Absolute Honor

Chapter 721: Ghost

eight pm.

The rice market was over, and the guests paid and left one by one, and the veteran Hunan restaurant gradually became deserted.

Zhao Xin stayed at the small table alone, with two small dishes and a few bottles of beer in front of him.

Looking up for a drink, Zhao Xin filled himself with a glass.

A hand stretched out from the side and pressed it on Zhao Xin's hand.

"Don't drink it, you will get drunk if you drink it again."

Zhao Xin looked up and saw He Xiaoyan.

"It's okay, I got my salary today, double." Zhao Xin tried to squeeze out a smile, comforting Xiaoyan: "I just give myself extra food."

He Xiaoyan flattened her mouth and sat down opposite Zhao Xin.

"Zhao Xin, I'm sorry..."

"What excuse me?" Zhao Xin was stunned.

He Xiaoyan said: "I know you were fired."

Zhao Xin was taken aback, and then asked: "How did you know?"

He Xiaoyan said: "Your colleagues installed lines nearby during the day. They came to eat here and talked about you..."

Zhao Xin cursed in a low voice: "Those big mouths..."

"They said that people from the Public Security Bureau went to the work unit to look for you, and your boss fired you because he was afraid that you would get into serious trouble." He Xiaoyan said, "It was for that day, right?"

"Cough—" Zhao Xin waved his hand, "Don't listen to them, I wanted to leave a long time ago. The salary is not high, and there is no future. You can't learn useful crafts. Don't worry, Xiaoyan, you are the only one, Zhao. Brother, such a technical talent, you can have a meal wherever you go. There is no master here, and there is a place to keep the master, and the master does not keep the master everywhere, and the master is self-employed!"

After speaking, he grinned.

He Xiaoyan was also infected by Zhao Xin's optimism, and couldn't help but chuckle.

When she smiled, Zhao Xin looked silly.

A sip of beer was in his mouth and it almost didn't flow out.

He Xiaoyan saw Zhao Xin's desperate silly look, and couldn't help but blush, and said, "Why are you always staring at people?"

"Um—" Zhao Xin suddenly came to his senses and wiped the corners of his mouth: "It's nothing, I suddenly wanted to start."

"What do you remember?" He Xiaoyan asked.

Zhao Xin frowned and said, "That Brother Qin that day, who do you think he was? Why is he so powerful? After a phone call, the chief of the public security bureau was polite, and the troops also came."

"I don't know..." He Xiaoyan shook her head: "I can't guess, but the Qin brother's eyes are so scary."

"Scary?" Zhao Xin remembered Qin Fei's gaze, especially when he looked at Liu Lang and the others. It was indeed murderous and people didn't dare to look straight. Isn’t he an officer in the army? It doesn’t make sense... His age is almost a soldier of my year, even if he is one or two years earlier than me, he is not that good..."

"Don't guess." Lao He suddenly appeared at the table.

He took off his apron and put it on a chair next to him. He sat down, took a glass and poured beer on it.

"Qin Fei is a member of the army, and it's not an ordinary army, it's a special army..."

Drinking wine, He thoughtfully recalled every detail of Qin Fei here.

"Old He, he said that he, like me, had served in the reconnaissance battalion." Zhao Xin said in disbelief. "Isn't he just a scout? These years, even those who have been a spy for two years dare to say that he is a special agent. Troops, you won’t include the scouts in the scope of the special forces?”

"What do you guys know?" Why not politely said: "A soldier in a regular reconnaissance battalion, a phone call, let a captain from the headquarters come over?"

"Headquarters?" Zhao Xin's eyes rounded.

"You didn't see the license plate of the SUV driven by the female captain? It's from the headquarters." Lao He said.

"Yo? How can you do it, I'm not that familiar. You have retired for so many years, and you still know so well?" Zhao Xin half-joked: "Aren't you bragging?"

Old He snorted: "I have a comrade in arms who is still working as a high-level senator in the headquarters. Two years ago, when I went to Beijing to do business, he came out to invite me to drink, and the car he drove had this kind of license plate."

After thinking about it, he said, "Don’t ask about Qin Fei’s identity. It’s not good for you. I believe his identity is top secret. This person has been on the battlefield. Have you seen his hands? There are scars on the face and neck. Those are not ordinary scars, nor are they trained. They are shrapnel scratches and bullet wounds during the war. If he takes off his shirt, I promise you will see more."

"Scare!" Zhao Xin held the beer and put it to his lips for a long time and couldn't pour it in. He's words were too scary.

Although I have been with Qin Fei for less than an hour, Zhao Xin never imagined that this person almost the same age as him would actually have come down from the battlefield, but where is the battlefield?

Two lights suddenly came from outside the door.

A black Land Rover stopped at the door.

He looked out through the glass door with a little surprise, and said to himself: "It's so late, anyone else is coming?"

He stood up while talking.

The Land Rover's door opened, and a bunch of people came out one after another.

"Eh?" Zhao Xin said, "Lao He, it's all ghosts."

A few tall white men appeared in sight, and then a few yellow-skinned people.

"Qin Fei!?" Lao He froze, he recognized that one of them turned out to be Qin Fei who had appeared here yesterday.

Zhao Xin took a sip of beer back into the glass.

"Qin Fei?"

He Xiaoyan blinked a couple of big eyes, and confirmed that the leader was Qin Fei.

"It's Brother Qin!"

Everyone stood up and looked at the door.

Qin Fei walked into the hotel while watching, and first smiled and greeted Lao He: "Veteran, I'm here again, I hope it won't cause you trouble."

"No, no, of course not. I am too happy to be here," said Lao He.

Qin Fei said: "I remembered that I had not had time to settle the meal that day. I came to pay the bill today and brought a few friends to have a meal by the way."

Lao He glanced at the people behind Qin Fei a few times~www.wuxiaspot.com~A Cyclops with a single eye patch, apparently injured his eyes, but at first glance, he knew that he was a soldier and he was a member of the Z army. people.

There is another almost two meters high, which looks like a hill, and the cuffs of the T-shirt are bursting.

There is also a blue pupil with a pair of golden short hair, which looks like a falcon.

There is also a black man...

A Southeast Asian...

These people all have a common characteristic. They reveal an invisible murderous aura, which is the aura that soldiers who have experienced battles can have. He can't be too familiar with it.

"These... are all your friends?"

"Well, they are all my good friends." Qin Fei said, "Lao He, let's cook a few dishes. Let my foreign friends try authentic Hunan cuisine."

"No problem." Lao He picked up his apron, turned and walked into the kitchen, He Xiaoyan followed in to help.

Qin Fei let everyone into the private room, and then sat beside Zhao Xin: "Didn't you ask me what I did that day? Didn't you want to go to Africa with me?"

"Hmm...that's right." Zhao Xin didn't know if the question he asked the other day was right or wrong, he always felt that things had become a little weird.

"If you want to go, you can follow me into the private room now, and I will tell you what I do, and then if you want, you can go with me, and I will leave Country Z in these two days."

Qin Fei threw a fried peanut into his mouth and chewed it chuckingly, staring at Zhao Xin.

"However, you have to be mentally prepared. I am not going to Africa to sell daily necessities and engage in construction..." After speaking, he laughed, showing two tiger teeth.

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