Absolute Honor

Chapter 572: Inside story

The white tiger in the audience couldn't help but touched the pistol at his waist.

She knows exactly who Qin Anguo is. As Fan Tianlong's subordinate, she must ensure that her boss will not die on stage.

Even if they were a few meters apart, she could feel that the air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder, and just a little bit of sparks could blow it up into the sky.

The two top professional soldiers of the first-generation 203 unit confronted each other like two fierce tigers competing.

Time passed by second after second, and the fighting hall was so quiet that people could hear people's breathing and heartbeats.

"Okay, I beg you."

Suddenly, Qin Anguo was like a bow that let go of the string, put away the confrontation, and looked at Fan Tianlong in front of him coldly.

Fan Tianlong who achieved his goal suddenly laughed wildly.

"Hahahahahaha! It sounds great! This is the best voice I've ever heard! Qin Anguo, the founder of Unit 203, actually begged me? My hero of the battlefield who is admired by my teammates begged me! You are still the one in southern Xinjiang. Is Qin Anguo who frightened the Vietnam Secret Service on the battlefield?"

Fan Tianlong laughed almost out of breath, coughed twice and said: "It was too low just now, I can't hear it. Can you say it again? Huh?"

The muscles on Qin Anguo's cheek twitched twice, but he calmed down quickly.

"I—please—you, tell me the truth."

He said every word.

Fan Tianlong was taken aback.

He didn't expect Qin Anguo to beg himself again so readily. For Fan Tianlong who likes to challenge, the game is too simple to be fun.

He beckoned to Baihu, took the towel that Baihu threw over, Fan Tianlong wiped the sweat from his body and the blood on the corners of his mouth.

He turned his head and shook his head to Qin Anguo and said, "You are no longer the Qin Anguo of the year. How could Qin Anguo beg for help? The Qin Anguo of the year can take revenge for his comrades and take the two regiment-level commanders of the Vietnamese army overnight. So, let them dare not set up their regiment headquarters within 50 kilometers of the border. If it were you, what I said just now, you could kill me, right? You look at you now , You are really old, my captain."

Qin Anguo pulled a towel on the rope of the ring and wiped off the sweat from his face. He seemed to calm down, and if nothing had happened, he said, "Then you treat me as old."

"It's boring!" Fan Tianlong jumped off the ring and said to Bai Hu: "Go, get something to eat. I have a gathering with my old captain. I have something to chat with him alone."


Ten minutes later, a long wooden table was placed on the large balcony of a lake house next to the training camp. Fan Tianlong and Qin Anguo sat one each.

The table is full of food, most of which are canned products, but also some game such as pheasants.

Of course, men cannot be without wine, there are still several bottles of Moutai on the table.

Fan Tianlong got up, poured a large glass for Qin Anguo himself, and filled himself with another glass.

"Back then, do you still remember? Back then, every time we went on a mission, the wine we drank was the same." He said, while taking a sip, "This is the wine I brought from the country. The wine is still this wine, but The taste is not that one anymore."

"Stop talking nonsense, if you promised me, you should tell me." Qin Anguo grabbed a pheasant and tore off a big piece as soon as he drank the wine. He took a bite and looked at Fan Tianlong: "Remember to keep your word."

"Although I, Fan Tianlong, has become the KB member in your eyes today, I have never said anything in front of you."

"Then tell me what happened in Stockholm."

Fan Tianlong drank the wine and said, “It’s very simple. It had nothing to do with Qin Fei. But your son lost his memory during the mission last time. Now 203 people have found him, so he sent a team to find him. It happened to be the servant he established. The Corps took on a mission to protect the royal princesses of the Comoros. It happened to be in Stockholm and also happened to attend the charity party. Now the 203 troops and his men are trapped in the castle."

"You said several major countries are involved, what's the matter?" Qin Anguo asked.

Fan Tianlong said: "According to the information I have obtained from certain channels, this matter involves OTAN (to prevent harmony, please find out what organization this is). What kind of organization is OTAN? How many countries are they leading? It can be said that it is the country that controls the world’s most powerful military power. Isn’t that big? As far as I know, in the intelligence organization alone, the CIA, BND, MI6, and French DGSE are all involved, and things are happening. The opposite party happens to be KGB. It can be said that, except for our motherland, other countries are playing different roles in this drama."

Qin Anguo's face changed slightly, and the trouble was so big that he really exceeded his expectations.

Before Qin Fei lost his memory, Fan Tianlong had been here, and told him the news in front of him for the first time. His thoughts, Qin Anguo, were very clear.

He just wants to see his pain, see his helplessness, and can't do anything.

It was only after that Qin Fei's fate was so big that he actually created a mercenary group by himself, which became so popular in Africa, and then Fan Tianlong never came.

For so many years, every time the 203 unit suffered a setback, Fan Tianlong would be the first to come over to show off his power. It was already a common practice.

"Go on." He said calmly.

"Your son might not have thought that the princess he protected this time is no longer the main target. In contrast, to me, Kun Guai is more valuable, and to those OTAN intelligence organizations, they It was completely brought into this incident passively."

"About seven months ago, OTAN implemented a plan code-named'Weasel'. This plan is essentially a countermeasure plan because their anti-missile system is constantly advancing toward the Russian border and has been warned and threatened. This There is a lot of trouble, so they must obtain the latest Russian missile data. This is how the'Weasel' project came into being."

"Three months ago, this plan finally yielded a huge gain. Korolev, a Russian missile expert, turned against him and was countered by the beauty of the CIA. He and his family were out of KGB surveillance and disappeared out of thin air. "

"Missile expert?" Qin Anguo seemed to smell something.

The value of a missile expert is difficult to estimate. If you master the core secrets, it will be a serious threat to Russia's national defense.

"Yes, Korolev's greatest strength is the secrets he holds. He himself is an expert of Russia's "Diamond-Antai" Aerospace Defense Group Company and the chief designer of Russia's new A-235 missile defense system."

Fan Tianlong said: "I think you should know the function of this system~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although you are hiding on this small island, I know that your news is not so closed."

"I have heard of it, but I don't know much about it." Qin Anguo continued to eat.

Of course he knows the origin of the A1-235 system.

A-235 is an improved model of the A-135 missile defense system deployed in the Central Industrial Zone in the 1980s. It consists of a three-layer interception system, including improved 51T6 long-range interceptor bombs, 58R6 medium-range interceptor bombs and 53T6M short-range missiles. Interceptor.

The integrated air defense and anti-missile defense system composed of this system and S-500, S-400 and other systems will make the Russian military's anti-missile capability bound to be greatly improved.

If the chief designer who designed this system invests in OTAN, the entire Russian military's anti-missile network will have irreparable loopholes and become worthless.

"Of course, Korolev's value lies not only in this, but more deadly, he also participated in the design and experimentation of another project." Fan Tianlong poured a mouthful of Maotai into the entrance, and said with a smile.

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