Absolute Honor

Chapter 757: Sleepy beast

Qin Fei raised his MK11MOD0 sniper rifle and fired a shot at the nearest figure.

The man fell down without even humming.

A shell fell on Qin Fei's right at this time.

Although it didn't directly hit Qin Fei, the blast of air shook Qin Fei over, so that he almost didn't spit it out.

In just a few seconds, all enemies that could have been killed disappeared from sight.

The situation has become very serious.

If the mortar continues to bombard, and Zhao Xin and himself cannot move at all, they will be trapped here to die.

The soldiers of the opposition armed alliance can detour and infiltrate directly to the flanks and even the rear of Qin Fei and Zhao Xin.

Once a siege is formed, a combat team that only relies on two people can't even balance the attacks of hundreds of people from all directions. Even the most powerful special soldier can't deal with bullets that are shot at you from different directions.

The ending is free-killed in battle.

Of course, you can also choose to commit suicide. The most perfect ending is to leave a grenade for yourself, and then sound when others are around. One more is the bottom one, at least the way to the Lord Yan is also lively.

However, there is no chance of death when encountering a veteran with rich combat experience.

Because smart veterans will beat you into a hornet's nest directly from a distance, and will not get close to the target so that others have the opportunity to pull themselves on the road.

"Ah—I **** Nyima! You bastards! There is a kind of you come and fight with me! I'm your ancestor/zongshi/eight generations!"

Zhao Xin's cursing sound was as rhythmic as a black rap song in the explosion.

Every time a cannonball hits the ground, he would open his throat and curse.

Qin Fei understood why Zhao Xin did this.

When you are suppressed by fire and can't do anything, you can only live and wait for death, you will become more irritable than anyone else, and you can't help but have the idea and impulse to rush out and hug the enemy and die. Desire to end this torment of immortality and more uncomfortable than death.

But reason prevents you, and the thirst for life prevents you from rushing out, because that may cause you to die!

The fear of being covered by artillery shells is not something that ordinary people can realize the great psychological pressure. When Qin Feigang joined the army in the reconnaissance battalion, there was a synthetic exercise, and they coordinated with the infantry battalion attached to it at night.

While Qin Fei and others were waiting in the trenches to carry out reconnaissance, the machine guns and mortars of the infantry battalion began to clear the simulated enemy firepower points on the mountain.

That was the first time Qin Fei experienced the feeling of a real 12.7mm caliber bullet swishing over his head, and the feeling of a mortar exploding near you.

Several incendiary warheads hit the surface of the rock on the mountain, bounced more than ten meters high, and fell into the trench like a shooting star with a bluish-white light. Several scouts evaded embarrassedly, and a recruit almost cried in fright.

This is not a story, nor is it ashamed. People who haven't experienced it are often a little confused when they encounter this situation for the first time.

Zhao Xin may have received such training, but there is still a big gap between those night exercises and coordinated exercises and the real battlefield.

At least the artillery shells in those exercises were directed towards the target, while the current artillery shells are aimed at you, with the purpose of killing you.

On the first mission, Zhao Xin encountered this kind of overwhelming artillery fire, which can be said to be a baptism.

Once a soldier can survive this situation without causing psychological obstacles, then even if he is out of the division, he can pat his chest and brag to others that he is a real soldier.

After a few minutes, the mortar didn't seem to stop, and Qin Fei didn't know how far the rebels had detoured and whether they had completed the encirclement.

The trees around him kept falling, and Zhao Xin was still scolding his mother madly. It seems that the opposition rebels on the highway have spent enough money this time, and the artillery shells they carry are really extraordinary.

This is a desperate sign!

All Qin Fei could do was to search for the enemy within his sight as much as possible, and then send them to the King of Hades with the extremely accurate MK11MOD0 sniper rifle.

In addition, there is nothing he can do.

But in the end, he knew very well what was going on in the end.

The moment the artillery stopped, the prelude to death had just begun.

That means that the rebels have completed their tactical outflanks. They no longer need artillery support, and they come directly from all directions, just like the two hapless delta snipers in Mogadishu, they beat people into hornet's nests. Then he stripped off his clothes excitedly, **** the corpse, tied it to the car and dragged it back.

When he thought of this, Qin Fei had to think about the situation he might be facing.

He involuntarily touched the suspension belt of the tactical vest, where three Soviet-made RGO defensive grenades were hung.

Suddenly, the cannonball rain really stopped.

There is no longer the trembling sound of mortar shells falling into the air!

Qin Fei slowly raised his head and wanted to move to the side, but his body hit a hard object. Turning around, a thick tree trunk was lying beside it. The sound of the explosion just now made it a mess~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't even notice that I was almost killed by a tree!

Since the shells did not fall anymore, Qin Fei realized that the situation might be the same as he had anticipated-the rebels had completed their tactical missions, and he and Zhao Xin had been encircled!

"Zhao Xin!"

Qin Fei carefully turned his head and scanned the surroundings, trying to find out the location of Zhao Xin.

"Fuck me—"

When Qin Fei was worried that he could not find Zhao Xin in the smoke everywhere, he heard his scolding.

Climbing towards Zhao Xin, this guy had better luck than Qin Fei. He jumped into a dirt pit. Although it was only half a meter deep, it was actually big enough to accommodate a few people.

Climbing into the pit, Qin Fei couldn't see Zhao Xin, only a pile of dirt and broken branches and leaves at the bottom of the pit.

So he hurriedly pulled away, and he found Zhao Xin inside and pulled him out.

"Stop scolding!"

Qin Fei removed the soil and leaves from his body: "The enemy is surrounded, we can only stay here, and they will be fine if they can hold on to Lao Zhou."

While talking, he changed the magazine again, lay on the edge of the pit, and looked around vigilantly.

The woods blown by the mortar shells were in a mess. Some dead branches and leaves had been ignited, burning in the dark, and the surroundings were deadly silent. Occasionally, I heard the branches crackling in the fire.

There is a fire, but it is not good for Qin Fei and Zhao Xin.

Through the night vision goggles, Qin Fei seemed to see the periphery of the forest, and many figures appeared from different directions.

The battle of trapped beasts, the final fierce battle may be unavoidable.

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