Absolute Honor

Chapter 624: Return to training camp

In fact, what Qin Fei worries most is his mother's interference with the mercenary group.

But the more you are afraid, the more you will come. The fact that you are now the boss of the mercenary is known to everyone. I am afraid that this hurdle cannot be avoided.

"Yes..." Qin Fei headed.

"You--" Liang Shaoqin raised his hand suddenly, and was about to fall and give Qin Fei a slap in the face. In front of her, this was not a mercenary leader, nor a special soldier of Unit 203. This was her pregnancy. The piece of meat born in October is the continuation of the blood of himself and her husband Qin Anguo, and it is the son who was raised by himself.

Sophia, who was next to him, was impatient and quickly grabbed Liang Shaoqin's hand.

"Auntie, you can't beat people!"

Sophia received the Western education. In her opinion, even parents can't beat their children casually. She didn't think Qin Fei did anything wrong, at least in her opinion, Qin Fei was a hero.

Liang Shaoqin was taken aback, and immediately looked up at Sophia.

In the eyes of the people of Z country, this is completely a family matter, and it is not allowed for others to intervene in the family matter.

"Sophia, this is my family affair."

When Sophia heard the word "family", his face was red again, yes, they are two mothers and children, what is she? In what capacity do you dissuade?

"Liang, I am yours..."

Speaking of this, suddenly shut up.

She suddenly found it inappropriate to say so. If you are Liang Shaoqin's friend, then you are Qin Fei's elders?

Since coming into contact with Liang Shaoqin, Sophia has clearly understood that the people of Country Z value generations very much, and putting herself in the position of Qin Fei's elders does not seem to benefit her at all.

"I'm Qin Fei's friend. I can't watch you hit him indiscriminately, he did nothing wrong, he just lost his memory..."

Sophia's words made Liang Shaoqin suddenly feel soft.

That's right, Qin Fei lost his memory before, how can he blame him? If you can survive, your ancestors have blessed you, so what can you blame?

Liang Shaoqin put down his hand and sighed: "Son, I was a little impulsive just now. But, have you ever thought about it. As you are, what should the queen do?"

Qin Fei realized that his mother was talking about being a member of Unit 203.

But he himself didn't know what to do. Obviously, no one had such a bizarre experience.

"Lei team came to me, just last night, Stockholm." Qin Fei said, "Mom, what I did was not commit crimes. Please rest assured. As for my identity, I promised. Reggae and An Ruosu, when my mission is over, I will definitely go back to China, let's talk about how to deal with it then, it is not my turn to call the shots now..."

With that said, Liang Shaoqin's heroic spirit has come up again.

"Don't be afraid, son, mom will accompany you back. I don't believe Wei Tiansheng and they dare to take you! No, I will go directly to the headquarters to find the old man! When you were mistaken for sacrifice, the army held a funeral for you. At the funeral, I That said, our old Qin family is worthy of the country, and worthy of the army, and nothing is owed to anyone! You have already died once, you have given your life once for the country, and no one can point fingers at you!"

"Mom!" Qin Fei couldn't help tears in his eyes again, choking out of speech.

Qin Fei couldn't be more familiar with his mother's style of acting. Single mothers bring up children, and mothers are always so strong, and they can’t survive if they are not strong.

In my own growth experience, how many times did my mother Liang Shaoqin take such a big deal and said to herself when she encountered difficulties: "Son, don't be afraid, there is a mother!"

This unpretentious but heroic remark made Qin Fei, the Tiehan who did not shed a single tear even after a few shots, suddenly couldn’t help crying again. He knelt in front of Liang Shaoqin with his head lying on Liang Shaoqin’s legs. Come on, sobbing.

"My good son!" Liang Shaoqin touched the tears in the corner of his eyes, and patted Qin Fei's back vigorously. Should be happy! Are you hungry? Let's eat something, Sofia, ask the stewardess to bring some wine, I want to make an exception to drink!"

Sophia's eyes widened. Although she knew that Liang Shaoqin was born in the military, she had always thought that she was a resolute and somewhat melancholic elder sister, but she did not expect to have such a vigorous side.

First class, the food is not bad.

Sophia woke up and nodded: "Yes, I will arrange it right away."


The plane landed at Dubai Airport 11 hours later. At the airport, Qin Fei called Lao Yu. Lao Yu heard that Qin Fei had found his mother and was on his way to Eritrea. He said he should come back soon. The training camp has been turned upside down.

What Qin Fei heard from Lao Yu's tone was not surprised, but surprised, so he asked, "What happened to the release on Monday? The training camp is completed?"

"It's basically restored. The city battlefield will take some time, but those are ordinary mud-brick buildings. It's not difficult to deal with. It's just that they turned it into a teaching brigade on Monday, don't you believe it?"

"Teach the brigade!?" Qin Fei was startled.

This is an organizational system, and this special training unit is available only at the division level and above.

Qin Fei himself has been to the teaching brigade~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because among them, ordinary soldiers must go through the pre-squad leader training of the teaching brigade in order to be promoted to squad leader or noncommissioned officer. This kind of training starts in June every year and lasts for six. Months, within the scope of the entire division, each company selects several people to participate in the training, and the elimination system is adopted.

Within six months, it will be divided into three major stages: physical fitness, professionalism, and command, and each soldier must learn the professions of all operators in his profession, from a single ordinary soldier to a professional all-rounder and the most basic commander. .

After graduation, the teaching brigade will issue graduation certificates to the students who have passed the assessment. With this gadget, they can grant orders to the squad leader after returning to their original unit to take over the positions left by the previous group of veteran squad leaders.

Turn the training camp into a teaching brigade?


However, thinking about the nature is the same. The teaching brigade itself is a training base, and the mercenary training camps that are offered are of this nature, except that one trains regular troops and the other trains mercenaries.

"Fuck! He's really new." Qin Fei heard that the phone on the other end of the old fish was very noisy, and then asked, "Why are you so noisy over there?"

"You come back quickly, come back and talk about it, here is a mess now." Lao Yu said.

"Is it messy?" Qin Fei was a little surprised, "What's the matter?"

"It's an accident, but it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. Come back quickly. Minister Lawrence will also see you. As soon as I arrived, Diago came over to see you and said his uncle wanted to see you and talk with you."

"Lawrence?" Qin Fei thought of the old African fox, and he couldn't help being a little wary. The old guy was like a ghost, and I was afraid that he would take advantage of him when looking for himself.

"Tell him, I won't be here until tomorrow, and I will see him in two days, so don't worry."

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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