Absolute Honor

Chapter 532: Reasons hard to refuse

Qin Fei finally returned to the sofa.

This is the first time Charlotte calls herself "Mr. Qin" instead of the usual "bugs".

He could hear the despair in Charlotte's tone. For a desperate person, Qin Fei decided to give her another chance.

And he suddenly felt very strange, what on earth made Charlotte desperate to insist on going to Sweden even at the risk of losing his life.

"You'd better have a good reason, otherwise I will really do it, the big deal will tie you on the plane."

Qin Fei sat down on the sofa again. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. The time had jumped to 12:05 in the night.

"Hurry up and say, I still have to prepare tomorrow's security plan. I don't have time to spend too long here."

The tears on Charlotte's face were still wet. She took up a tissue and wiped the corners of her eyes. She calmed down and said, "In your eyes, I may be the kind of unruly girl who does not care about other people's feelings... …"

Qin Fei didn't say anything, but said in his heart, isn't it?

"My brother Hassan and I didn’t live in the palace since I was a child. Gary’s mother was the queen. Although my father loved my mother very much, he knew that the mother at home was very jealous. At the age of 10 years, after something happened in the palace, he sent us to live outside the palace, so I had the opportunity to contact the outside world since I was a child."

"That was the first time I saw the poor." Charlotte said: "When I was in the palace, I thought this world was like this. When I was a poor, I was really shocked. Although Comoros is not a poor country, it is not a rich country either. There are still many poor people in my country."

"I was shocked after seeing their lives. Even after the queen died and my mother was rehabilitated and we returned to live in the palace, I still could not forget everything I saw."

"From the age of thirteen, I was sent to aristocratic schools in Europe to take readings, and I have been living there ever since. Every year when I return to my motherland, I will go out of the palace and travel around to learn about the lives of ordinary people. At one point, I started to use the convenience of my identity to engage in some charity projects. At first, it was between our classmates. The rich people donated some, and then I bought some medicines needed by the poor and books needed by the children to send back. My country even requires my father to give me some financial subsidies."

"Under my influence, my father and king also adopted some policies to change the lives and security of poor people. Of course, this is why my father later chose Hassan as the crown prince and deposed Gary, because I and I My brothers belong to the kind of royal family members who are determined to reform, and the conservatives of the royal family, those with vested interests, are the least willing to see them."

"When the family was the crown prince, the conservatives felt harmless for everything that my brother and I did. After all, they did not threaten their core power. Someone also earned some face for the royal family and maintained the image of being close to the people. But later Brother Hassan became the crown prince, which means that major policy reforms will take place after he takes the throne, which will touch the power cake of those conservatives."

"Because in the next few years, the domestic situation and the royal family's infighting have been undercurrents. In those two years, I didn't even want to go back to my motherland. Every time the holiday came, I used the excuse to volunteer or even participate. I organized some ngo organizations and went to Africa to help some people in need."

"There, the shock that Africa brought me was unprecedented. Wars, poverty, food shortages, and diseases were proliferating. That was when I found that what I had done before was far from enough, even relying on the small circle of my wealthy classmates. It’s simply not enough to help so many people."

"Mr. Qin, do you know how many people have starved to death in Africa in recent years?"

Qin Fei shook his head. Although he knew the general situation in Africa, he did not know the specifics.

"Four million..." Charlotte said, couldn't help crying again, wiped away the tears, and continued: "Many of them are children... Have you ever been a mercenary in Africa, haven't you seen it?"

"I have seen it, but I haven't understood..." Qin Fei had seen many boy scouts in previous battles.

How did the Boy Scouts come?

One is forcing and plundering by warlords, and the other is joining voluntarily, because there is food to eat, so they won’t be hungry.

"That's the place where God used to be..." Charlotte said: "But we are humans. We can't just watch our own kind starve to death without being indifferent. Since the United Nations and developed countries are not interested in there, then we are capable. People should do something."

"This is the activity you are talking about?" Qin Fei couldn't help asking.

Charlotte nodded vigorously and said: "Yes, I have been doing it for two years. Tomorrow night is the charity foundation's inauguration dinner. I am the leader. In order to get a good start, I also organized a charity auction. At that time, many celebrities and royals in Europe will be there, and I can't help but go."

"Your own life is hard to protect, do you still want to go? Have you considered the consequences, joining the assassination at dinner and auctions, your project will also be ruined." Qin Fei said.

"No!" Charlotte had a strange brilliance in her eyes. "Even if I am assassinated, I think the project will not be aborted. It will make people realize how difficult it is to do this. If I die, it will be a This kind of publicity, I believe that more people will give me sympathy and help this project!"

"You are so crazy!" Qin Fei couldn't help saying: "Sometimes I really don't understand you members of the royal family. You have good clothes and food, and you have a worry-free life. But the royal power is the source of your life. Use the royal power. Don’t you think this is an irony in itself to help those who are squeezed by power?"

"I can't control that much, I'm just a princess, a woman, in the royal family, I am insignificant, all I can do is to do a good job of myself, power and state management, that is my brother Hassan and the men's business~www. wuxiaspot.com~Charlotte said: "Is it wrong to do charity? "

Qin Fei was speechless, indeed, he really couldn't say what Charlotte did wrong.

If charity is all wrong, the world will no longer have the quality of kindness, and there will no longer be kind people.

"you are right."

Qin Fei secretly said, **** what a bird, things are probably getting more and more complicated.

"It's my fault, ok?"

"No, no, you're right, I know you are just doing your responsibilities, Mr. Qin." Charlotte begged Qin Fei like a child: "As long as you agree, as long as you agree, this matter Thanks to your credit, those in Africa who will starve to death will also be grateful to you, and God will bless you."

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "I don't believe in God, I only believe in myself." () "Absolute Honor" only represents the views of the author Yan Qiguan. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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