Absolute Honor

Chapter 755: Overturned (thanks to the kitchen knife is also a great reward!)

·Qin Fei just tasted what it means to be powerless.

Even if you are a top special soldier, even if you are awesome, you cannot violate the law of tactics, that is, you cannot use flesh and blood to deal with steel monsters, let alone kill a new type of heavy machine gun with a Deschka heavy machine gun. Wheeled armored vehicle.

Zhao Xin in the driver's cab was already sweating. This was the most exciting ride he had ever driven in such a big way. It was even more exciting than the extreme roller coaster he used to play in the motor game park.

"Zhao Xin, watch out for mortar shells!"

Qin Fei could only lie down in the car, holding his head, he didn't even dare to show his face outside the baffle of the car.

Even if the shell does not directly hit the armed pickup, the damage range of the fragments is at least tens of meters, exposing the head is equivalent to finding death.

Cannon is always the **** of war in the army.

Even if you have a large-caliber machine gun, the curved-fire artillery can still teach you how to behave in minutes.

The armed pickup didn't escape very far, and when he lay on the carriage, he heard the strange sound of "furfur" in the air.

Then, less than two meters to the left of the pickup, there was a "boom" explosion.

A huge air current lifted the car, and only the right wheel hit the ground.

Qin Fei's earphones have a noise reduction function, but he still felt the violent vibration, and almost even his heart shook out of his throat!

The armed pickup immediately swayed more than ten meters away like a drunk, rushed directly to a soil **** on the right, and stopped in a pile of loess.

The water tank ruptured, hot cooling water seeped from under the engine, and filled the front of the car neatly.

Qin Fei was directly thrown out of the carriage and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, the landing place was a pile of soft soil, and it was not a big problem for a person to fall on it.

Getting up from the ground dizzy, Qin Fei felt that the world was spinning, and the side effects of the shock on the human body made him feel a little drunk.

This feeling reminded him of Lei Gong throwing shock bombs at everyone's dormitory during the training of the 203 troop. The taste is so similar.

He shook his head severely, driving away the dizziness in his brain, and felt a strong pain in his legs and shoulders. He didn't know if he was scratched by the shrapnel that penetrated the sheet metal of the carriage.

Regardless of checking his injuries, Qin Fei quickly got up from the ground and ran to the driver's side of the pickup truck and looked inward.

Zhao Xin's face was bloody, and he was lying on the steering wheel.

"Zhao Xin! Wake up!"

Qin Fei quickly checked Zhao Xin's physical condition.

The blood on the head came out from an opening on the forehead. It was just a skin injury. No shrapnel or bullet holes were seen. There was no major problem in other places. The front was not deformed seriously because it hit the soft soil. The steering wheel was not inside. Trapped Zhao Xin.

This made Qin Fei greatly relieved.

If the abdomen is stuck, it is likely to cause a rupture of the liver or spleen. Internal bleeding is a very terrible thing.

Zhao Xin was shaken by Qin Fei's shoulders, and finally opened his eyes in a daze.

"Brother Qin..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Fei interrupted him immediately.

"If you want to die, just stay here, if you want to survive, get out of the car and follow me!"

After speaking, Qin Fei picked up his rucksack and the MK11MOD0 sniper rifle from the back seat and put them on his back, and then yanked the door hard.


Zhao Xin almost climbed out of the car with both hands and feet, not to mention embarrassed.

Qin Fei hung Zhao Xin's rucksack on his shoulders, held it aside, then took out a grenade to pull off the latch, closed the door, and jammed the shrapnel of the grenade on the door and body.

All this took less than ten seconds in total.

After doing this, Qin Fei didn't say a word, and set up Zhao Xin, who was a little dizzy, and rushed into the depths of the bushes.

Hiding in the woods, Qin Fei immediately took off his rucksack and took out the broadsword mine.

Before this mission, Zhao Xin had a lot of criticism about carrying too much equipment. In his opinion, the sniper mission of the two-person team is a very flexible mission, requiring high mobility and carrying too many things. It often causes the forward speed to weaken, and the physical exertion is also doubled.

Qin Fei could only shake his head and smile at Zhao Xin's naive thoughts.

In Unit 203, every soldier carries more than fifty kilograms of equipment, no matter what task he carries, and most of them contain various instruments and ammunition.

Light equipment can reduce physical exertion, but often the ability to resist accidents will be much weaker.

In the event of an emergency, there is often no equipment that can be taken out to deal with the accident, which often makes people into a desperate situation.

During the special operations course of Unit 203, Lei Gong repeatedly emphasized the trade-off between this fish and bear's paw.

In Lei Gong’s words, “How much equipment can be carried within your controllable physical strength. Conjure your equipment. Remember, equipment is never as important as your own life. If you lose your equipment, you can replenish it. If you lose your life, you can go to Yan Wangye to replenish it!"

In that special warfare theory class, Lei Gong cited a classic case of special warfare-the fall of the Black Hawk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ behind the delta and the Ranger’s collapse of Mogadishu, apart from intelligence errors, failures in communication and command, and In addition to emergencies and so on, the more critical point is that many special forces of Yingjiang believe that the black buddies of the rebels in the urban area are fighting five dregs, as long as they are not hit by them with stones.

Under this paralyzed thought of underestimating the enemy, some even removed the bulletproof board in the compartment of the tactical vest, just to reduce a little weight.

The quirky singer ridiculed Lei Gong in that class: "Team Thunder, it's okay to take it, but I'm thin and short, and I can't move my back!"

As a result, Lei Gong said: "I am shorter than you and thinner than you, but I am not the captain anyway?! Being thin and short is not the reason. If you don't have enough physical strength, you can practice. If you can't train, you have the face to say what you are. Special forces?"

Facts proved that Lei Gong was right.

Now, Qin Fei felt that the two broadsword mines in his rucksack were simply life-saving straws.

There were at least a hundred rebel soldiers behind. Even if they gave up chasing into the jungle, there would be enough for Qin Fei to drink a pot. Maybe they would still be killed here.

Broadsword mines can buy Qin Fei a lot of time.


The explosion sounded outside the jungle. This was telling Qin Fei that the rebels had arrived at the place where they had crashed. Someone inspected the vehicle curiously and detonated Qin Fei's booby trap.

There are always people who don’t understand why curiosity kills cats.

He quickly placed the two broadsword mines, installed the tripwires, and then pulled up Zhao Xin to continue to escape into the jungle.

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