Absolute Honor

Chapter 772: intelligence

The car stopped on a road near the sea, and the ghost pulled out a pad from the storage box beside it, called up the profile picture, and handed it to Qin Fei.

"Look at it, all the information you need is here."

Qin Feidi slides his finger on the picture, and there are very detailed personnel information on the information.

"Qinglong Group?"

The ghost said: "Yes, this time I came from the Qinglong group. You are right. These people have indeed been to Stockholm before. In fact, Fan Tianlong is still very much influenced by our Chinese culture. The big capable officers are named after Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, and each of them has an action team."

"Why can't Qinglong find the information? What special force did he retired from?" Qin Fei asked.

The ghost pointed to Qinglong's information on the pad and said: "Look, he didn't mark his service record here, so he was not a soldier."

"Not a soldier?" Qin Feiqi said: "I have seen this guy. He is a ruthless character. Could it be that he was from the underworld before?"

"That's true." Ghost said: "In fact, Qinglong was originally from the Philippines and was an orphan. He lived on the streets very early. He could kill people for money. It was Fan Tianlong who took him in and took him to his training base. Teach him military skills and killing skills, Qinglong regarded Fan Tianlong as a benefactor of regeneration, so he was loyal, and his own temperament was very ferocious. Over the years, he helped Fan Tianlong kill many people and became one of his right-hand men. "

"Oh!" Qin Fei understood. It's no wonder that Yuli had found nothing when he went to investigate Qinglong's background. This person was originally not a member of any military or intelligence agency.

"Don't underestimate Qinglong. Although this person did not serve in the regular special forces, he is a killing machine that Fan Tianlong has used for several years to surprise and tune. What he learned is almost the same as what you learned. It’s the one in our special forces."

"Don't worry, I won't underestimate the enemy." Qin Fei closed the pad and asked, "You really belong to the 2o3 unit?"

"Yes, what did I lie to you." The ghost smiled.

Qin Fei suddenly realized that the ghost smile seemed a little strange.

His mind was agitated. I am afraid that the ghost's current appearance is not true. This person must have done some makeup to hide his true face.

But why should he hide his true face?

"I just find it strange, you seem to be hiding your identity." Qin Fei said bluntly.

"If you didn't stay in the army, you forgot the confidentiality discipline? Don't ask if you shouldn't ask." The ghost said: "We will deal with each other often in the future, the old man said, let me contact you directly in the future."

"Do you know the old man?"

"Is it weird?" The ghost disapproved, "I still know your father."

"Where is my father now?" Qin Fei immediately became nervous when he mentioned his father.

"Qin Fei, remember, your father is not a traitor." Ghost said: "Your father is in a very safe place, and his life is not in danger for the time being. In fact, the father has always known the inside story about your father, but he can't say that back then. You are still in the army and you are young. He didn’t plan to tell you because he was worried that you could not help but leak it out. Remember, don’t mention your father’s affairs to anyone. One day, he will come back. I promise you that."

"My father... really isn't a traitor?!" Qin Fei felt his heart beating, and for so many years, he had never believed that his father would rebel.

At this moment, the proof was obtained from the ghost's mouth, but it still made him unable to control the excitement.

"Of course he is not." The ghost guarded Qin Fei's shoulders and said seriously: "But you must remember that you are not allowed to mention this under any circumstances. He agreed with him. He thinks it’s time to let you know the truth. He is very guilty for the grievances you have suffered for so many years, so you ask to be a soldier. He secretly helped you a lot, otherwise you will not be able to join the army."

"Yeah! I see!" Qin Fei nodded vigorously, forcing the tears from his eyes back.

At least, now I know that my father is okay.

Now that the ghost said so, Qin Fei could also guess what his father was doing.

Sometimes, soldiers in secret troops like his father Qin Anguo often perform missions that are not known to outsiders.

"Well, your father’s question, let’s stop here. I won’t talk to you about anything about him." The ghost said, "The reason why the Black Sun organization came to Comoro this time is not special. Coming for Kunchai, their purpose is not for Kunchai."

"Not Kunchai?"

Qin Fei was a little surprised. He thought that the Black Sun organization had appeared in Comoro, and it must be for his team, but he didn't expect that there would be something more interesting to them.

"Then what are they doing here?"

"According to the information I have, there is a cooperative relationship between the Black Sun Organization and Prince Gary." Ghost said: "Gary has his own fief in the Comoro Islands. It is a small island called Marlow. This island is almost It's his private domain. We have reason to suspect that Gary and Black Sun are doing some projects on Malo Island."

"Project?" Qin Fei couldn't figure out what else this archipelago kingdom rich in spices and seafood deserves to be admired, at least here is not like Sierra Leone, which has precious metals such as diamonds and gold.

Ghost said: "Black Sun is currently planning to expand its power in Africa. You must know that a huge underground organization needs a lot of funds to operate. The main source of funding for Black Sun is drugs. They even cooperate with some people in cia. , The relationship is very close. We have reason to believe that Hei Ri and Gary will cooperate to use his own private island as a drug transfer station for sales in Europe and even the Middle East."

Qin Fei's heart shook wildly.

It seems that the old king deposed Gary is really a smart thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Maybe the old king also smelled some unusual wind, knowing that if he handed over the country to Gary’s hands, the future might be the whole The archipelago kingdoms will be reduced to a distribution center for the drug trade.

"You mean Gary grows marijuana on his island?" Qin Fei asked.

"Of course not. The area of ​​Malo Island is very small, and he can't grow much, and it's not Gary now in power. He doesn't dare to be too public." Ghost said: "Hei Sun must find a foothold if he wants to expand his power in Africa. , And the Comoro Islands is very close to the 6th of Africa. As a base, it is the most suitable. They mainly transport drugs such as the marijuana of Africa’s "Black Triangle" here, process them and then use Gary’s power to install them in Ships loaded with cargo are transported to Europe through their special channels."

"Black triangle?" Qin Fei heard of this term for the first time.

In fact, the Black Sun organization and the international drug lord have close ties, which Qin Fei already knew.

Zhang Lan is an example. Her husband and wife were the number one drug lord in the "Golden Triangle", but they were killed after they broke up with Hei Sun.

The ghost said: "In the drug-rich areas in the world, there are three places that are the most famous. Among them, the most "prestigious" is the "Golden Triangle" of Asia in the Eastern Hemisphere, and the "White Triangle" of South America in the Western Hemisphere. There is also the "black triangle" at the border junction of Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Sudan and South Africa. The eastern hemisphere mainly produces opium and heroine, while the western hemisphere mainly produces cannabis. Cocaine, etc. The eastern and western sides have their own characteristics. Each has its place-the former is dark, mainly for "addicts" among the yellow race; the latter is light and mostly whites."

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