Absolute Honor

Chapter 729: demonstration

Qin Fei's shooting speed is undoubtedly more accurate and faster than Zhao Xin, but this is not what Zhao Xin wants to see.

He has been thinking about how Qin Fei will use bullets reasonably in the end.

15 bullets are dead, and 16 targets are real.

Soon, Qin Fei's AK-103 assault rifle emptied the 10 rounds of ammunition inside. He had quickly replaced the Glock 17, and used the pistol to shoot the remaining targets and continued to move forward.



Zhao Xin secretly counted the number of targets in his heart.

Until the 15th target was counted, Qin Fei's Glock 17 empty warehouse hung up.

He did not see Qin Fei hit two targets with a single bullet, thus saving an extra round of ammunition. In reality, it is absolutely impossible, because the targets are all coming out one by one, not crowded together.

No matter how high Qin Fei's military literacy is, no matter how strong his shooting skills are, it is impossible to achieve it.

He is a man, not a god.

A huge question mark soared in Zhao Xin's heart.

The last target, Qin Fei had no bullets.

Qin Fei put away the pistol, and the 16th head-shaped target really bounced at ten meters.

A cold light flew out of Qin Fei's hand, and instantly nailed to the head-shaped target.


A mad dog advanced tactical knife was submerged in the foam target until it reached the hilt!

Zhao Xin's eyes suddenly became round.


He didn't expect Qin Fei to use a tactical knife!

There is also a tactical knife, which was issued when the other equipment was taken just now, and it was inserted in the right knife sleeve of the tactical vest at this time.

However, I really never thought that I could use a knife.

"Look, this is not over?" Qin Fei returned to Lao Yu and Zhao Xin and pointed to the distant target: "Who said that you can't use 15 bullets to get 16 targets?"

Zhao Xin couldn't help but said: "You are cheating!"

Qin Fei said: “You don’t pay attention to killing methods. This is not an IPSC practical shooting competition or an Olympic shooting gold medal competition. This is actual combat. There is only one standard for actual combat, which is to kill the enemy to protect yourself. As long as this standard can be reached, no one will care. What means did you use."

"This—" Zhao Xin was speechless, and felt that Qin Fei seemed to be arguing, so he refused to accept: "Brother Qin, according to you, can I go up and bite the target with my teeth?"

"Yes, why not." Qin Fei looked at the target in the distance and said, "But the opponent is an enemy with a gun. If you plan to use your teeth, you may die if you don't rush up. Using a knife is the most practical. "

After all, Qin Fei returned the gun to Zhao Xin.

"Recently, before you went to the Comoro Islands, you went to report there on Monday and followed the mercenaries to participate in the training. I think you must first get rid of an inherent concept and take your previous exercises and competitions when you were in the army. Throw all those thoughts into the trash can, and then change a mind, a mind that belongs to the concept of mercenary combat."

Having said this, Qin Fei sighed and patted his arm.

"Zhao Xin, I brought you out, but I don't want to send you back ashes."

Everyone followed Qin Fei and left. When passing by Zhao Xin, they winked at him, or gave him a thumbs up to show encouragement.

When he walked out of the shooting range, Qin Fei said to Lao Yu: "I think we still need to find an opportunity to let Zhao Xin exercise. A thousand tactical shooting training here is not as good as his actual combat."

"I agree." Lao Yu agreed: "Zhao Xin is too aggressive. This is also a common problem for scouts. He feels that he has trained for so many years and received such high-intensity training. In the army, I saw soldiers from other brother units. He walked with his head up, and when you got here all of a sudden, you deny it so badly, you definitely can't accept it in terms of self-esteem. Throw him into actual combat, and then he will have a taste, and maybe he will understand what war is called."

The two were talking and saw Victor coming in angrily from a distance.

"Victor!" Qin Fei took the initiative to say hello: "You haven't left the appointment yet?!"

Victor finally cut off the phone after yelling out the last "pig gang".

Seeing Qin Fei, he just nodded in response: "My plane is still being assembled, not leaving!"

Qin Fei suddenly remembered his proposal to Victor. It seemed that the old guy really did what he said. He found a place in the camp to build a large equipment assembly warehouse and directly transferred the SU-27 that Minister Lawrence wanted. Disassembled and shipped here to assemble.

No wonder that after returning from yesterday, Qin Fei occasionally saw some Slav-like furs walking around in the camp, and they seemed to be technicians under Victor.

Victor didn't seem to be interested in chatting with Qin Fei today. After a brief greeting, he didn't say a word of nonsense. He looked directly over Qin Fei and looked at Eric behind him.


He came up and took Eric's hand, trying to drag him aside.

"what's up?"

The killer has always been cautious, and Eric felt that he was not familiar with Victor enough to run to the side to whisper, and stood still.

"I have business to talk to you." Victor said.

"Is there a business?" Victor looked at Qin Fei, and then at Victor, "If you have a business, you can talk to the boss. I'm just a shareholder."

He pointed to Qin Fei.

This ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is actually Eric's smartest place.

The most important thing for an assassin is to be loyal to the organization. Eric grew up in an assassin organization like the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross and knows this.

He is avoiding suspicion, lest Qin Fei have any suspicions.

Victor’s hot face was put on the cold **** of the other person, but he was also an old man, and he changed his attitude in a blink of an eye and turned to Qin Fei: "Qin, I have a business here and I need your help."

Qin Fei said: "There are no outsiders here, just say it."

Victor looked at everyone. They were all core members of the X mercenary group. There were indeed no outsiders.

So he made no secret: "I'm looking for you to help me kill someone."

After talking about Eric, "It's better to let Eric do it, the price is convenient and easy to say."

He knows the goods, Eric is the top assassin, looking for him to kill is indeed the right way.

"Killing?" Qin Fei frowned, "We are going to Comoro soon, I guess there is not much time left."

"It doesn't take long, at most three days. Kill a target and walk right away. The location is not far away. It's in South Sudan." Victor pointed to the northwest and said: "A thousand kilometers away, I can provide all the logistics you need. support."

Qin Fei didn't expect it to be really close. Eritrea borders South Sudan, and in the past it really only needed a few hundred kilometers.

"Who are you going to kill?" Qin Fei asked.

Victor gritted his teeth and rattled his mouth.

"Kill an armed leader!" As he said, the eyes of the surrounding top arms dealers showed a fierce light, "I want him to die!"

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