Absolute Honor

Chapter 503: Close detonation

Qin Fei chose to stay in the end.

Among the three, the machine gun must stay in the middle to evacuate, and Qin Fei stayed, not only for the needs of tactical application, but waiting for an opportunity.

He is making a big bet.

The C4 installed by Kunchai is hidden about ten meters in front of the first dirt ditch. This is all the high explosives gathered on everyone in the group.

A total of 30 pieces, 200 grams each, equivalent to 6 kilograms of weight.

For a high-performance explosive like C4, this amount of C4 is enough to level a dirt house.

Since the detonation is triggered by an electric detonator, a wire is needed, and after linking the C4 together to form a loop hidden between the grass and the stone, Kunchai only has 10 meters of wire rope left.

10 meters is just a dangerous distance.

Moreover, when an enemy like a tide rushes up and reaches ten meters away from you, it can basically be judged dead tactically.

Qin Fei didn't have a choice. He needed an explosion with enough weight to kill enough rebels at once to be able to frighten the opponent and win precious time.

The "Seahawk" helicopter formation will not arrive here at least 20 minutes later, and during these 20 minutes, the members of the X mercenary team must survive.

Qin Fei was almost overwhelmed by the firepower of the rebels. His front was densely packed with rebel soldiers. These guys were sitting on their waists. With the help of half-person-high thatch and various gravel piles and even small shrubs, they kept facing Qin. Fei's defensive line launched a leap forward impact.

Behind them, white smoke emerged from the barrels of Polar Bear and Kunchai, continuously increasing the temperature of the barrels.

Qin Fei lighted up the magazine, and just about to lie down to hide, he was suddenly hit by a first-degree heavy blow to his chest. The huge force pushed Qin Fei to the ground, and severe pain came.

"Boss!" Kun Guai in the dirt ditch behind saw that Qin Fei was shot, and exclaimed in shock: "Are you all right?"

Qin Fei lay on the ground and took a few breaths, touching the place where he was hit. Fortunately, the dragon-scale body armor was really strong, the bullet did not penetrate at all, only a deep bullet mark was left on it.

He was afraid that Kungues would rush up to rescue him desperately, so he reluctantly shouted: "It's okay. I got a shot. The body armor is blocked!"

Lie on the ground, Qin Fei crawled forward a few meters, changed the position, then carefully probed the probe to observe, then instantly retracted.

The rebel army was only more than twenty meters away from him.

Now he must wait until the opponent reaches within about ten meters before he can press the detonation button.

Detonating 6 kg of C4 at a distance of 10 meters is extremely dangerous, and no one knows what the consequences will be.

When he was planning to probe for the second time, his head just stretched out for a short while, and a 7.62mm bullet hit his bulletproof helmet with a "boom". Fortunately, there weren't many outcrops, and the helmet was equipped by the US military for special forces. Skateboard helmet, the bullet jumped away instantly.

Qin Fei felt as if someone had hit his head with a hammer, and was startled in a cold sweat.

Although the hundreds of rebels fired on the move and did not aim precisely at all, they naturally saved a lot of bullets when there were many people. It was almost the same as rain, and there was no chance at all.

"Front sight, you help me see their distance upstairs, and tell me as soon as they are almost ten meters away."

Qin Fei simply lay in the dirt ditch without looking up, waiting for the sights and their instructions with the detonator in his hand.

"Fifteen meters..."

"Ten meters..."

The sight upstairs had just finished shouting, Qin Fei was lying on the ground holding his head, and at the same time yelled in the communication channel: "Blast, hide!"

Then suddenly press the detonation button.




C4 buried under the gravel and grass piles exploded violently under the detonation of the electric detonator. The stone chips were like bullets fired at high speed. The surrounding rebel soldiers did not have body armor, and many people were directly cut off their hands and feet.

The most unlucky is the soldier who stepped on the explosion point. A 400-gram C4 can blow up the train tracks, not to mention the flesh and blood.

Those hapless guys became human shells directly, and they were blown up into flight. The stumps and limbs were everywhere, and the surrounding area was like a rain of blood.

Although Qin Fei was hiding in a ditch one meter deep, he could still feel a strong wave of air passing over his back, and the sand and dust from the explosion instantly buried him like an avalanche.

The sight upstairs saw a few clouds of thick smoke rolled up in front of Qin Fei, with dark red firelight in the middle, and the night vision goggles instantly became white. He retracted behind the big rock, rubbed his eyes, and put it on again. Night vision goggles, carefully stretched out half of his head to observe the situation.

The first dirt ditch is completely unclear, and thick dust and smoke have covered the situation within a radius of tens of meters.

"Boss! What's wrong with you!?"

no answer.

The sight was a little anxious, and yelled twice, but still did not respond.

The rebels who had rushed to within ten meters of the first dirt ditch for hundreds of meters were completely swallowed by the smoke and dust. The people behind were so scared that they were all lying on the ground, and some began to retreat secretly.

No one is sure if there are bombs planted by others around him, and no one wants to die without a whole body.

The wailing sound came from the thick smoke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a long time, as the smoke gradually dissipated, many injured but not fatal rebel soldiers staggered and appeared in the field of vision.

The shock caused by the explosion left these people in a semi-conscious state.

Both the sight and Thor kept aiming at the rebels who had lost their combat effectiveness and shot them down in front of the dirt ditch.

No one knows Qin Fei's current situation. If the rebels jump into the dirt ditch, his life will be in danger.

However, there are really many rebels who have been confounded by the bombing. The speed of the killing of the sight and Thor can not keep up, and some people have entered the first dirt ditch.

"Kun guess, polar bear, how are you two!?"

The front sight couldn't help shouting, not to mention Qin Fei, who was closest to the explosion point, even the polar bear and Kunchai in the second dirt ditch were shocked, and there was no response for a while.

"We're all right!" Kun Guess was not the first person to ask, but Qin Fei: "Sight, what's wrong with my boss? Have you seen his situation?"

"He didn't respond! Some rebels entered the ditch where he hides so much."

Before the words fell, a series of shots were heard in front of him.

The sight hurriedly looked towards Qin Fei’s location. Qin Fei climbed up from the ditch with thick yellow sand and dust in between, fired at the two rebels who had strayed into the ditch, and sent the two guys up. To the west.

"It's okay, the boss is okay!"

Qin Fei felt uncomfortable all over his body now. There was sand in his mouth, eyes, and nostrils. He felt that he was now a mummy dug out from the yellow sand.

Shaking off the dust on his body, Qin Fei crawled out of the dirt ditch, and crawled back into the second line of defense while the smoke had not yet dissipated.

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