and then he will be fired by other helicopters. There is not even meat residue left.

The helicopter responsible for the call continued to hover in the air, while the other helicopters were still moving around the plane.

Seeing that Qin Fei and others on the ship did not seem to be hostile, and several SH-0 "Sea Eagle" helicopters were not attacked, the caller changed the content again.

"Is R Qin on the boat? We have a friend from the British Empire who wants to meet you, without any malicious intentions."

"I said, when did you make new friends in that horrible place in London?" The old fish joked, knowingly, "Is it that Lewis was dissatisfied by us or the SAS people want to fight us again?"

"Old fish, I think they are really not malicious." Qin Fei stared at SH-0 hovering above the bow deck through a hidden observation hole.

The old fish said: "I can't tell. They are fully armed. They have deployed SAS and the US/National Navy. They are aggressive. The ghost knows what medicine is buried in the gourd?"

"Let's take a look first." Qin Fei said.

The helicopter outside continued to shout: "R Qin, can you come to the deck if you want? We can talk in person."


On the deck?

The front sight reminded me first in the earphones: "Don't be fooled by those guys, the boss is out of the deck without cover, and the machine gun can't get away even after a blast."

"I think I can go out and try it." Qin Fei said, "Don't say that I went to the deck. Even if I hide now, these SH-0 really want our lives. It doesn't need to be complicated."

After all, turning to the old fish: "I decided to try."

The old fish didn't speak. He agreed with Qin Fei's statement, but he felt risky.

"If there is something wrong with me, you all listen to the old fish, and he is responsible for making the decision. As for the decision, I have no objection."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he put the P5K in his hand at Lao Yu's feet.

Even if you don't take this gun, it doesn't make much sense. A submachine gun used for close-range indoor combat is simply an ant in front of a helicopter with powerful rack firepower.

From the hiding place, Qin Fei walked slowly towards the deck.

As soon as I walked to the deck, the bright lights came over, shining white and dazzling. ..

As he walked, Qin Fei opened his arms, indicating that he had no weapons in his hand.

Sweat oozes out a little bit on his forehead, and Qin Fei feels cold sweat on his back.

In the face of a helicopter formation that is enough to tear itself into pieces, it is really bragging to say that it is not afraid.

Qin Fei couldn't judge whether these guys were really hostile. He only knew that he was at a complete disadvantage now, and he was not an opponent of the same level as others.

What's more, the ability to dispatch four SH-0s at the same time indicates that the US military has at least one formation of armed forces in the nearby waters, and the formations of the US military often exist in aircraft carrier formations.

In other words, the Hercules cargo ship is facing the most powerful blue star, known as the USA navy formation with the highest military technology content and the strongest combat effectiveness.

The light has been locked on Qin Fei.

Suddenly, a rope hung from the hovering helicopter, and someone slid down the rope to the deck.

The light was dazzling, and it was difficult for Qin Fei to see the face of this guy in the backlight.

It wasn't until the other person walked towards him and greeted him that he recognized it.

"Qin, we meet again."

It turned out that it was Lewis, the head of the British Empire I, who had slipped down. Qin Fei met him in a farm on the outskirts of London.

"Lewis?" Qin Fei looked around and asked him with a smile: "In order to pursue our small mercenary organization, are you really willing to spend a lot of money?"

"I can't do such a big transfer." Lewis said: "There is a big man who wants to talk to you, so she sent me to pick you up."

"Take me over?" Qin Fei said, "Looking at your posture, you are going to arrest me."

"Originally, you injured our field staff, we could really arrest you, but now these are not the main points, the main point is-you are lucky, the big man never thought of killing you."

"If you don't kill me, what will the big man in your mouth do?"

"Cooperation. I'm here to invite you to go over and discuss the details of cooperation with her. Time is tight, so I want you to make a decision quickly, otherwise..."


Lewis was interrupted and saw Qin Fei's cold eyes.

He didn't want to provoke Qin Fei. His work had been a mess recently, and he didn't want to mess up the little thing of sending him over to invite Qin Fei.

"Otherwise, it's fine. It's just that Mr. Qin, you have also lost the opportunity to be friends with us. You must know that being a friend of I is definitely more cost-effective than being an enemy."

Qin Fei pondered for a moment and nodded: "I admit that what you said is the truth. I can accept your invitation, but where is the big man in your mouth now?"

"There is a huge aircraft carrier formation less than twenty nautical miles away from here~www.wuxiaspot.com~My boss, the big man in my mouth, is waiting for you on the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier. If you want, we can directly Go by helicopter."

The guess that there is an aircraft carrier battle group nearby is correct.

Qin Fei nodded: "You must promise not to hurt my friends."

"Don't worry, we are the intelligence department, but we are not boring and bloodthirsty butchers." Lewis said: "All Seahawk helicopters will retreat later. If your friends are willing to wait for you here, we will Arrange for them to meet you on the aircraft carrier."

Qin Fei nodded, it seems that Lewis has also given enough kindness, and he has to know what is good or bad.

After all, they are well-known golden signs in the intelligence community. If there is a chance to cooperate, it will do no harm to the mercenary group.

Pressing the headset call button, Qin Fei said to Lao Yu: "Lewis and I went to the nearby Carl Vinson aircraft carrier to meet his superiors. I guess they are the big shots of I. They are not here to capture us, I guess they are. It’s just to work with us against Victor."

Things happened such a big turn, to the mercenary group's people quite surprised.

Lao Yu asked: "Qin Fei, are you sure?"

"Yes, there is no other choice. You stay here and wait for me. I will go to meet their leader. It is estimated that the negotiation will be done soon."

Qin Fei knew very well that since the other party came here with kindness, then things would definitely be settled.

What I am most concerned about now is, if I really want to cooperate with his corps, how much should I charge them?

猫扑 Chinese

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