Absolute Honor

Chapter 702: What I hate is myself (thanks to the spinning gear nineteen hundred...

"Right?" Leiming suddenly reduced his smile, "I seemed to see one of you just now. Why didn't I see him when I got on the plane?"

"Who?" the sight asked.

Qin Fei frowned, and immediately patted his head: "Ghost!"

He looked around the cabin for a week, and indeed did not see the ghost.

He immediately questioned the people on the other plane over the radio, but he replied that he did not see the ghost either.

At the end, no one noticed the ghost.

At that time, all the attention was focused on Qin Fei and Jin Donghai, and Qin Fei was full of anger because of Jin Donghai's serious injury. Of course, he did not realize that the ghost had disappeared.

"He was not on the plane..." Qin Fei suddenly realized that he didn't have any ghost contact information.

"The person with the mask..." Lei Ming seemed to be lost in thought. "I saw him when I first got off the plane. I thought this person was familiar, as if I had seen him somewhere, but I was anxious to save you, so I didn't. Too many questions."

Turning his head, Thunder looked at Qin Fei: "Do you know him?"

Qin Fei remembered that the ghost had confessed to himself and told him not to mention the content of the chat between the two with anyone. Qin Fei guessed that he was worried that others would find out his true identity.

Ghost is definitely a friend, and he knows his father, there is no doubt that.

"I don't know, we ran into him when we were in danger here. It was he who rescued us from the encirclement set by the militia. He is definitely a friend, not an enemy."

Qin Fei decided not to disclose the content of the ghost's conversation with him to anyone. It didn't matter who the ghost was. At least it was enough for Qin Fei to know that he was a friend.

Moreover, Qin Fei vaguely felt that the ghost was related to his father, Qin Anguo.

Qin Anguo’s identity so far is very sensitive. He doesn’t want to complicate what was originally simple. He will have the opportunity to encounter ghosts again in the future. He can ask questions clearly. There is no need to report all these things to Lei Ming. After all, Lei Ming treats his father. That is not a good impression.

"It's weird." Lei Ming said: "This operation is very secretive. It was an operation deployed by the headquarters personally. How did this person know that you will be here?"

"His skill is very good! He is definitely not an ordinary member of the special forces. Many tactics and actions are familiar to us. Maybe this person has served in our army before." Liu Hai said: "I think people are very good. Yes, just like this kid, anyone can guess an idea with just a few glances."

He pointed to the scholar, who looked at Liu Hai and grinned.

Obviously, the two knew each other.

"But I can't see through that ghost. He has been trained in professional disguise and can even hypnotize himself. This kind of person is at least at the level of an agent."

"Agent!?" Lei Ming was taken aback, "Which intelligence organization is eyeing us?"

"I also have doubts about this matter. Team Lei, I want to ask a sensitive question. If you and Staff Officer Liu are willing to answer, you can answer it. If you don't want to answer it, then it's fine." Qin Fei's eyes are piercing, sweeping from Lei Ming's face to Liu Hai's face. "This rescue operation, how can the Black Sun mercenaries know your whereabouts? They ambush very accurately, it can be seen that they have been monitoring you, since it is a secret operation, why did you leak the wind?"

The implication is obvious, and Qin Fei suspects that someone has leaked the secret inside.

Lei Ming was not a direct participant in this operation, he looked at Liu Hai.

Qin Fei's suspicion was also his own.

Liu Hai thought for a while and said: "Some things must be kept secret. I can only say that Abkhara is a very sensitive person. A few days ago he took the initiative to contact our agency and asked to sell a piece of extremely high-value information, but he claimed He is in danger, and we must provide him with protection and obtain a new identity, as well as a generous reward before agreeing to provide us with information."

