Absolute Honor

Chapter 567: Breathing stopped (thanks to the beauty of Longbow Zaire for becoming...

The two had just entered the secret path, and a violent explosion came from behind.

A fire dragon rolled out in the secret road at the opposite fork, swallowing everything wherever it went, and the four members of the gravedigger suddenly lost their bones under the impact of the powerful air wave.

Qin Fei and Eric were lying on the ground, feeling that the entire secret tunnel was shaking, and the clod fell from the top of their heads, almost burying the two of them.

Fortunately, there is a circular enclosure in front of each fork, which looks like a secret room. This enclosure has withstood the impact and flames of the explosion to a large extent.

Despite this, the shock caused by the sound waves in the confined space caused Qin Fei and Eric to become temporarily deaf, and their hair was also scorched by the heat wave.

"Qin Fei!"


The personnel separation between the columns was wide enough to show the effect in the critical moment. Because the distance between each other was long enough, the people behind did not receive much impact.

Just after the power of the explosion, the members of Unit 203 and the X Corps rushed up, and everyone's heart was suspended.

Such a powerful explosion, if luck is a little bit close...

The consequences could be disastrous.

The secret path has completely lost his vision at this time.

Although everyone wears night vision goggles, there is a mess everywhere. The smoke from the explosion is full of pungent burnt smells. The high temperature steams the water vapor on the moist ground, and there are clods that almost seal the dense road. , Plus the water constantly seeping from the top of the head, all are reminding everyone that this secret path is completely finished.

Thunder was startled by the scene in front of him.

Qin Fei and Eric were completely gone.

"He must be in the soil!" The old fish squeezed up and yelled at a few people around him: "Also stunned! Dig!"

Without any tools, everyone can only dig wildly with both hands. The secret road is already very crowded and can only be rotated in batches.

While digging, Lei Ming cursed and cursed to himself: "Smelly boy! I just found you, you can't just die like this! You have to go back with me and explain everything clearly! Soldier! You are not allowed to die here!"

The old fish was like a hunting dog digging a hole in the ground. The mud was flying behind him and his fingers began to bleed.

"Team Lei!" The scholar reached out and touched the loosened soil above his head, and a piece of soil fell to the ground. His face was pale and he said, "Here is going to collapse!"

Lei Ming was taken aback, and shouted at the scholar: "Scholar, leave four people to look for Qin Fei, and all the others will evacuate here for me!"

"I won't go!" Little Pepper stubbornly rejected Thunder's decision, "I want to find Qin Fei before leaving!"

"This is an order, my rank is higher than you, and I am an operational commander, you are just an intelligence officer, An Ruo Su, figure out your own identity!" Lei Ming said indiscriminately, sternly: "Scholar, Big Worm, Tiger, Drag her away, Gun King, old K, singer, you stay and help me and old fish! Everyone else will withdraw for me! Can you understand what people say!? All withdraw!"

"Don't **** yell at me!" Kunchai suddenly went violently, his eyes were red. Usually he was most afraid of the 203 troops, but at this time there was no fear at all, "I am a member of the X mercenary group. It is not your subordinate, your order is invalid for me!"

After thundering for a moment, Kun guessed that it was not unreasonable.

"Kun guess, sight, Yuri, polar bear, you take Charlotte and Nina to leave!" The old fish with a cold face, as the second person in the corps, this veteran knows that Lei Ming has made the most sensible decision. , You must go on your own right away, otherwise it is possible for everyone to die here together!

"Have you heard, just do it in a daze!"

The old fish was so anxious that he began to swear.

Kunchai gritted his teeth with red eyes, stomped his feet, turned around and retreated with the polar bear and others, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the secret road.

"Why don't you go!?" Lei Ming stood up from the mound and rushed to An Ruo Su: "Damn, shouldn't a woman come and join the action!"

The scholar Gao Ming, the big insect Liu Feilong, and the tiger Hu Yong were actually absolutely obedient to Thunder's orders, but they were not easy to start with Little Chili.

Lei Ming grabbed the little pepper that was half a head taller than him, pushed her hard against the wall, and said cruelly: "An Ruo Su! You are a professional soldier of the special forces! Not an ordinary soldier! Shao Te is here! Children love each other, now is not the time when children love each other! You and I know that there is absolutely no problem with my orders!"

After speaking, let go of the pale little pepper, and said to the scholar and the big worm: "Damn, can you two understand me? Let her go!"

The scholar and the worm could only whisper to An Ruosu, "I'm sorry, Captain An."

Having said that, the two of them slammed their hands together, clamped the two arms of Little Pepper, and ran out like a puppet.

"Thunder! I drafted the uncle!"

An Ruosu's sturdy temper immediately went wild, and he actually followed up with cursing.

As soon as I didn't hear the thunder, I went back to the mound and digging with everyone to find someone.

While digging, the old fish suddenly couldn't help asking: "I have been away from the army for so many years, are the lesbians more sturdier than before?"

"Fuck, it's not that she is the granddaughter of Mr. An, I slapped and slapped him!" Lei Ming said without looking up.

"Master An?" Lao Yu was taken aback. Of course he knew who this was. It was with his support that Unit 203 was founded.

"Found it!" Xu Wu suddenly cheered, his hand touched a foot in the soil.

"Here! Here too!" The singer over there also yelled.

A large chunk of the mound had been dug up by everyone, and two feet emerged from the slimy soil.

The ice-cold sea water suddenly poured over the top of the head, and everyone was drenched.

The old fish looked up and said in surprise: "This place is going to collapse!"

"It doesn't matter! Dig!" Lei Ming followed the dug feet and kept digging the soil above them, and finally Qin Fei showed most of his body.

"Hand in hand!" He said to Lao Yu, who immediately came over and grabbed one of Qin Fei's hands with him, and pulled him out of the soil.

The old fish held some sea water to wash off the wet soil on Qin Fei's face.

"Lei team, Eric found it too!" On the other side, Xu Wu, singer and old K Wang Kai also dragged Eric out of the soil.

"Qin Fei!" Lao Yu reached out and slapped Qin Fei's face, but the latter did not respond at all.

"That's it!" Lei Ming put his finger under Qin Fei's nostrils, and his breath was gone!

"Fuck! You can't just die!" Lei Ming said as he began to violently press Qin Fei's chest, giving him artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

There is more seawater on the top of the secret road~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was pattered just now, and now I directly ask a few water jets to pour it down.

Xu Wu's face was pale, and he reminded Lei Ming: "Team Lei, here is going to collapse!"

Lei Ming ignored Xu Wu, but continued to give Qin Fei cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

On the other side, Eric woke up and turned around. He was buried much shallower than Qin Fei, and he was the first to discover that the gravedigger member who was shot had a bomb remote control in his hands, so he ran faster than Qin Fei. Some, the impact is relatively small.

"Fak..." He wiped the mud off his face and slapped his head. He was still a little confused: "What's the matter?"

"You were hit by a bomb!" Old Yu said.

Eric turned his head to see Qin Fei, he was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately became sober.

"What's wrong with the boss?!" he asked the old fish.

"Breathing has stopped." The old fish watched thunderously doing CPR, frowning and said: "It is estimated that too much soil was pressed, causing a cardiac arrest..."

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