Absolute Honor

Chapter 736: Long wait

Actual combat is always a test of endurance.

In the reconnaissance battalion, although Zhao Xin had learned the profession of sniper, he was not a professional company sniper. He just asked to learn.

Zhao Xin also knows the principles of snipers very well, and has also received relevant endurance training.

The so-called endurance training is actually to keep you lurking in one place for a long time, aiming at a target, and the instructor will use various methods to harass you, such as pouring water on your head, shooting at your side, or even sometimes Light a bunch of fresh moist weeds and branches nearby and let the smoke burn you.

However, all of this seems to be pediatrics nowadays.

Because Zhao Xin saw a black piebald snake crawling towards the sniper spot where the two of them were hiding.

Well, that's right! The snake looks black and white, very beautiful.

But everyone knows that the more beautiful a snake, the more vigilant it is, because that means the more poisonous it may be.

The piebald snake quickly climbed between Qin Fei and Zhao Xin. It raised its head and spit out the letter. It seemed to perceive something different around it. Its keen sense of smell made it smell very faint flowing in the air. A hint of sweat.

All snakes on the land rely on the snake letter to perceive the surrounding environment. It stops and constantly spit out the letter, which already shows that it is looking at Qin Fei and himself.

Both Qin Fei and Zhao Xin were wearing auspicious clothes, lying prone among a pile of short bushes and grass.

This is a slightly sunken den, and there is a small piece of dead wood, which could not be better used to mount a gun.

Since the two of them have done camouflage from head to toe and even on their gloves, and even all exposed skin except clothes are smeared with jungle oil, coupled with the effect of auspicious clothes, the degree of camouflage is quite high, even if someone walks by, maybe both It may not be possible to find that the two messy yellow and green things on the ground are actually two big living people.

However, the poisonous snake in the jungle is a great threat to the sniper.

The piebald snake's head suddenly turned towards Zhao Xin. Although he knew his eyesight was not very good, his small dark eyes were still palpitating.

This piebald snake seemed to have found what he was interested in. After staying for a few seconds, it began to move toward Zhao Xin inch by inch.

Things started to develop in a bad direction, but Zhao Xin couldn't move now.

And he can't move a single move.

It is not only broad daylight, but it is a little bit past noon, which is about one or two in the afternoon.

The two of them are now hiding on a hillside about 500 meters away from the hospital, and they are facing the entrance of the hospital. From here, you can see many people wearing messy and uniform military uniforms with red cloth strips on their foreheads. Rebel soldiers were sitting in twos and threes under the brick wall of the hospital, smoking cigarettes and chewing chate grass, while chatting about non-marginal topics, occasionally laughing.

Since entering the sniper position at more than four in the morning, the two have been lurking motionless here for nine hours.

If there were only rebel soldiers 500 meters away, maybe Zhao Xin would now take out the dagger to kill the snake, peel off its **** skin, and throw it aside.

He is not afraid of venomous snakes, and eating snakes is nothing new in the field training of the reconnaissance camp.

However, the most deadly problem now is that on the hillside more than ten meters between the two men, there are two rebel soldiers carrying AK47 assault rifles, brandishing machetes in their hands and cutting sugar cane there.

Sugarcane is one of the main agricultural products in South Sudan.

It was a small sugarcane field, probably only a few dozen trees, maybe it was wild, maybe it was planted by some people in the hospital to improve their lives.

However, at this time two greedy rebel soldiers were recruited.

The two of them were laughing and wielding knives and cutting sugarcane. They didn't know that there were two snipers on the top of the hillside more than ten meters away staring at their every move.

Now Zhao Xin and Qin Fei had three choices, either they would wait for the two scumbags to leave and kill the snake, or they would die and wait for the snake to leave and continue lurking. There was another option, the snake and the man would kill it together.

Zhao Xin carefully turned his head and glanced at Qin Fei, and found that Qin Fei was also looking at him.

Qin Fei shook his head slightly at him, signalling Zhao Xin to be patient and not to move.

The reason is very simple. It is very simple to kill people and snakes at the same time. They have silenced pistols on their bodies. Perhaps at a distance of 500 meters, the rebels below may not be able to find that their companions on the mountain have died.

It’s just that Martial hasn’t appeared yet, and I don’t know when. If we kill two rebel soldiers now, in case Martial will arrive here a long time later, no one can guarantee the company where these two rebel soldiers are. The platoon will not be alarmed when two people are missing.

It's not realistic to kill the snake in front of them.

No one can kill a snake at a distance of more than ten meters without making a sound. As long as they move, the two rebels below must look up and find something tricky here.

As a result, the sniper mission was a complete failure, and all that was left was fleeing.

Only wait.

The piebald snake began to climb up Zhao Xin's auspicious clothes, starting from the position of the thigh, slowly climbing up the back towards the head.

Fortunately, the auspicious suit is thick enough to cover it like a cloak. The snake may not realize what these two things are for a while, and whether it is a threat to him.

It just cautiously crawled towards Zhao Xin's head inch by inch.

Qin Fei's heart began to tense, because the Geely suit was only covering the back of his body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was no package on his face. Once the snake climbed to the head, he might be able to feel the heat emitted by the human body.

In the world of snake eyes, the situation is like wearing an infrared night vision device. The face part is simply a large red spot that emits infrared light, even if there is oil paint, it can't stop it.

In this case, the snake might attack.

More importantly, Qin Fei didn't know whether Zhao Xin could hold it back.

Qin Fei knows too well about the training of the reconnaissance camp. However, Zhao Xin is a drone operator, not a full-time sniper. Are his endurance and training sufficient to withstand the pressure in this environment?

This is a mystery.

Soon, Qin Fei saw that the snake had already touched Zhao Xin's back, less than three inches from his neck.

Zhao Xin's body began to shake slowly, maybe he was suppressing his fear, the fear of death entrapped by a poisonous snake approaching step by step.

This is never as simple as the movie or it is said. Only those who have experienced it can feel the pressure that is completely overwhelming.

You may die.

It's that simple.

Qin Fei's hand has slowly reached the Glock 17 gun handle on his thigh. If it really doesn't work, he can only kill two rebel soldiers before considering other plans.

The piebald snake stopped again, raised its head, and uttered a letter on Zhao Xin's neck.

Suddenly, it opened its mouth, revealing its fangs and bright red mouth, suddenly stretched out its head, and bit at Zhao Xin's face like lightning!

Qin Fei's heart was squeezed tightly by an invisible hand!

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