Absolute Honor

Chapter 779: Urgent 1 hour

(Maopu in Chinese) "What the **** is going on!? Why are you calling everyone to gather at night?" Lao Yu showed up in Yuri's room with everyone.

Everyone wears equipment, body armor, tactical backpacks, and various guns, all in a state of preparation for battle.

"Yuri found that someone was watching us." Qin Fei said: "I have already called Prince Hassan. Before, he sent Colonel Marcus from the suburban barracks in Morro City to take two battalions to Malo Island to arrest Gary. But Yuri discovered that the people who watched us came out of the suburban barracks. I thought it was a bit weird, so let everyone be prepared and ready to go to war at any time."

"What's your plan?" Old Yu said: "If something happens, it means that Gary has taken control of the army. This is a rebellion. Then we are probably not facing one or two companies, but one battalion of troops. "

"Anyway, we are already stuck in it. If it doesn't work, we must hold on to it." Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "How can we not come here this way, fight as hard as we can, and leave everything else to God."

"Fuck--" Zhao Xin's face turned green, "I thought I could come over and follow Brother Qin this time to enjoy your blessings. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of mess again..."

"Don't think too much." The sight patted Zhao Xin on the shoulder: "Our mercenary group has the highest fees among African mercenaries, but the mission is the most dangerous. Also, in the words of the sight, We make money in hell, and then use the money to enjoy a life like heaven, brother, risk is proportional to income!"

"Are you scared?" Lao Yu asked Zhao Xin with a smile.

Zhao Xin shook his head: "I don't, who am I? I am a scout, so I won't shame my old troops. Besides, here is still a foreign country, let alone embarrassed and not thrown abroad!"

"That's right." The old fish smiled: "It's okay, we see more of the X mercenary group in this situation."

"Yuri, contact the offer base immediately, let Monday send all his MI-8 and power platoons ready, ready to meet us at sea at any time!"

"MI-8's maximum range is only 450 kilometers, I'm afraid I won't be able to fly here." Lao Yu said.

Qin Fei said: "Notify him that the three aircraft will be triggered together. Each aircraft will have fewer crew members and fill up the spare fuel tank to fly 300 kilometers." Qin Fei said, "I asked Victor to refill our aircraft last time. With the spare fuel tank installed, it should be useful this time."

Just finished speaking, the phone in his hand vibrated.

Qin Fei connected the cell phone.

Hassan's frustrated voice came over there.

"Qin, maybe my plan is going to fail."

"Something happened to the barracks?" Qin Fei asked.

"Well, the call was answered by a strange officer. He was lying, saying that Marcus had taken people out, but I knew he was lying..."

Qin Fei thought for a while and said, "His Royal Highness, don't worry, I will confirm the situation immediately. If there is a problem, you can follow me."

"No, I won’t leave. This is my country. I can’t let it fall into Gary’s hands. You will take Charlotte away right away. It’s no longer safe here. I have mobilized the Royal Guard. I will Fight to the death with Gary!" Crown Prince Hassan seemed determined.

Qin Fei felt that now he had no need to talk to Hassan any more.

A man, especially a royal prince, Hassan has his own self-esteem.

Being a deserter is not his option.

And he shouldn't waste time trying to persuade the crown prince, at least his contract is to protect Charlotte and take Charlotte away. There is no doubt about this.

Things after that, I'll talk about it later.

Hanging up the phone, Qin Fei said to everyone: "Obviously, something has happened now. Crown Prince Hassan's plan may fail, and the coup may be happening..."

The phone rang again.

Qin Fei saw that it was the number of the ghost.

After listening, the ghost opened his mouth and went straight to the subject: "Do you know something big happened?"

"I know, Gary is going to have a coup." Qin Fei said.

"Yes, you wind up very quickly." Ghost said: "We also have news here that two battalions have left the island where they were stationed and are heading towards the main island of Tana."

"Two camps?" Qin Fei took a breath.

The military camp on the outskirts of Morro City on Tanna Island was originally Marcus’s subordinates. Now Marcus is dead. Perhaps the troops have been controlled by Gary’s men. With the addition of the two battalions from the outer islands, that’s the strength of four battalions. .

This is at least a thousand people!


how to spell! ?

Time is too tight!

"How long will it take to get to Tana Island?" Qin Fei asked.

"Their boat has already set off. I estimate that one of the fastest battalions will take one hour, and the other battalion will take one hour and twenty minutes at most." The ghost said, "I think it’s time for you to withdraw. It’s already here. Gary’s world is over. With the people of Hei Sun, it is obviously not a wise choice to go to war with Qinglong here."

"I understand." Qin Fei said, "If I need your help later, I will call you immediately and let's keep in touch."

"No problem, there are six of my people and I, all of them count as one hundred. What we need to do, just say it."

"Unexpectedly, I must make a retreat plan and contact me later."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Fei said to everyone: "Yuri, determine how many people are under surveillance. Let's set out now, grab a tongue and ask, and get some information."

He raised his watch: "Now there are two battalions in Gary who are coming to Tana Island. There is only one hour. When we are next, we must rescue people within one hour."

Turning his head and said to Yuri: "Let the planes at the Tiyo base take off right now and fly here. It is estimated that it will take more than an hour. We can only rendezvous with them on the way of evacuation and get their fire support."

"Understood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yuri nodded in agreement, and then began to contact and make an appointment through the line.

"If we don't rely on the MI-8 helicopter to leave, then we take Princess Charlotte and leave the island with what tools?" The old fish frowned and said: "You can't swim away, right!?"

The words of Lao Yu reminded Qin Fei.

This is an island. You have to leave unless you wait for a plane, but the planes from your proposed base will probably not get here for a while. After an hour, the enemy of the new battalion will wait for the island, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to fly.

Are you going to the airport to grab the plane?

But if you grab the plane, who will drive it?

In my squad, I don’t seem to hear anyone say that he can fly a plane...

It's really troublesome!

The island is always a dead place. For small team operations, it cannot be easily separated. This is often a dead end.

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