Absolute Honor

Chapter 497: Life hanging by a thread

Qin Fei was taken aback and shouted at Kunchai: "Be careful of your right side!"

Then immediately notify Lao Yu's car in the communication channel, "Catch the enemy on the right!"

The RPKS machine gun in the Polar Bear's hand spit out fire happily. Even though this mission is supported by the strong logistics of MI6 and CIA and equipped with the most advanced equipment, the Polar Bear still chooses a Russian paratrooper type RPKS that he loves forever and remains unchanged for thousands of years. machine gun.

A dozen bullet holes appeared on the side of the car that shot Qin Fei on the right, and red plasma sprayed on the window. Then the car started to lose control, rammed to the right, and plunged into the dirt ditch next to it.

"What's the matter? Aren't they behind us?" Lao Yu was startled in a cold sweat. If it weren't for Qin Fei's car that had been fired in front of him, he might have been injured.

This is really wicked. It has clearly been thrown off the convoy of the rebels, and the explosion has also blocked their advancement speed. Why did it suddenly appear on the right side?

"Lao Yu, drive up your car and cover it. Someone here is injured!" Qin Fei said.

"Who is injured?!" The old fish raised his mind, just letting go.

Qin Fei said solemnly: "Damn it! Victor was shot!"

"What's the situation?"

"I'm dealing with it." Qin Fei said as he turned from the co-pilot and helped Victor, who was curled up in the back seat, up, "How does it hurt?!"

"Chest...abdomen..." Victor was pale and out of breath.

Qin Fei could even hear the clattering of this guy's teeth. It was obvious that the gunshot wound was serious.

Suddenly, Sophia next to him pushed Qin Fei away: "You get out of the way, let me have a look!"

"You know what a fart!" Qin Fei hates this kind of eldest daughter. To be honest, if she and Victor go to Africa to become a Doctor Without Borders, then Victor will not fall here. Fan Tiandi.

"You know what a fart!" Sophia didn't shock Qin Fei at all, which surprised him a bit. The average girl would have been scared and screamed at a loss when seeing this situation, but the girl in front of him was the opposite.

"I'm a doctor! What are you!?"

Qin Fei was stunned by her reply.

Yes, he almost forgot, Sophia was originally a doctor. I had forgotten about it just now when I was in a hurry.

Sophia checked on his father Victor, and then asked Qin Fei: "Do you have a knife or something?!"

Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and immediately drew out the tactical knife from the scabbard and handed it to her.

Sophie linenly cut Victor's clothes with a knife, and found a bullet hole in the lower right chest.

"Fortunately..." She breathed a sigh of relief. Her right chest was not where the heart was. At least one conclusion could be drawn that Victor's heart would be fine, and the deadliest position was ruled out.

Lifting Victor up gently, Sophia checked Victor's back, but didn't see any bullet holes passing through.

"That's bad." Sophia murmured to herself.

"What's wrong with him?" Qin Fei couldn't help asking about Victor's injury with concern.

Victor is the core of this action. At least he can't die. Once he dies, many things become extremely complicated. Maybe everything he takes risks will not get the reward he deserves.

Victor seemed very painful, had trouble breathing, and looked uncomfortable.

"How could he be like this?!"

"It may be a pneumothorax caused by a gunshot wound." Sophia said, and asked Qin Fei: "Do you have a battlefield first aid kit?"

Of course there will be a first aid kit, and every soldier will carry this stuff when going out on mission, and Qin Fei's team is of course no exception.

He quickly found the first aid kit and handed it to Sofia. Sophia turned out a syringe inside, then turned over Victor's clothes, cleaned the window caused by the gunshot wound with gauze, and then pierced it in between the ribs with a syringe.

The needle pierced into the roundup, and Sophia stared at the needle barrel. The needle plug that had been bottomed was gently pushed up by the gas and slowly slid towards the top of the needle barrel.

"It's a tension pneumothorax!" Sophia took out the syringe and covered Victor's wound with hemostatic cotton, gauze and hemostatic agent.

"Is there a drainage needle?" Sophia asked Qin Fei without looking back.

Qin Fei said: "We are only on a single mission. Do you think this is in the hospital?!"

Hearing Sophia said it was a tension pneumothorax, Qin Fei knew what the problem was this time. After a gunshot wound, it is easy to cause pneumothorax, of which tension pneumothorax is one of the symptoms. To deal with this situation, a special chest drainage trocar and closed chest drainage device must be used to draw out the air from the injured person’s lungs, so that his breathing can be restored. If it is not handled properly immediately, the injured person will be unable to breathe and cause death.

But, where can I find a special large syringe drain for her now? Obviously, relying on that small syringe is not enough.

Sophia suddenly yelled at Qin Fei: "Are you the bodyguard he hired back? If so, you have to find a way right away. He is your employer. You can't just watch him die like this!"

Seeing that her father was dying, the eldest lady suddenly became irritable.

Qin Fei was robbed of him by her, first was stunned for a long time, and immediately the fire rushed into his mind.

"I'm **** your uncle! You really take yourself seriously! I am not the bodyguard hired by your father. I am only entrusted by others and have a deal with him to come here to protect his life, and promise him by the way. Rescue you, a daughter who doesn’t know the heights of the sky! Don’t show up in front of me~www.wuxiaspot.com~Your dad has fallen to this point. The culprit is not me, it’s you, the white lotus Virgin! Faq! It’s not you. Will you be kidnapped when you come to Africa? Not to save you, your father will be shot?"

Qin Fei was stunned by Qin Fei, and Sophia was stunned on the spot.

Yes, Qin Fei was right.

Everything is my own fault. If it weren't for arguing with my father and coming to such a war-torn area, it wouldn't be the way it is today.

However, Sophia was very reluctant to face all this.

She burst into tears suddenly, and rushed forward to beat and scratch at Qin Fei, like a shrew.

Although Sophia was not lethal, she was able to use her nails. Qin Feilu left a few blood marks on her forearms and neck outside her sleeves.

Qin Fei doesn't eat this set. The more polite the woman is, the more difficult it will be for him to deal with it, just like Zun Ni in the bar of the beast camp, but once he meets a vixen, Qin Fei will not tell her a gentleman's demeanor.


Two slaps slapped on Sophia's face crisply, leaving a few fingerprints clearly.

The strength of these two slaps directly drew Sophia back into his seat.

"Qin...Don't..." Victor struggled to sit up and intercede when Sofia was beaten, but he couldn't even speak.

Qin Fei calmed down. Now is not the time to be arrogant about this stubborn daughter. It is the key to save Victor. Besides, the gunshots are chaotic now. Old fish and those armed rebel vehicles rushing out from the right side are coming to me. Going to be playing righteously, I don't know what's going on.

He felt that he had to balance everything on the car immediately, and then help the old fish share the pressure.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind.

There is it!

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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