Absolute Honor

Chapter 548: Little Pepper Gorgeously Debut

"Attention, everyone, the princess is on the stage, everyone is optimistic about their one-acre three-quarters. Dust? Fate? Wen × Xue ↑ Net" Qin Fei pressed the communication button, and everyone said in the agent's headset: "Report the situation."

"The roof is safe."

"The gate is safe."

"The basement is temporarily safe."

"The party hall is safe."

"GMT company security team reported that the situation is normal."

GMT is a dead-person security company arranged by the elite for Charlotte. They now have a total of 30 bodyguards patrolling around the castle, and a reinforcement group of 10 people is on the way to the island.

Kun Guai suddenly flashed out from behind the door on the side: "Boss, I have seen the corridors and stairs, no problem, everything is OK."

Qin Fei nodded.

"Let's go down."

Following Charlotte, Qin Fei started walking towards the party hall on the first floor along the ancient spiral staircase.

"Boss, I heard something just now." Kun guessed.

"What is it?" Qin Fei said, "If it's a trivial matter, don't worry about it."

"Boss, what kind of person do you call me? It has nothing to do with us. I don't bother to go to eight." Kun guessed: "I was checking the stairs upstairs just now. I heard Gustav and his entourage, who was responsible. Serhis, the deputy police chief in command of police operations tonight, is talking about something."

Qin Fei carefully glanced at Charlotte in front of him. He didn't want Charlotte to hear that he and his men were talking about his classmates.

"Keep it down."

"I know." Kunchai posted it, leaning in Qin Fei's ear, "I heard the deputy director Sissel ask Gustav how to deal with the two captured assassins, so I was curious and followed quietly. They have been eavesdropping at the handrail of the stairs above their heads, guess what?"

"Say, don't talk nonsense!"

"Okay, Gustav said, let him take the assassin to the basement of the old prison on the right side of the castle for interrogation. He wants to find out who the mastermind is." Kunchai said.

"What!?" Qin Fei was stunned for a moment. Charlotte in front seemed to have heard something and turned his head slightly.

Qin Fei quickly pretended that nothing happened, and continued to walk down the stairs.

"Neurotic!" Qin Fei couldn't help cursing in a low voice. Now that the party is being held here, the Gustaf Prince actually wants to take the assassin to the castle for interrogation, which is completely unnecessary.

"I heard that prince said that he wanted to get the identification of the mastermind from the assassin, and then give the interrogation information to Princess Charlotte." Kun guessed.

"Naive!" Qin Fei heard the fire, thinking that Prince Gustav was a fool.

In fact, Qin Fei was angry that Gustav was not simply dissatisfied with him, but a dissatisfaction with all the officials here.

People in this small country have a kind of arrogance. In fact, Qin Fei thinks that the police and even the quick-reaction squad are not so awesome at all, but they just think they are awesome.

One thing that annoyed Qin Fei the most was that Qin Fei asked the police to hand over people to himself for deployment, at least for everyone to command uniformly on a platform system, so that they would work more efficiently.

However, that Sissel actually refused Qin Fei's request.

The reason is: Qin Fei and his ilk are just a squad of mercenaries, just a team of private bodyguards responsible for the safety of the princess. This is their country and their territory. They are professionals. Therefore, Qin Fei and others can only Appear as a bodyguard and cannot participate in security work.

In this regard, Qin Fei is too lazy to talk to this arrogant deputy director, since he is not cooperating, there is no need to force it.

Qin Fei would not take care of his insistence that his team cannot participate in the overall security work. He brought the GMT security personnel sent by Reston to his own unified command. As for the police and rapid response teams, Sissell himself directed the pull down.

However, Qin Fei still wanted to know the deployment of the police.

"Yuri, what happened to what I asked you to do?" Qin Fei pressed the headset and asked, "About the police channel."

"It's done, I have hacked into their communication network, and now their words and deeds are under my surveillance. If there is any disturbance, or if you want to know any of their deployments, I can tell you." His tone was full of confidence. Yuri said in the channel.

