Absolute Honor

Chapter 517: Female killer

The killer couldn't even scream, Qin Fei had already locked his throat and put the knife across her neck.

At first glance, as expected, it was Lolita.

"You...what are you going to do?" Lolita looked terrified.

Pretending to be like...

Qin Fei secretly said that a woman has a natural advantage as a killer. Sexual weakness can always give others a feeling of weakness, and it is difficult to associate with a cruel killer.

"I should have asked this sentence, right?" Qin Fei warned Lolita: "Put away your little tricks and don't move your hands. This knife can easily cut the wire. If you feel your own The neck is harder than wire, so try it."

There was a trace of panic in Lolita's pupils, but she was still quibbling: "I just came over to get the cart and go to the laundry room to load the changed clothes..."

"Oh? Go to the power distribution room to cut off the power. Is this one of your jobs?" Qin Fei sneered.

Lolita was speechless.

"Say, who sent you here? A conservative of the Comorian royal family? Or a high-ranking military official?" Qin Fei asked.

A trace of panic flashed in Lolita's eyes again.

Qin Fei actually doesn't need her answer anymore, this person must be connected with conservatives or the military.

"Don't spit people with blood, I'm not sent by anyone, I just work here!" Lolita suddenly became angry, "What evidence do you have that I am a killer?!"

"Have I ever said that you are a killer?" Qin Fei asked back.

Lolita was speechless again, and she missed her lips.

"This is Portugal, a country under the rule of law, you can't do this to me without evidence!" Lolita gritted her teeth.

"Need evidence!?" Qin Fei touched Lolita's waist. He knew that this girl had a gun and a pistol on her body.

Lolita screamed suddenly, as if she had encountered a rogue little Lolita.

Depend on!

Pretend to look like this!

Really pretend to be a student girl! It's so special!

Qin Fei secretly despised in his heart, and touched his hand without stopping.

Huh? !

No gun! ?

It's evil!

Qin Fei was stunned, Lolita really didn't have a gun in her waist!

"You hooligan! I said I didn't have a gun!" Lolita's face was pale, as if she had been greatly insulted.

There is no waist, which means hiding somewhere else.

No gun? Ghosts are good!

Qin Fei raised his hand, planning to search other places.

"What are you doing!?" Lolita screamed again.

Qin Fei's hand stopped in the air.

Lolita's chest continued to rise and fall, and the curve fell together.

"I said I don't have a gun!"

At this time, Kunchai walked over in another corridor, with a fainted woman on his shoulder, who was Lolita's companion Nina.

"What's wrong with Nina!?" Lolita looked at Kun in horror: "You killed her?! You **** idiot! Look what you did!"

Kun Guai ignored Lolita at all, but looked at Qin Fei: "Boss, I thought something happened to you here."

"It's okay, I'm searching the body!" Qin Fei said, "It's done right away!"

After that, Qin Fei was waiting to start a search again, but Lolita closed her eyes and screamed again: "Do you know who I am? Do you dare to touch my hair...I...I..."

Speaking of this, I can't breathe.

"Oh! It's amazing to be a killer to do your job! If you mess up, just admit it, don't think that women can be an exception!" Kunchai couldn't help but ridicule Lolita.

"You dare to touch me, I'll die for you to see!" Lolita threatened.


Qin Fei has a black line. This girl is really a strange thing among strange flowers. The killer is always vicious and vicious in the inherent impression. She is merciless and has failed to save her life. She has never seen such an unscrupulous killer and cried again. Called again, the kitten hanged herself.

"Qin Fei, Crown Prince Hassan has already arrived at the door. He must see you right away if he is in a hurry."

The old fish's voice came through the agent's headset.

"I know." Qin Fei answered the old fish, looking at Lolita who was holding him in his arms, "I don't have time to play with you, don't you? You think I can't search you if I don't touch you. Your body?"

Qin Fei put away the tactical knife, made a reverse cut, and twisted Lolita's arm, causing her to scream again in pain.

"What are you going to do!? You nasty rogue bug sewer rat!"

It was the first time that Qin Fei was scolded as a bug, a rat, a big gangster, and it was quite new. He thought this woman was really interesting.

"What are you doing!? You know me..."

Before Lolita's words fell, Qin Fei squatted down abruptly, grabbing Lolita's two ankles with both hands, and lifting her upside down like a toy.


Lolita screamed, Huarong paled and shouted: "Help!"

Kun Guai couldn't help it anymore, chuckled and laughed, "Damn, what kind of killer did the Comorian royal family hire? Is it a temporary worker?"

Qin Fei didn't say much, grabbing his feet and shaking up and down.

Lolita felt that the whole world was shaking, and people seemed to be thrown into a high-speed clothes dryer, staring at Venus' blurred vision.

There was a crackling on the body, and things fell down, from the pocket, the bra/breast, the underwear...


An exquisite ppk pistol fell to the ground.

Qin Fei's eyes lit up. It turned out to be such a high-class product. The concealed ppk pistol is extremely suitable for women and agents. It is estimated that Lolita has hidden it in a hidden place such as underwear, so she didn't check it at the beginning. come out.

"Qin Fei, Prince Hassan has entered the underground parking lot. Come here quickly."

The old fish urged again.

Qin Fei hugged Lolita's waist and turned her whole body over and stood on the ground.

Lolita's face flushed, she couldn't stand still, slantingly as if she was drunk, pointing at Qin Fei and swayingly said: "I... won't... let it go..."

"Don't let me go, right?"

Qin Fei didn't bother to listen to these women groaning again, and hit her neck like electricity, making Lolita cotton soft.

"Kun guess, come here."

Qin Fei greeted Kungues~www.wuxiaspot.com~, pointing to Lolita on the ground and Nina on his shoulder, and said, "Take these two stupid killers to the power distribution room, tie them up, gag them up, don’t let them They yelled and alarmed others, especially the crown prince."

He said again: "Don't go upstairs for the time being, just look at these two girls, and the crown prince will come back to interrogate myself after I greet them."

"Boss, you're so cruel!" Kunchai said with a smile: "Or, don't try, I just shoot one by one and kill it?"

After speaking, he pulled out the silencer in his pocket, pretending to hit Glock 9.

"It hasn't been tried yet, what to kill? Not to mention this is Portugal. Don't kill people when you don't have to." Qin Fei finished speaking, turned and walked towards the parking lot.

Kun Guai chuckled as he looked at Qin Fei's figure disappearing at the end of the corridor.

Glancing at the Lolita on the ground, Kunchai said to himself: "Although it's a bit dark, it's pretty good looking at it. My boss's aesthetic is not so unsightly... Https://)

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