Absolute Honor

Chapter 499: Abandoned car

Hearing Lao Yu's exclamation, Qin Fei understood that something was wrong.

Obviously, although the rebel convoy behind has been hit hard, they are better than the crowd.

After all, the damaged vehicles in the convoy are part of it, but there are still many vehicles that were not damaged, and almost all of them were loaded with Soviet-made Deschka heavy machine guns.

The only explanation is that Lao Yu's car was shot and damaged.

Qin Fei quickly looked at Lao Yu and the others from the window on the right. When the bomb was thrown, Lao Yu's car had already drove to his right side and was driving side by side with him.

However, Qin Fei was taken aback by what he saw. He didn't see the off-road vehicle driven by Lao Yu.


Qin Fei patted Kunchai's hand, and Kunchai stepped on the brake.

Holding a gun, Qin Fei ran to the right side of the car around the rear of the car.

The off-road vehicle driven by Lao Yu turned upside down in a dirt trench about one meter deep on the side of the road. The wheels were still spinning, and the front of the car seemed to be gasping with smoke.

Kunchai got out of the car and ran over here.

"You cover, I'll see how they are!"

When Qin Fei waited for Kunchai to enter the defensive position, he immediately threw the gun behind him, ran to Lao Yu's car, squatted on the ground and looked into the cab.

There was a mess in the car, and there seemed to be a low moan.

"Old fish, front sight, Thor, polar bear, how are you!?"

"Damn..." the low sight of the sight came from the rear of the car, "I seem to be injured..."

Qin Fei raised his head and saw that the smoke on the front of the car was getting bigger and bigger, so he hurriedly shouted to everyone: "If you can get out by yourself, get out immediately, if you can't get out, I will go in and help."

After that, he was the first to run to Lao Yu's position.

This car is the driver of the old fish, he is in the driver's seat.

The corner of the old fish's mouth was bloodshot, and his expression looked a little painful.

Qin Fei stretched out his hand to pull him, without pulling, Lao Yu groaned.

Therefore, Qin Fei quickly drew out the Mad Dog advanced tactical knife, cut off the seat belt tied to the old fish, and pulled it, but still did not move.

The old fish said in pain: "Damn, my foot seems to be stuck by something under the dashboard. Leave me alone and save them first."

Qin Fei knew that Lao Yu's words were the most truthful. In this case, he could only save the easy ones, and then save the hardest ones.

He gritted his teeth and turned to the co-pilot position and saw the polar bear kicking the car door.

This big hairy boy was really strong, and the others fell to pieces, and this guy didn't seem to be in any serious trouble.

Qin Fei seized the deformed car door gap, and worked hard with the polar bear, and finally opened the car door. It was too late to worry about the polar bear. He shouted: "Sasha, you go save the old fish, I will rescue the sight and Thor behind. "

As soon as he turned to the back seat, I heard gunfire from Kunchai's position.


The gunshots of HK416 clearly broke the short silence before.

Looking towards the end of the dirt road, several figures appeared in the night vision goggles, and vehicles seemed to be slowly approaching here.

"Boss, many people, hurry up, I'm afraid I can't stand it anymore."

Before the words were finished, bullets rained on the stone where Kunchai was hiding, and the fire was everywhere.

Kunchai fired back with a gun, knocking down a rebel who was 80 yards away closest to him, but after all, he only had one gun, which was far inferior to the large rebels in terms of firepower.

Soon, all the machine guns on the opposite side were suppressed.

Although the rebels do not have night vision equipment, they rely on a large number of people, almost like a blind cat hitting a mouse to death. The stone where Kunchai is hiding and the surrounding ground are full of bounce points, hitting the dust and suppressing Kunchai. He couldn't move at all behind the concealment.

A sharp whistling sound suddenly came from the opposite side. After a ball of fire flashed, an RPG rocket with a long fire tail rushed towards Kunchai at a speed of ecstasy.


Qin Fei exclaimed.

As soon as the voice fell, the rocket hit the big rock where Kunchai was.


The fire was everywhere, and Qin Fei could still feel the heat wave rolling over while lying on the ground, and mud and sand dust sparsely fell on the helmet.

Before the smoke dissipated, Qin Fei rushed over in three steps and two steps, and ran to Kun Guai's side.

This guy was dragged out of the soil, and dust fell everywhere.

"Are you all right?" Qin Fei asked eagerly.

"Boss what are you talking about?!" Kun Guai's eyes were blank, and there was only a buzzing in his ears, and he could not hear anything.

Qin Fei knew that he was temporarily deaf, but he was okay, so he patted him on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

Suddenly, he remembered something, and shouted at his off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road: "Sophia, get your father down and get out of that car!"

The gunfire concealed everything, and there was no movement in the off-road vehicle.

"Fuck!" Qin Fei cried secretly.

But it can only take a risk once.

The off-road vehicle has been parked there is simply a living target. The opponent has an RPG, and a rescue can blast the off-road vehicle without bulletproof function into the sky.

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards him, and bullets rained down around him. Fortunately, the rebels didn't have night vision scopes and the like~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so the night combat ability was extremely poor, and missed shots depended on Meng.

When he rushed to the off-road vehicle and opened the door, Qin Fei couldn't help but set up Victor.

"Can't stay here! They have RPG!"

After thinking about it, he immediately removed his dragon scale armor and handed it to Sophia: "Put it on!"

"What?!" Sophia didn't know.

"Damn, I'm too lazy to talk with you! Put it on!" Qin Fei was so anxious to use a gun to threaten him.

Sophia put on the dragon scales indiscriminately, and Qin Fei set up Victor and said, "Follow me, I said run to rescue!"

So he put Victor's hand in his left hand, and put the gun in his left forearm with one hand in his right hand, and ran towards the roadside ridge while firing.

Not long after running, an RPG hit the off-road vehicle and blasted it to pieces.

The shock wave knocked the three of them down, and Sophia felt her back hit hard and almost made her back sore.

Qin Fei helped Victor and said to Sophia, "Is it all right?"

"Something hit me..." Sophia's face was a little pale.

Qin Fei saw that there was a little damage on the braid on the back of the dragon scale armor. It is estimated that the fragments of the car hit Sophia. Fortunately, she wore a body armor, otherwise she would definitely be dead.

As soon as he was about to pick up Victor, Qin Fei felt his legs soft, and then fell to the ground with a burst of heartache.

The blood began to flow to the calf while standing upright, dyeing the camouflage uniform.

"Ah!" Sophia exclaimed: "You are injured!"

"Making a fuss!" Qin Fei reluctantly stood up Victor and ran to the side of the road.

When he reached the back of the ridge, Qin Fei carefully put down Victor and sat on the ground, with intense pain, but intensive sweat leaked from his forehead.

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