"Okay, pay attention to their every move."

"I know, now I've heard something." Yuri said: "Two garbage assassins posing as food suppliers were seized at the outermost checkpoint No. 1, and they are now being moved to the basement on the right side of the castle for interrogation. , The interrogation was carried out by four police officers sent by the local police station."

"Well, this matter is their freedom, we can't control it." Qin Fei said.

"OK, I understand."

As soon as Yuli cut off the call, Qin Fei's ears burst into applause and his eyes lit up.

The banquet hall is here.

The ancient banquet hall, the ground is more than five meters high from the ceiling, the ceiling is full of colorful paintings, and the walls around the banquet hall can only be described as magnificent.

This small country used to be a paradise for pirates, and riches plundered from all over the world decorate this place extremely luxuriously.

There are huge candlestick chandeliers hanging on the wall, and under the brilliant lights, all the guests are wearing retro evening dresses and formal attire, which makes people feel like they have traveled through time and space.

Around the party hall were filled with round dining tables. Many of the tables were already full of guests. The servants wearing straight short vests and white shirts shuttled among them, and began to place dishes and wine on the tables.

The center of the hall was empty, revealing a huge oil painting on the ground.

The band dressed in seventeenth-century costumes is already in place on the right front side of the hall, and the violin is holding the melodious and relaxing music.

It can be seen that the Prince Gustaf really spent a lot of effort on this party.


Gustav greeted him with a spring breeze, stretched out his right elbow, and Charlotte held it gently.

"I will introduce for you some guests you don't know tonight."

Qin Fei had no intention of paying attention to what the two of them were talking about. His eyes kept sweeping over everyone in the hall.

But I have to admit that doing security in such a place is simply too difficult.

Joining the assassin to mix in, raising a gun somewhere in the crowd, it was difficult for Qin Fei to find out the first time.

Fortunately, it is not just me and Kunchai in the lobby, but also for protecting Charlotte personally. The polar bear and old fish with a bodyguard from the GMT company are scattered in every corner, monitoring every A guest.

As long as there is any change, these people have pistols on their bodies, and they can be violently stopped immediately.

An entourage walked to Gustav's side and said something softly.

Gustav's eyes lit up and he said to Charlotte, "Charlotte, do you remember Longteng International in Country Z?"

"Remember." Charlotte said, "Their chairman seems to be on the invitation list tonight."

"Yes, it is him. He is a generous person, so I invited him to the party. I think he will generously donate to your charity project." Gustav said, "It's just that he was yesterday. He called me personally and he couldn't come due to physical problems."

"Oh! That's a shame." Charlotte's eyes dimmed.

"No, no, he didn't come, but in order to show respect for our royal family, he sent his daughter over." Gustav pointed outside the gate, "Their car has passed the second bridge, I think We can go to the door and wait for her, this is someone worth waiting for."

Longteng International is very famous internationally. It is said that it has an official background in State Z. For this kind of person, even Charlotte does not dare to despise it.

What's more, charity requires the support of these big chaebols.

Gustav’s proposal ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of course she readily accepted it.

"The father-in-law goes outside the gate, polar bears and old fish, and take people to take precautions."

Although it was twelve degrees below zero outside, Qin Fei's forehead was still dripping with sweat in the hall.

Several bodyguards from the GMT company ran up and took Charlotte's front left and front right, respectively, while Qin Fei stood directly beside Charlotte, followed by Kunchai.

Walking out of the door, a Bentley and a Mercedes-Benz just stopped at the door.

From the Mercedes-Benz, three young men with strong builds, all flat-headed and wearing suits, walked around the first Bentley very professionally, stood on the left and the right, and then the co-driver of the Bentley got down one person, behind The next person down on the left side of the seat is in the same attire.

These people quickly surrounded the Bentley, and one of the older-looking middle-aged men reached out and opened the door on the right side of the back seat.

Everyone standing in front of the door, their eyes lit up.

This is a beautiful oriental beauty!

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