Absolute Honor

Chapter 549: Confessed

Walking in the long corridor, Gustav's leather heel knocked on the floor with a crisp sound. Chen ← Yuan ↑ Wen ↗ Learning? Net

He felt his body light, as if he was about to fly.

"Those two assassins, are they really going to confess?" He asked his attendant, turning his head.

"Yes, but they have a condition, asking your Highness that you grant them the right to pardon and let them leave." The attendant said.

Gustav waved his hand triumphantly: "This can be done, and they did not cause any loss. Within our borders, it can only be said to be premeditated at best. I promised to grant them a pardon."

"So, they asked to meet you once, otherwise they don't believe it, they only believe you." The attendant said.

Gustav was even more proud, which gave him a sense of power.

Yes, being able to forgive people is itself a symbol of power.


It is estimated that the prison cell of the castle was built on the side of the sea for many years, and it was built on the side of the sea. The castle is also open to the public every day, and it has become a tourist attraction. However, the cell represents more or less Some bad images, so it has always been a restricted area of ​​the castle, never to the outside.

The banquet hall is far away from the circular tube tower where the cell is located. It has to go through the garden in the castle and enter a long passage before reaching the circular tube tower on the northeast corner.

When Gustav and two attendants walked through the long aisles and corridors towards the old cell in the northeast corner of the castle, a dark figure wearing a black coat and a black hood was at the entrance outside the old house. It disappeared in a flash and disappeared in the darkness.

Tuk tuk ——

The thick fir door was knocked, and a fat policeman in charge of guards opened the small square window from the inside, and the outside was empty.

He closed the small window and shrugged at his three companions sitting in the room.

The two captured assassins were already locked in an iron cage opposite to the wall at this time. Iron pillars thicker than admitted thumbs formed a fence and could not escape at all.

"Anderson, what's the matter?"

The three police officers sitting at the table were placing beer, herring, bread, and various vegetable salads on the table. This was their supper tonight.

"I don't know, maybe it's something like a mouse." Fat policeman Anderson said a little unhappy: "This **** castle never lacks mice."

"Don't worry, come over and let's have something to eat. Later, after His Royal Highness Gustav comes to see the prisoner, we estimate that we will send him back to the bureau."

"Oh! I don't want to go back so early. Although it's boring, it's not that dangerous." Anderson sat down on the stool and moved his wide and fat ass: "You haven't heard on the channel. Is there a murderous madman in the city tonight, five people have died, and now all branches are sending all the police to patrol everywhere."

He looked at the wind and snow outside the small window, shook his head and said: "If we go back to the bureau, I'm afraid we will be sent out to patrol the wilderness."

"You seem to make a lot of sense..." his colleagues echoed.

Tuk tuk

The sound of hitting the wooden door rang again at the door.

"Ah-damn mouse!" Anderson stood up, pulled out a police swing stick from his waist, walked to the door and slammed the door open, and shouted at the outside: "Come out, let me give you this nasty one. Happy guy!"

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed by the door.

The sudden situation shocked Anderson, and he backed away subconsciously.

The black shadow raised his hand, and a cluster of dark red sparks exploded in the dim corridor.


A skull flew on the back of Anderson's head, brain plasma and blood sprayed out like a trumpet, and his fat body suddenly became lifeless. He fell straight back and hit the ground with a bang. On the ground, there was a squeaky sound.

The three police officers in the room didn't even know what the accident was except, they got up from their chairs reflexively.

The black shadow wore a long black coat, and the black head covering covered all his countenance.


It was almost an indoor IPSC shooting training. The intruders shot one after another, and all three police officers were shot and fell to the ground.

The black shadow moved quickly, and exquisitely walked towards the police officer lying on the ground, and shot no one's head.

Afterwards, he squatted down and searched the corpses, got the key, and walked to the iron gate.

"You seem to be late."

One of the assassins with short golden hair sitting on the ground of the iron cage suddenly stood up, walked to the iron fence, and looked at the mysterious man in black who bowed his head and unlocked.

"It took a lot of effort to find a chance to come to you. Charlotte is still giving a speech in the hall. I saw her bodyguard named Qin Fei asked to evacuate the guests immediately and announced the end of the banquet. I miss you. The progress has to be accelerated."

"Leave?" The assassin in the cage grinned: "Since I have come in, I can't get out!"

He pushed open the iron door that had been opened, walked to the corner table, picked up the odds and ends that he had found, including a military watch, and took it up to check the time.

"Don't worry, our people are already doing things, and now it is estimated that it is time for a good show."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm leaving now, otherwise my identity will be leaked, I hope you won't disappoint us." The man in black finished speaking and turned to leave.

The assassin asked: "Wait, where is our car."

"Just parked in the yard, near the bottom of the wall on the right side of the tube building." The man in black said again, disappearing outside the door.

The golden-haired assassin put on a watch, and together with his companions searched out all the pistols and other weapons on the policeman, and then said: "It is estimated that Gustav will be here soon. Change clothes immediately."

The two selected police officers who were similar in shape to them, stripped off their uniforms and put them on their bodies, dragged two of the corpses into dead ends and piled them up, and dragged the remaining two corpses into the cages and draped them indiscriminately. .

"Where is the blood on the ground?" Huang Mao's associate asked.

The yellow-haired assassin looked at the brain and blood on the floor, frowned and said, "It's okay, they have no chance to inspect the floor."

After speaking, he walked to the wall and turned off one of the lights to make the room darker.

Then, he picked up the walkie-talkie on the table: "The Trojan horse has entered the city~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the outside world can be closed."

"OK, received." A deep response came from the headset.

Tuk tuk ——

"The police officer opened the door and your Highness is down."

Outside the door, the voice of Gustav's attendant came.

The door creaked open from inside.

The attendant outside the door glanced at the indoor lights and frowned, "Why is it so dark?"

"The wires are aging? A light suddenly went out just now, and it's probably burned out." The police officer said, thinking that Gustav had slightly finished bending over and said, "His Royal Highness, please come in."

The attendant stood by the door and let Gustav go ahead.

When the three of them entered the cell, Gustav frowned suddenly and pulled out a delicate handkerchief from his pocket and put it under his nose.

"Here, why is there a strange smell?"

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