Absolute Honor

Chapter 753: Change the name to Crow Corps (thanks to the leader Xiao Ben his father...

Just as Qin Fei was scolding his mother in his heart, Yuli did not disappoint Qin Fei and brought bad news.

"Boss, there are a lot of chasers behind you."

"how many?"

"I counted, there are ten cars."

"Ten cars, right? Scared me to death..." Qin Fei sighed in relief, "I thought dozens of cars."

No matter what he said there are fewer cars, the road is so narrow anyway, at most two pickup trucks in parallel are not bad. The Deschka heavy machine gun in front of Qin Fei still had almost a full box of bullets. A single shot can basically handle a car.

Playing chase battles on this narrow and uneven road, everyone is fighting for shooting accuracy, to see who kills first.

Anyway, the rebels couldn't take out a helicopter. Without this, Qin Fei had been trained in shooting with guns while on the move. Under different vehicles and bumpy environments, Qin Fei could use a rifle to hit the bullseye of the chest 30 meters away.

He feels that his marksmanship must be better than the African black buddies who like to shoot "follow the feeling".

As long as it wasn't for a large number of pickups to rush up to fight him hard, Qin Fei really didn't worry that he might not be able to deal with these chasing soldiers.

"It's okay, I can hold it!" Qin Fei didn't know whether to comfort himself or comfort Yuri: "I can handle ten cars!"

"Boss! Are you sure you can handle it!?" Yuri's tone was slightly admired.

"Of course, how else would you be the boss of you and your father?" Qin Fei couldn't help being a little proud. The polar bear was still GRU, and he was still the leader of the X mercenary group.

"Boss, you are really my idol!" After Yuri's compliment, the conversation changed, "Did you bring anti-tank weapons on this mission?"

When Qin Fei was a little fluttering, Yuli poured cold water on his head, and without hesitation, dragged him back to the ground from the air, and fell heavily into the stinking ditch.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Fei exuded cold sweat on his forehead.

"I said, you—brought—have—anti—tan—ke—wu—qi—?" Yuri paused and stretched the ending sound.

"No, why do you ask?"

That bad feeling returned to Qin Fei's heart again, like a thick dark cloud floating above his head.

"There is an armored car behind." Yuri said.

Qin Fei's cold hair exploded immediately.

Armored vehicle?

"What type of armored vehicle is it!?" Qin Fei asked quickly.

"I don't know, I can't see the pictures at night."

Yuri's mouth chirps from the earphones, apparently this guy is eating.

"It can only be seen that it is an armored vehicle, wheeled."

"Wheel style!?" Qin Fei's heart suddenly hung up.

The news is tantamount to worsening the situation.

If it is a crawler type, it must be an old-model armored vehicle in places like South Sudan, which means that it will not drive fast. But if it is wheeled...

The general model of this thing is relatively new, and the speed is extremely fast per hour, on the contrary, it is better to use than a pickup truck on this rugged dirt road.

Although the Deschka heavy machine gun has a caliber of 12.7MM, the armored vehicle can only hit its frontal armor when it comes from the rear, and the frontal armor is precisely the hardest part of the wheeled armored vehicle.

"Oh shit!"

Qin Fei's nerves that had just relaxed were tightened again.

"Boss what did you say?" Yuli couldn't help asking when he heard Qin Fei talking to himself.

"I said, Yuri, can you please stop chirping your mouth, I am here desperately, you are eating and drinking in the rear, are you embarrassed?" Qin Fei couldn't help but criticize this genius hacker.

Yuri was very surprised and said: "Boss, I do technology. Giving you the latest information is already giving you the greatest support. What can I change if I eat or not?"

This is quite reasonable.

Even if Yuli didn't eat anything, and how many hands he used to type on the keyboard, it wouldn't help Qin Fei much.

"I used to think that Kun Guai was bad enough, but I didn't expect that the old fish would become crow's mouth today, and Zhao Xin's luck was also bad enough." Thinking of the previous events, Qin Fei couldn't help sighing. : "How can I fight with a bunch of bad guys..."

"You can't say that." Lao Yu immediately retorted in the earphones: "Qin Fei, I think your kid is black and bad, you don't want to think about it, but whenever you go out on a mission, we all go well every time, today you Not in the same group with us, can you see how well we go?"

Qin Fei was speechless again.

Lao Yu’s words are also very reasonable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If we go back this time, I think we should change the name of the mercenary group. "Qin Fei said annoyed.

"Change your name?" Lao Yu said in surprise: "What's the name of the X mercenary group?"

"It's called the Crow Mercenary Group!" Qin Fei said with an aura: "They are all crow mouths!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and suddenly burst into laughter, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed for a while.

Qin Fei couldn't help but smile.

When things come to an end, it is useless to say who is bad or black. Now the key is to think about how to deal with the wheeled armored vehicles that are chasing afterwards.

"Posted on Monday, where is your kid?" Qin Fei started calling UH-1 to post on Monday.

Now only the helicopter detachment launched on Monday can deal with armored vehicles.

"There are still twenty minutes." Monday said: "Ah, I will rescue you, don't worry!"

In twenty minutes, Qin Fei finally had some comfort.

Twenty minutes is not long after all, and it will pass.

At this moment, the situation that Qin Fei didn't want to see most appeared.

On a dirt road more than two hundred meters away, a line of car lights appeared in sight.

Counted, no more, no less, exactly ten.

This is the chasing convoy mentioned in Yuri's intelligence. From the high and low positions of the lights, it can be judged that the wheeled armored vehicle is in the lead, which is approaching his pickup truck at a very fast speed.

"Zhao Xin!" Qin Fei stretched out his hand and beat the top of the cab, "I said you kid can drive faster! We are going to be caught up! Others are pickups, we are also pickups, why did your kid ride a turtle with him? Like it!"

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