Absolute Honor

Chapter 705: People are gone

A week later, domestic.

A dark green jeep with a military license plate was galloping on the highway.

In the back row, Wei Tiansheng was sitting in a precarious position, whether his eyes fell on the briefcase in his hand.

"Old Wei, you seem to be a little nervous?" Lin Zhonghu seemed to see the inner fluctuations of the old partner and couldn't help but said, "Is it because of Qin Fei?"

"Yeah." Wei Tiansheng didn't intend to conceal Lin Zhonghu. The two have been comrades-in-arms for many years, and they have been partners with each other for many years. There is no need to hide words. "The day he just came back, I talked to him in detail for a long time alone..."

"Are there any gains?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

Wei Tiansheng frowned and thought for a long time: "I didn't look for him to investigate, but to talk to him. In the past few days, many people sent by the superior have talked to him. I don't think there is any need to talk about it. Besides, I told you a long time ago that I believe in Qin Fei, just as I have always believed in Qin Anguo."

"Old Wei, we are not ordinary soldiers, we are high-level commanders." Lin Zhonghu reminded: "Many things must be viewed from a neutral perspective, and personal feelings must not be mixed."

Wei Tiansheng patted the briefcase on his lap: "The information and documents in it, as well as my personal statement, have you already read it, haven't you?"

Lin Zhonghu nodded: "I have seen it."

"Do you think I am neutral?" Wei Tiansheng asked.

Lin Zhonghu nodded again: "No problem, all the information and reports are neutral. Qin Fei's problem is an accident. There is no doubt about this."

After a pause, he said, "However, you did not write your own final conclusion."

Wei Tiansheng said: "Yes, I was worried that I was not neutral enough, so I did not put forward my own suggestions, but left it to the superiors for the final decision. I was afraid that I was not neutral enough. I could sort out the true course of the matter, and whether I would treat Qin Fei. Gui gave a reasonable explanation for up to 9 months, but I can’t make a final personal recommendation..."

Lin Zhonghu comforted him and said: "It's okay, the superior asked you and me to go over today. I just want to come to a conclusion when I think about it."

After speaking, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

"I found that our little rookie in the third team, the experience over the past six months is really incredible, even more tortuous than the plot of the movie... living in a foreign country, evading hunting, and actually becoming a mercenary in Africa, and having his own The team and the base... I suddenly remembered that it took us so much effort and so many years to get a base in Jebuty. He was a good kid and did it in half a year."

After speaking, he remembered a funny thing.

"This kid came back to China this time, you guess he brought a basic passport with him. Now he is fine. He has passports from country D, Eritrea, and the sun setting empire, but they are all genuine things... I don’t know what he is. People, what kind of agent do you think he is."

Wei Tiansheng said: "Qin Fei's potential is very large. It can be said that in the 203 army, no player has a personal potential that can match him. Maybe his military is not the top and the experience is not the oldest, but he There is always something inexplicable in his body... For example, if he hadn't met the Jiaolong team midway this time, maybe Jin Donghai and the others would have sacrificed."

"Well, Jin Donghai and the people of Jiaolong Team were saved. It is really a credit to Qin Fei. Although Jin Donghai was seriously injured, at least his life is no longer in danger." Lin Zhonghu said, "Thunder Ming came back and told me. Qin Fei was very annoyed that they were late due to procedural problems. He thought that if Thunder could arrive earlier, so many people might not have been injured. He even made a big fire at Thunder on the helicopter. Thunder told me, He had never seen Qin Fei like this. He said he almost couldn't recognize Qin Fei in front of him."

Wei Tiansheng frowned.

"Lao Lin, I suddenly felt that Qin Fei was no longer trapped by Unit 203, maybe..."

Lin Zhonghu looked at the eyes of his old partner, and after a long time, he leaned back in the seat heavily.


He sighed, "These are not the final decisions we can make. The old chief asks you and me to go to the headquarters in three days. It is estimated that the heads of several related departments in the headquarters will meet and listen to the final conclusions of the investigation team. Pass your information up. As for the final result, let’s look at the final conclusions drawn at the meeting."

After speaking, he looked at Wei Tiansheng again: "Don't worry, I will stand by you."


Unit 203, training base, dining hall.

Xu Wu packed up the plates and glanced around.

Then he asked the gluttonous singer next to him: "Have you not seen Qin Fei?"

The singer stuffed half a meat bun in his mouth, looked around, shook his head blankly, and said vaguely: "Why don't I know? He's still under investigation now, so I don't need to fuck, I didn't even shout in the morning. he."

Xu Wu thought for a while, walked to the next collection box and put his own plate, then took a new plate, took a few meat buns, made a big bowl of soy milk, and walked out of the dining hall towards Qin Fei. Go to the room where you are.

A week ago, everyone returned home from Jebuti.

Jin Donghai's injury stabilized. He could not be transferred temporarily due to his severe injury, so he could only stay there for treatment.

According to Qin Fei's original plan, he followed the members of Unit 203 back home.

His mercenaries have already returned to the training camp. Lao Yu’s eyes are fine. They are undergoing recuperation. Liang Shaoqin knows that Qin Fei has returned to China. Under Lao Yu’s arrangement, he bought a plane ticket and flew back to China. .

After returning to China, Qin Fei stayed in the 203 breeding base, which is also the training base.

However, he did not return to the team. He had been living in a separate room for so many days. Many people came to Qin Fei in the first few days, all of whom were members of the investigation team from the headquarters.

It was almost a turn of questions, and I talked to Qin Fei for several days, recording, video, and transcript.

Although they knew that this was a kind of program, the former comrades of Qin Fei were still irritated. They thought it was enough to ask once, so how many times do they have to ask again?

But discipline is discipline after all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soldiers still have to abide by it.

Fortunately, after asking for three days, no one came back.

Qin Fei just stayed in the base. Because of his special status, he was not incorporated into the 203 unit for training. Normally, during the day, Qin Fei used to drill in the armory and indoor shooting range, which was the site of veteran Xiao Zhifu.

Two soldiers, one new and the old, make bullets in the shooting range all day long, every ten thousand and eight thousand.

Fortunately, the training funds for Unit 203 are sufficient. You can build as many bullets as you want. There is no limit at all.

In addition, Qin Fei has spent 9 months abroad, and he has experienced a lot of life and death battles. Xiao Zhifu found that this little guy is no longer the old Wu Xia Amon, and when he actually won the battle with himself, he was shocked and felt that he was actually fighting. Sure enough, it was the place where the real soldiers were forced out.

Walked to Qin Fei's concierge.

Xu Wu reached out and knocked **** the door.

"Qin Fei!"

No one responded.

"Qin Fei!? Get up, I fuck, don't you guys have been a mercenary for a long time, people are lazy!?"

After all, he knocked a few more times.

There was still no movement inside.

Xu Wu suddenly felt bad, put his hands on the door frame, and climbed to the top of the door.

Above the door is a small glass window, Lao Yu gently opened it and looked inward.

His eyes suddenly became round!

On Qin Fei's single bed, the sheets were covered without a trace of folds, and the quilt was folded into tofu blocks in accordance with the house regulations, and the tables and chairs next to them were also arranged in full order.

It's just that people are gone!

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