Absolute Honor

Chapter 501: The line of defense is set up (thanks to Super de Ant for the continuous fight today..

The Carl Vinson aircraft carrier, the operational command center.

The screen in front of Yu inside jumped out of the GPS coordinates sent by the front sight. He immediately changed the channel and connected to the channel signal of the "Seahawk" helicopter.

"Call the Seahawks."

"Received, please speak." There was a quick response over there.

"Group X could not reach the designated evacuation point. They were besieged by rebels about ten kilometers southeast of Mahuta. They have now established a line of defense on the spot and requested a change of course to go to rescue immediately."

"Understand, change course."

"How many minutes do you need?"

"It takes time to change the route. It takes 15 minutes to reach Mahuta, and it takes about ten minutes to change the course." The pilot replied.

"You mean 25 minutes?" Yuri said: "Half of our people are injured, and there are more than a hundred rebels pursuing them with light weapons. You told me it will take 25 minutes? Ten minutes will kill you! "

"It can only be 25 minutes at the fastest." The pilot's tone was not salty or weak, "Tell your people, let them withstand it, we will be there soon."

"Do your helicopters carry ground weapons? The rebels have RPGs and large-caliber machine guns. Without ground weapons, you cannot land."

"Rest assured, we have weapons and will send them to see God."

The communication was cut off, and Yuri lay back on the backrest again, staring at the LCD screen in front of him.

The "Global Hawk" drone has been withdrawn, and now it relies on images provided by a military satellite linked to the Carl Vinson, and it will soon reach the window for satellite adjustments, when one hour of images will be lost.

Although it is an instant picture, there is still a delay due to satellite transfer.

Yuli saw Qin Fei and all the team members disappear in the two dirt houses, and a whole area of ​​moving bright spots appeared nearby. Those were all active personnel and vehicles. Without any intelligence confirmation, they knew that they were traitors. military.

As the number of people increased, Yuri's heart couldn't help but began to pounce wildly.

He roughly estimated that the number of the rebels was more than one hundred at all, but estimated to be more than two hundred.

It seems that Mohammed has reached a state of anger over the murder of his son. It is estimated that this guy no longer thinks about arms or arms. At this moment in his mind, there is only one purpose-to kill! Kill those who killed you, no matter who it is, even the arms supplier who is of great value to you!

"God bless..." Yuri bit his own chasing pure, hand drawn a cross on his chest, praying for his father and his teammates.

Mahu Tower, ten kilometers southeast, earthen house.

There was no trouble hitting the door. Qin Fei saw a family sitting in the hall of the earthen house in amazement.

There are a dozen of them, including adults and children.

Qin Fei raised his index finger, made a quiet gesture on his lips, and then whispered as far as possible: "We are not bad guys, we are just temporarily taking refuge here, and we will leave soon..."

However, as soon as the words were spoken, Qin Feijiu realized how redundant the words he blurted out.

First of all, the people here don't understand Qin Fei's English at all. Second, how can the so-called refuge be so simple? I'm afraid this two-story earthen house will become ruins soon.

"Find a place to settle Victor and Lao Yu, and the others will enter the defensive position according to their previous assignments."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he gestured to the family sitting in the house with the intention of telling them that now they must find a place to hide by themselves, otherwise they would die.

Soon, he found that everything he had done was in vain, and the family still looked blank and horrified, and could not see what Qin Fei meant.


Qin Fei gritted his teeth and could only say to the polar bear: "I don't understand, drive them to the safest place, don't let them stay here!"

The polar bear is simple, drew a pistol and fired a shot directly at the ceiling.

The family was shocked, and the polar bear drove them off the ground as if they were chasing ducks, and then blasted them into the back room.

The sight and Thor went to the top of the building, Qin Fei took Kunchai and the two out to the yard to inspect the surrounding terrain.

Qin Fei found that his choice of here was not only a smart decision, but also a stupid decision.

In terms of terrain, it is suitable for defense, but other than that, everything seems to be unsuitable for building a line of defense against a large rebel army.

The earth house is not a stone house. Although the wall looks at least 30 centimeters in length, there are some messy things like branches and trunks inside as a support, but what is terrible is that these loose walls are not even AK47 bullets. several times.

Generally speaking, the AK47 warhead penetrates 30 cm of civil construction at a distance of 100 meters, or 3MM ordinary steel plate. Of course, this is only theoretical data.

In actual combat, various shooting conditions, including the manufacturing quality of guns and bullets, will also affect its power.

However, the rebels have large-caliber Deschka heavy machine guns, which can't be defended by a wall lock.

"Front sight, Thor, you have to build your own fortifications. The walls here can't stop the bullets of the heavy machine guns~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We are already doing it, Faq, I carried all the rocks on the pots of their house. I guess it will last a while, but I don’t think it will last long. How long will our reinforcements arrive?"

"Then you can just ask Yuri, I don't have time to deal with this."

As Qin Fei said, he cautiously bent over and walked out from the courtyard gate. There was an unknown big tree at the courtyard gate. Qin Fei and Kunchai looked at the surrounding terrain beside the big tree.

Fortunately, not all the bad news is seen.

In the open space in front of the house, there are actually a few ditches, and some fruit trees and other plants are planted around it. It seems that these ditches are used to divert water for irrigation.

To delay as much as possible, rescue must use all terrain.

If the line of defense is retracted into the house from the beginning, then a little bit of retreat will be lost.

Qin Fei decided to establish a line of defense in the trench outside the courtyard, and then withdrew while fighting.

"You go back to the house now, collect all the explosives from everyone, then install the detonator, and place the cable about ten meters in front of the first trench."

"Understand." Kunchai nodded.

"Do you have a guidewire?" Qin Fei asked.

Kun Guai patted the small bag on his left, "There are twenty meters, rest assured, enough!"

"Go!" Qin Fei patted him on the shoulder.

Soon, the polar bear ran out of the room and cautiously jumped to Qin Fei's waist.

"How?" he asked.

"I plan to push the line of defense forward a little bit, set it up on these ditches, and then fight for a while and then withdraw." Qin Fei said.

The polar bear looked at the distance between the dirt ditches, and then at the yard and houses behind him.

"By doing this, you are taking a risk."

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