Absolute Honor

Chapter 746: The night belongs to the world of snipers

Holding the monocular observation mirror to observe the situation at the entrance of the hospital, Qin Fei did not hear the expected gunshots, nor did he see Martial falling to the ground in his field of vision.

Zhao Xin didn't pull the trigger unexpectedly.

When his hand was pressed on the cold trigger of the SVD sniper rifle, the face of the female nurse before her death inexplicably jumped out of his mind.

It seemed to see those eyes full of despair, and smell the strong smell of blood sprayed on him.

A feeling of nausea surged again, and Zhao Xin felt that he was upside down and could not help but retching.

Sniper opportunities are often fleeting.

After hesitating for less than three seconds, Martial in the scope was already in the car!

Lost the shooting angle and sight!

"What are you doing!" Qin Fei turned his head and waited fiercely for Zhao Xin. He immediately picked up the MK11MOD0 that had been set up in front of him, and put the front sight on the driver in the pickup driving position where Martial was riding.


MK11MOD0 made a deep shooting sound.

This sniper rifle, custom-purchased by the SEALs, is tailor-made for special operations. It not only has an extremely amazing accuracy, but can reach extremely low decibels when the muffler is installed, and there is not much movement.

The Martial driver who was sitting in the driving position tilted his head, a spray of blood mist sprayed on the car window, and his body was lying on the steering wheel without moving.

The sudden attack caused the entire convoy to be chaotic.

A sharp-eyed guy shouted: "Sniper!"

The others rolled and climbed and jumped out of the car one after another, all crouched and hid on the sides of the car to take shelter.

However, they haven't found where the sniper is.

Qin Fei glanced at the ammunition bag next to the bullet ejection port. The all-copper bullet shell was steaming and exuding a charming smell of gunpowder smoke.

Seeing the group of rebel soldiers who were as frightened as hot pot ants, Qin Fei sneered secretly in his heart.

In the dark, is the world of snipers!

However, Qin Fei did not see Martial getting out of the car. This guy probably lay on the back seat to find cover, and did not jump out of the car to avoid it like everyone else.

This approach surprised Qin Fei. He thought that Martial was frightened, and he would definitely leave the pickup at the first time and choose to flee, and he could use this opportunity to kill the target that appeared in his sight.

Unexpectedly, Martial is not only smart but also bold.

Pulling the trigger again, Qin Fei shot and killed a Martial guard who was hiding half of his head in the front of the car.

The noisy scene, as well as the panic of the soldiers, effectively concealed the sound of the MK11MOD0 sniper rifle.

After he killed the second guard, all the soldiers of the rebel army still couldn't find Qin Fei's location.

If you only want to kill people, there are no less than ten targets in Qin Fei's sight to kill. These guys are hiding behind the car, but they are either showing their feet or showing their feet, and their tactical skills are extremely poor.

However, these people are ordinary guards and rebel soldiers, and they have no value to Qin Fei.

Every opportunity for a sniper to shoot is extremely precious, and it must be highly rewarded to be worth shooting.

Qin Fei could only stare at Martial's car, in case he lost control of the vehicle when he killed others and was slipped away by him.

Relying on the estimated trajectory, Qin Fei fired several shots towards the back of the pickup.


Three craters appeared on the rear door.

Qin Fei suddenly understood that the reason why Martial dared not get out of the car was because his car had been reinforced!

Ordinary pickup truck sheet metal simply cannot withstand the NATO warhead of the MK11 sniper rifle, while the reinforced pickup truck can.

Most people in ordinary vehicles will choose to get off and look for cover when they are attacked, and Martial obviously has enough confidence in his pickup truck.

The reason why Qin Fei shot the driver before was able to kill him was because the glass was not bulletproof.

After all, bulletproof glass is a high-end product. In places like South Sudan, few rebel leaders are willing to spend a lot of money to build a full-size bulletproof car. They can only put steel plates or other things in the mezzanine of the door.

All the things-

Several brave rebel soldiers jumped onto the rear compartment of the pickup truck under the command of the officer, operating the SS-77 and Deshka heavy machine guns indiscriminately on the mountain.

Although no rebel soldier knew Qin Fei's exact location, there were a large number of machine guns, and the bullets still shot blindly onto the mountain like water splashing, and even a few swishes flying over Qin Fei's head.

"Zhao Xin! What are you doing!"

Qin Fei became a little angry. At this time, he couldn't shoot the machine gunner by himself. Although the gun was equipped with a silencer and the muzzle also had a flame suppression effect, it did not mean that he could be invisible. Every shot might be discovered.

"Get your spirits up, you are now a mercenary! Not a special peace soldier! Help me get rid of those machine gunners!"

While speaking, Qin Fei gently withdrew from the magazine, retaining a loaded bullet in the barrel.

Then he reached into the tactical vest and found a new box of magazines in the second pocket on the right.

In this new magazine, the first five rounds are tracer incendiary rounds.

Ordinary snipers will have a magazine like this in reserve, so that they can instruct targets for their friendly forces. Even though this mission is a two-person team mission, Qin Fei still wears such a magazine habitually.

While changing the magazine, Qin Fei's sniper scope has never left Martial's pickup ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as long as he dares to appear, feed him a NATO peanut.


As soon as Qin Fei changed the magazine, Zhao Xin next door finally fired the first shot.

A Deschka machine gunner flew backwards, and the bullet pierced his heart. The guy flew out half a metre away, and fell with his head up like a diver, disappearing from sight.


Zhao Xin's second shot was fired.

The silencer effect of the SVD sniper rifle is relatively inferior to that of the MK11MOD0 sniper rifle.

Lao Maozi's one-time stamping process, combined with a non-suspended barrel and a non-original muffler, made Zhao Xin's sound a bit weird when firing a gun, just like the sound made when iron blocks were slammed together.

However, Qin Fei was satisfied with Zhao Xin's marksmanship, at least there were no bullets, one shot at a time.

After the third machine gunner was shot and killed by Zhao Xin, the rebel soldiers next to the hospital finally reacted, and they finally found the approximate location on the mountain by the fire from the SVD.

"They are on the mountain with the sugar cane field facing up a little bit, and all the machine guns are covered there! Quick!" The officer hid behind the pickup, brandishing his pistol and shouting.

The heavy machine gun bullets finally have some accuracy. For Qin Fei, the situation is very bad. Although these rebel soldiers do not have a night vision device and cannot find their exact position, they are different from the previous blind shooting. Now the shooting has been more and more. The more accurate you are.

With a few heavy machine guns, it is not difficult at all to cover a place with a range of tens of meters.

Obviously, there are not many opportunities left for the two-person team.

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