Absolute Honor

Chapter 784: Insider appeared

"We got in the car behind! Hit this broken thing!" Qin Fei ran back while waving to the front sight.

The sight had just got out of the car and shook his head several times before he woke up.

His face hit the air bag just now, and the fine dust inside made his mouth feel bitter.

Qin Fei came to the back seat and opened the car door.

Eric asked: "Is it safe outside?"

"Safe, you can get off!"

Without saying a word, Eric pulled Charlotte out of the car. Under the cover of a wooden stall on the roadside, several people began to approach Kunchai's car.

The polar bear and others have got out of the car and are crouching on the side of the road to guard towards the rear.

Several Mitsubishi Type 73 light trucks chasing behind the convoy appeared about 100 meters behind Kunchai's car.

The polar bear grabbed the tripod of the PKM machine gun and kept shooting at the car.

Bullets hit it like water splashing. The PKM machine gun is known as the "death of death". The theoretical rate of fire can reach 650 rounds per minute. The windshield window of the leader that overtakes it immediately appears dense bullet holes.

The Mitsubishi Type 73 light truck shook suddenly and rammed into a nearby shop.

Before all the team members were happy, the Mitsubishi light truck behind jumped up and down two people, and then a ball of fire appeared on one of them's shoulders, and the sharp thorns made Qin Feihanmao stand upright.


In less than a second, Kun guessed that intact Renault SUV turned into a ball of fire in an instant.

"I fuck!"

Qin Fei's eyes were about to burst into flames. Although he knew that everyone had gotten out of the car and turned to the rear, it seemed that Kunchai was still squatting on the side of the car, relying on the car as a cover to shoot at the rear.

The Black Sun mercenary on the opposite side threw away the American-made M72 66mm rocket launcher on his shoulder, took up his gun and wanted to find cover nearby to continue shooting.

Qin Fei didn't give him a chance, and the HK416 simply meant where to play within 100 meters.

A short shot, the opponent pounced to the ground.

"Kun guess!"

Qin Fei rushed to the side of the car, but the car had already ignited a big fire, and no one could be seen at all. There was a dangling white light in the night vision goggles.

"Boss... I'm here..."

On the other side of the street, Kun Guai's breathless voice came.

Qin Fei ignored the danger, and the cat ran over, knocking Kun Guess out under a pile of tattered wooden boards.

The explosion just now blasted several wooden fruit racks nearby into fragments. Kun Guai heard Qin Fei's warning. Although he had escaped, he was unavoidably impacted and almost buried alive under a pile of wooden boards.

"Are you okay?" Qin Fei felt Kunchai's back feel a little hot, and it was obvious that the high temperature generated by the explosion burned his tactical vest.

"My back..." Kun guess frowned and screamed, "It hurts me to death."

"Your back is fine!" Qin Fei checked.

Kunchai also carried a small tactical rucksack on his back, and there were no bullet holes, scratches, and no blood stains on it.

"Ass... also hurts..."

Kun Guai cried and said, "Boss, is my **** cut off by shrapnel..."

Kunchai couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of his assless appearance.

Qin Fei looked down and saw that Kun Guai's **** was indeed decorated with color. A fragment of the vehicle exploded by the explosion happened to hit his hip, and now it was still exposed, like a small proud pennant.

Qin Fei almost couldn't hold back his mouth and laughed. It was a critical moment anyway, but it was really funny.

"Hold it up, a piece of shrapnel, it's okay to pull it out, the nerve line in the **** is the least, it doesn't hurt that much." Qin Fei comforted Kun and guessed.

Kun guessed: "No, I don't think my **** feels anymore...Is my **** gone?"

"Fuck! You don't believe me when I say it!?" Qin Fei couldn't help but scolded, "I promise you can sell it in the future!"

After all, with a sudden twitch, the shrapnel was pulled out.

"Oh-it hurts me so much!" Kun Guai screamed.

"It's okay, I don't have time to talk with you now, get up quickly, we have no car, and we are trapped now!" Qin Fei said as he went to the side and took a look.

"Yuri! Where are you!?"

"I'm here, boss!" Yuri's voice came from a nearby shop.

This guy is a ghost, and he is a technician, he was not a combat member, he was afraid of death by nature, so he had already gotten into the shop next to him.

The door of the shop was also knocked open by this guy.

"Someone is here again!"

The front sight guarded at the intersection and kept firing at his right front.

Just now he and Eric were responsible for protecting Qin Fei's left and right wings. Obviously, someone attacked here from the intersection on the right.

"How many people!?" Qin Fei asked loudly.

"Two cars, it is estimated that there are about ten!" The sight said: "They are all black sun mercenaries raised by bitches!"

Qin Fei looked aside as the front and back roads had been demeaned.

Maybe the place where Yuri is hiding now is a good hiding spot.

The buildings here are two or three-story buildings next to each other. Although they are not strong, they are at least much safer than hiding behind some wooden fruit stalls. These breaking waves might not even be able to stop bullets.

"Retreat into the house!"

Qin Fei yelled to everyone, "Don't stay on the street."

While talking, Qin Fei stuffed a 40X46mm grenade into the AG416 grenade launcher hung under the muzzle of his HK416~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and blasted one hundred meters away.

The grenade exploded next to a car hiding two black sun mercenaries, scared the two guys quickly got out of the car, and jumped behind the nearby building.

Qin Fei didn't stop. There were four grenades on his body, and he kept hitting two of them. Although he didn't directly hit any Black Sun mercenaries, it was enough to make them startled and temporarily stopped shooting here.

All the people entered the shop, Qin Fei took advantage of the fact that the other party didn't react, and hurriedly rushed into the room like a rabbit.

Everyone used the windows, doors and corners of this shop to establish a line of defense.

Qin Fei started to speak loudly while changing the new magazine: "Old fish, I think there is a gangster among us!"

"Damn, I think so too! Otherwise, it seems that others know what we do?" Lao Yu looked out the window while responding to Qin Fei's guess.

"No one knows about the evacuation, how did they know?" Qin Fei turned his head and glanced over everyone.

In fact, he didn't believe that his team members had leaked this.

Who will it be?

Here is Charlotte...

How could Charlotte! ?

Suddenly, Qin Fei gave a shock, and he found that there was one missing person in the room.

"Where is Nina!?"

Qin Fei roared, and everyone noticed that Nina was gone!

"Yuri, weren't you with Nina just now?"

Yuri was confused and shook his head blankly: "I...I don't know. I just stopped parking and I felt unsafe, so I ran here to hide...I didn't notice her..."

Today is Mother's Day. Every book friend, no matter where you are, rich or poor, remember to call your mother, greet you, and say a happy holiday.

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