"In view of the seriousness of the matter, my superiors sent me to see him personally. Although I knew that the situation in Yemen was very unstable in those few days and there was a possibility of war at any time, there was only one chance. I had to take the risk. Since Abkhala He has a special identity. I think it’s not only us who are staring at him, and the information he provides also involves an operation planned by the Black Sun organization, so I have reason to believe that the Black Sun is also looking for him, and through their own intelligence. Wang got the whereabouts of Abkhara, probably because we were the first to go, they simply ambushed us, wanting to take Abkala away."

"What information does Abkhara have?" Qin Fei asked.

Liu Hai spread his hands: "I'm sorry, this is a secret, Qin Fei, I know you are not an enemy, you are a comrade, but... I have my discipline."

Qin Fei nodded: "Understand."

"Qin Fei!"

Before the words fell, the scholar's voice came from a corner of the cabin.

"Donghai is awake!"

"Wake up?!" Qin Fei was overjoyed and squatted over next to Jin Donghai.

There was a faint light flashing on the instrument in the cab, and Qin Fei saw Jin Donghai's eyes open as expected by the light.

"Qin Fei..."

He uttered two words weakly.

"I'm here, you don't say anything, just wake up." Qin Fei said: "I'll be in the hospital soon, and you will be fine."

"Haha..." Jin Donghai grinned reluctantly, "Some words, some things..."

"I must talk about it here..."

"Don't tell me, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to say..."

"Damn, can you go back and talk about it, your life is still long!" Qin Fei couldn't help but interrupt him.

Jin Donghai became extremely stubborn at this time: "No, listen to me..."

He looked at the thunder on the side.

"Team Lei... I was right when I scolded me... I was narrow-minded... not worthy of being a member of Unit 203, or even a soldier..."

"A few months ago, I saw Qin Fei in Jebuti... I concealed everything, and even took advantage of his amnesia, to lie to him that he was a fugitive and tell him not to return to China..."

"No such thing!" Qin Fei's chest seemed to be numb, and he felt extremely uncomfortable, and his eyes were so hot. "I don't remember such a thing. Now you have lost too much blood and hallucinations..."

Jin Donghai grinned, looked at Qin Fei, and suddenly said, "Qin Fei, do you know why I hate you so much?"


Qin Fei looked at Jin Donghai without saying a word, just shook his head.

"Every time I go against you, you behave generously...don't care...the more you are like this, the more I hate you..."

"I didn't fight against you because of your dad. It was just an excuse... I grew up and wanted to be recognized by others. In fact, I always admire you. I want to be like you..."

"Do you remember that time you fought with a dozen other little rascals for Little Pepper?"

Qin Fei nodded: "I remember..."

"Actually I was there at the time... I passed there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after the grove, I saw the little pepper surrounded by the local ruffians... I wanted to rush up... but I was scared... hiding in the tree Later, I bit my hand and bleeds, but I still did not dare to go up. I became a shameful coward... Finally, when you passed by, you rushed up without even thinking about it... After that, Little Pepper always worshiped you as a hero. , I'm older than you, but..."

"I really hated you at the time. I thought you were a hero and took away everything that should have belonged to me. I lied to myself. If it weren't for you, I might have rushed in the end...hehe..."

Jin Donghai smiled and suddenly coughed violently.

"Don't tell me, can you do it?" Qin Fei felt his tears rolling in his eyes, and he couldn't help but think of when he was playing with Jin Donghai, Xiaojiao and other courtyard children when he was a child.

Yes, there are actually very happy memories between each other.

"Just now, when I saw you desperately saving me between life and death, I just knew that I was careful, but actually..."

He struggled to raise his head, gasping for breath, looking at Qin Fei with tears in his eyes.

"Actually, I finally understand that I don't hate you... For so many years, I actually hate myself..."

After speaking, Jin Donghai tilted his head and lay on the stretcher.

Qin Fei was shocked, and quickly glanced at the monitoring instrument. The multiple curves on the screen suddenly turned into smooth straight lines...

"Donghai! You can't die! Wake me up! I didn't hate you! You are my friend! It is my childhood! It is my comrade-in-arms and brother! You can wake me up! I order you!"

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