Absolute Honor

Chapter 726: Application shooting test


Eric's gun sounded first.

A tiny bullet hole appeared in the center of a piece of white cardboard.

Qin Fei picked up the telescope next to him and looked up at the target position.

Hao Ran wrote a number-455 on the white cardboard hit by Thor Eric.

Putting down the telescope, Qin Fei smiled.

"The sight you lost."

"Fak!" The front sight withdrew from the bullet, unloaded the magazine, got up from the ground, and cursed again, "Fak!"

The old fish looked at the automatically recorded stopwatch, lifted it up and said loudly: "2.14 seconds!"

This is already an amazing record.

Zhao Xin was shocked.

Before joining the X mercenary group, although Qin Fei introduced him to the identities of these people in Lao He's restaurant, in Zhao Xin's eyes, he always had the arrogance of a scout.

I have been in the reconnaissance battalion for several years. Although I am a drone major, at least I am involved in other majors, and I am definitely the best among ordinary soldiers.

Although the X mercenary regiment included Lao Yu, a soldier of the reconnaissance brigade who fought in the battle of southern Xinjiang, there were also officers from GRU, and there were two Thor and Crosshairs known as top killers.

However, Zhao Xin still stubbornly believed that he would not be too far from these people.

However, this shooting competition made him suddenly realize that in front of these perverts, he was just a real rookie.

2. What is the concept of 14 seconds?

As a scout, what is required is one specialization and multiple abilities. That is to say, when the drone is professional and special, Zhao Xin also has to dabble in other specialties, such as machine gunner, assaultman, and so on.

Including the sniper major, he has also studied and is well aware of the difficulty.

After calculating this arithmetic problem, in fact, the crosshair or Thor must calculate the trajectory once to correct the interference of wind, light, humidity, etc. on the warhead. This calculation is only increasing the difficulty of their mental arithmetic.

It is not difficult to calculate a problem of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. After the calculation, the trajectory must be calculated, and then the muzzle must be corrected and aimed, and finally to the firing, hit a piece of cardboard the size of a playing card 400 meters away. , All this happened in just a little over two seconds.

Analyzed in this way, the sniper level of Thor and Crosshair can only be described as horror.

Zhao Xin asked himself that he could never do it, and it was still too far away.

The **** Ray Eric picked up the pile of dollars from the ground, which looked as much as several thousand dollars.

Putting a kiss on his lips, Eric shook the pile of dollars and said loudly: "Forbidden bar tonight, mine!"

Then walked to the front sight and smiled: "I will let Jonnie dance for you a cup of the most powerful flaming red lip cocktail, please drink it."

"Fak!" The sight raised his **** and gestured towards Eric.

Seeing everyone arguing, Qin Fei turned around and said to Kunchai: "Go, take him to the ammunition depot and let him choose guns and equipment."

"Okay!" Kunchai waved at Zhao Xin, "Come with me!"

Without Zhao Xin's joining, Kunchai would be the team with the lowest qualifications and skills and tactics.

Now that Zhao Xin joins, Kunchai sees hope. At least he has not been exposed to actual combat. Although he does not have the formal military experience of Zhao Xin, it is still possible to brag in front of Zhao Xin.

"Bring Zhao Xin over for the test?" Lao Yu guessed Qin Fei's intentions.

"Yeah." Qin Fei looked at the back of Kunchai and Zhao Xin leaving, "feel at what level Zhao Xin's military base is, and then make a corresponding training plan for him."

Lao Yu asked: "Will Prince Hassan take him this time?"

Qin Fei frowned and thought for a while: "Take it, let him see, or he will never make progress. The remuneration has been allocated before. I will give him a little money in the company's account instead of letting him do it in vain."

"Has Zhao Xin performed actual combat missions?" Lao Yu asked.

"I haven't participated in a major actual combat. I was transferred to cooperate with the Northwest J Force to conduct an anti-terrorism mission in the past, and participated in a joint exercise between the country and the Russian army. The rest are domestic competitions and training camps."

The old fish grinned and smiled: "It seems that there is a lack of actual combat experience. Three years of practice is not as good as the previous three months on the battlefield, and three months of schooling on the battlefield. As long as you can survive, you will learn everything."

"Look, let's take a look at his background first, if you are good, you can take him to participate in some actions." Qin Fei said.

The two chatted, Kunchai came back with Zhao Xin.

Body armor, tactical vests, pistols, rifles, magazines, etc. are all available.

"Let's go, let's go to the tactical shooting range next door." Qin Fei waved towards Zhao Xin and took the lead to walk to the tactical shooting range not far away.

Everyone saw the new recruit recruited by Qin Fei undergoing the ground test for the first time.

"Is it a familiar feeling?" Qin Fei asked.

Zhao Xin swept around.

This is a typical application shooting range. There are two identical routes side by side, which means that two people or two groups of people can compete at the same time.

The target path includes various bunkers and obstacles made of boxes, sandbags, bricks, old containers, etc. Zhao Xin knows that every time he goes there must be a shot, and the shooting targets are divided into human-shaped targets, There are a variety of targets such as thoracic ring targets, head targets, looming targets, moving targets, rotating targets and so on.

He nodded, "Yes, it's very similar to the integrated tactical shooting range in our camp, but you seem to have more obstacles here."

"The rules are the same. This venue was launched on Monday. He was a teacher of the teaching brigade, so he basically designed this venue by referring to what he saw abroad and what he learned inside."

Qin Fei said: "You should have learned applied shooting and tactical shooting. It is estimated that the difficulty is not great. But I don't know if you have reached the level of a special shooter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My team requires everyone to do it. Reaching or even surpassing the level of a special shooter, so if you fail to reach Zhao Xin, then I can only throw you under Lao Zhou's hands and let him temper you."

Zhao Xin knew what the concept of "special shooter" Qin Fei was referring to.

The problem is that Zhao Xin did not reach this level in the army.

The evaluation of a qualified special shooter includes three aspects: shooting accuracy (technique), battlefield skills and tactical use.

A well-trained archer will combine the three in every shot, use them well and balance them well. These three aspects are like a three-legged stool, any one of which is not coordinated in size will affect the stability of the stool.

Since Qin Fei builds an elite mercenary squad, he must require everyone to reach this level, otherwise it will be difficult to survive in the case of less to more.

"Let me take a set of app shooting first." Qin Fei pointed to the starting point of the target lane, "Go and prepare. There is no limit on ammunition for this set."

Zhao Xin took the AK-103 assault rifle and came to the target position.

"Check weapons and ammunition." Qin Fei gave the order.

"The inspection is complete."

"Hold a gun normally."


"ready, go!"

Zhao Xin opened the insurance and jumped out suddenly.

Qin Fei pressed the stopwatch and stood on the sidelines with everyone watching Zhao Xin, who was constantly advancing.

On the 150-meter application shooting range, bang bang bang began to sound.

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