Absolute Honor

Chapter 768: Yuri's Intelligence

"Qin Fei, are you really going to be crazy with this crazy prince?"

Lao Yu turned his head and saw that Qin Fei was also staring in the direction where Gary was leaving, and he could see what he was thinking.

After all, Qin Fei was still a young man, and he was still a young man in his age.

It is said that when people are old, they are low-tempered, young people, are they still young people without a light?

Qin Fei did not answer Lao Yu directly, but nodded thoughtfully.

"Don't mess up." The old fish said, "It's better to do more than to do less. That guy is Prince Gary's bodyguard. I can see that he is not an ordinary soldier, and I don't know what troops came out."

"So I should give it a try." Qin Fei suddenly retracted his gaze and turned to the old fish: "I always have a hunch that this succession ceremony will not be calm. If something happens, we might have to fight with those guys just now. , Get in touch early, know the roots and know the bottom of your heart, isn’t it better?"

The old fish smiled and said: "Your kid always has your reasons. I can't tell you about you. You like it, but be careful. I think that Prince Gary is a pervert. Did you notice that? This guy guesses. Is there a mental disorder? He looks moody, as if his nerves are on the wrong line."

Qin Fei was noncommittal. The first time he met Gary, this guy was really perverted. As for what type of person he belongs to, Qin Fei is not Mr. Xiang, and temporarily unable to figure out the details of his family.

Yuri's voice came from the earphones.

"Boss, I found what you asked me to check."

"I found it?" Qin Fei asked, "What is it?"

"We are probably in trouble." Yuri said: "Three of them, one of whom was a former member of the French special forces, was later ordered to retire by the army because of his sympathy for'ETA', and then disappeared; one was from the former country 6 A member of the military special forces, retired eight years ago; the one Gary asked you to learn from, the one standing on the right behind Gary, his situation is more complicated."

"How complicated is it?" Qin Fei asked.

"He has no service record, nor can he find any civilian records. I can't find any information about this person..."

"What? Blank?" Qin Fei was very surprised, because from the situation just now, this guy is the most powerful character around Gary.

The other two are former special forces members, so he should be even better.

The result was a blank, without any service records?

"Is it affiliated with what intelligence agency?" Qin Fei said: "Those agencies usually have secret squads written, usually without records."

"No, generally speaking, the operations squads of intelligence agencies are recruited from the military or retired personnel, so clues will be found anyway. Only analysts or non-operational personnel will do it. There is no evidence to follow. The database of the dark web is not owned by one person, but by many people. Everyone has a different database. Some are from Europe, some are from America, some are from Asia, and all service personnel will be Stealing information, these data are obtained through some special channels, so as long as someone can afford the price, naturally someone will compare it with you and take your reward."

Yuri was very sure: "The problem now is that those with the database can't find out the origin of this person. This shows that either he is a non-secret operative, but I don't think he looks like an intelligence analyst. , So it’s very certain that he is an operative type. Since he is not in the database, it proves that he is not affiliated with any organization and has not had any service records."

"Weird things..."

Qin Fei murmured to himself, and then said: "You continue to investigate and see if you can find the source of his identity through other channels."

"There is another possibility." Yuri said.

"What's the possibility?"

"That is, there is a very powerful intelligence agency that helped him do identity disguise and erased all his information. If this is the case, this person is really terrifying." Yuri said.

"If this is the case, what organization would it be?" Qin Fei asked

Yuri replied: "It must be a first-class intelligence agency, the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world, do you want me to tell you? cia, mi6, Mossad, kgb, of course, your home country That organization can also be."

Qin Fei's heart trembled slightly.

It seems that the guy just now has a lot of background.

"Do you have a basis?" he asked.

"It's unfounded, but I'm still trying to find it. Maybe someone on the dark web will provide his information. After all, I have offered a reward of 20,000 US dollars." Yuri said, "Boss, can you be reimbursed for this money?"

"Reimbursement, don't worry."

"Then I can rest assured, you can rest assured, I will try to save money, I plan to check in the cia database later, I have their back door." Yuri said: "But I check it in another place myself. To some interesting things~www.wuxiaspot.com~What's the matter?" Qin Fei asked.

"Do you remember that when we were in Stockholm, you used to deliberately create a false impression to make the people of Hei Sun think that Kun Guai followed one of the police teams to the barracks for refuge?"

"Of course I remember that all the people in that police force died later." Qin Fei was surprised secretly, "Is it related to that incident?"

Yuri said: "Yes, I saw something in the database of the Swedish Counter-Terrorism Agency. They have been tracking the case, and through a large number of investigations, more than a hundred suspects have been identified, and this person happened to be on the list. He entered the country almost at the same time as us, and I personally think that the passport he used is a fake passport. The name on it is a Philippine name-Manny Santos."

"the Philippines?"

"Yes, the Philippines has been colonized by the Spanish, so many of their names are the same as the Spanish names. For example, the name on his passport, Santos, is a typical Spanish name." Yuri said: "And that time the police force So he was attacked because someone thought he was in a police **** vehicle."

Qin Fei understood, and said coldly: "Are you saying that the person next to Gary is a member of the Black Sun organization?"

"Basically certain." Yuri said: "Too many coincidences, boss, this matter is complicated. The Black Sun organization is hunting down Kunchai, and it happened to appear here this time, and it happened to appear in Stockholm last time. Apart from Hei Sun, I can't think of anyone who is so interested in Kun Guai."

Qin Fei had to admit that Yuri made a lot of sense.

"So I said things are complicated." Yuri said, "If so, who are they here for? Charlotte? Or Kun guess?"

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