Absolute Honor

Chapter 559: adventure

Quietly in the conference room, Major General Green stood in front of the Y Jing big screen, rubbing his chin with his hands.

The other party was absolutely prepared, his own old man was touched by others, and he was stabbed in a painful spot.

Indeed, if you succeed in handling the crisis tonight, it will undoubtedly add a strong touch to your resume, but if you fail, as the mask man said, he may be forced to resign and go to retirement early.

For a professional soldier, this is as unacceptable as being prematurely deprived of his life.

"General, I think these craps are intimidating us!" Colonel Reid said coldly: "If we compromise, I am afraid it will have an impact on the image of our country and the military. Those **** KB elements always think that we are weak and can be deceived. ."

"You mean storming?" Green glanced sideways at his subordinates: "Can you guarantee that you can safely rescue His Highness Gustav?"

"I have enough confidence in my subordinates." Reid said with a proud face.

Major General Green did not speak.

"General, the longer the delay, the more unfavorable it is for us." Reid urged: "The faster you act, the higher the survival ratio of the hostages."

While Green was still hesitating, Lieutenant Linda's phone rang on the side.

Putting it in her ears, Linda gently walked to the side and answered the phone in a low voice. As the information liaison officer tonight, she has more than a dozen officers who are responsible for collecting information and intelligence, keeping an eye on the island. Every move.

After dozens of seconds, Linda returned to Green.

"General, something went wrong."

Green's face turned blue, and he turned his head abruptly and asked, "What's the matter?"

His expression was a little stiff, and his brows were frowned.

This mess tonight has made him uncomfortable enough, and something has happened that really makes him unable to walk around late.

"Look at this."

She picked up the phone and said into the microphone: "Move the picture to the conference room."

Y Jing's big screen flashed, and the local news TV station immediately appeared.

In the screen, there appeared many armed men in black combat uniforms dragging corpses around the gate of the castle on the island.

Although the picture is not very clear, the clothing on the body is still faintly visible.

Some of those corpses looked like bodyguards, and some were wearing evening gowns, and they knew they were guests attending the charity party.

"damn it!"

Green’s scalp was numb, and he sternly said: "Who took these pictures!? How did they take them!? Didn’t I say that the news should be temporarily blocked?"

"We did not release any external information. Even the police have warned that we cannot release any information about the hostage crisis to the press without the permission of the crisis management center."

Lieutenant Linda said: "Some of these pictures were taken by reporters from svt television station, and some were taken by independent bb reporters. These reporters rented helicopters and used high-definition telephoto cameras hundreds of meters away from the island. I took the shot..."

"Damn bastard!" Green couldn't control his emotions anymore: "Do they know what they are doing!? Send someone to expel the **** from the air, contact the relevant TV station people, and ask them to stop immediately. These content and images are broadcast on TV channels!"


Linda grumbled and said: "Our people have already done this, but the TV station has refused our request."

"Why!?" Major General Green couldn't believe what he heard.

Linda said: "They said, this is their freedom and their right to press..."

"Oh! God!" Green's face became very ugly: "You immediately contact the air traffic control center, and they sent someone to intercept the **** news helicopter! I didn't take back all the videos they had taken, why don't you talk to me? What do I say about freedom of the press! You tell them that it’s just the decision of the National Anti-Terrorism Center. Whoever dares not listen to it is endangering national security. Arrest immediately! Also, call the top of their TV station. No matter who it is, let Someone who can talk to talk to me."

"Yes, sir!" Linda stood at attention, turned and hurried away.


Major General Green slapped his palm on the oval table in the conference room.

He knows what consequences these journalists will bring to him. When such images are put on a TV channel, it will cause public outcry.

The next thing is self-evident. I will be pressured by the upper management to ask myself to deal with the hostage crisis as soon as possible. This will disrupt all my plans to negotiate with the other party.

On TV news, the picture seems to be broadcast in C again.

A news reporter made a live report on the street across the island...

"...From 8 o'clock this evening, someone heard gunshots from the island, and the power system was interrupted for a while. We tried to contact the castle management office on the island to inquire about the situation, but the phone couldn't be reached... According to insiders. , Tonight, the castle on the island was rented by Prince Gustaf, a member of the royal family, to hold a charity party. The guests included Princess Charlotte of the Kingdom of Comoros..."

Having said that, the blonde female reporter suddenly touched her earphones and said loudly: "Wait...The reporter in front of us took a shocking picture earlier. Because the picture was too bloody, it was technically processed just now... "

Major General Green felt a cold sweat on his forehead.

damn it!

Shocking picture! ?

What will it be! ?

Suddenly, the screen of the news station was switched, and a video was put on the live screen.

More than a dozen people wearing suits who looked like bodyguards alternately rushed out of the door of the castle banquet hall and had a gun battle with several armed men outside the door.

Those who rushed out of the hall seemed to have completely crushed the seven militants outside the door in terms of military quality. Two of them alternately smashed forward, sweeping the entire parking lot like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, and you will see the armed forces. All personnel are down.

"These people are professional soldiers." Standing next to the general, Reid stared at Qin Fei, Lei Ming and others on the screen, "At least they have served in special forces."

"Who stopped the picture!" Green turned and shouted to the officer behind.

The picture was stopped, and Green pointed to one of the women in the dinner dress and said: "This, it must be Princess Charlotte."

"There is also a woman over there, who seems to be also a guest, and those people seem to be her bodyguards. Check out the origin of this person right away."

"Yes, General." The officer nodded, then turned to send a query command on the computer.

Green's phone rang, and he took out his phone and took a look, the muscle R on his face twitched slightly.

It was a high-level man in the country ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who called him from the top of his head.

After answering the call, Green walked aside, listened more and said less, and finally answered a few "yes". ..

After hanging up the phone, Green returned to the conference table, sighed, and looked at Colonel Reid.

"Rhett, I received the above call just now. The royal family put pressure on the government, and the hotline of the crisis management center and the hotline of the police were blown up..."

Colonel Reid quietly looked at Green, his senior superior.

"General, do you mean we should be dispatched?"

Green rubbed a few palms on his face and looked at the Y Jing screen blankly: "They are sure to die* ah..."

After a while, he turned his head and said to Rhett, "Now I have to try without risking it. You go and prepare. According to your previous plan, do what you should do, just do it..."

"Yes! Sir!" Rhett stood tall, saluted, and disappeared outside the door with strides.

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