Absolute Honor

Chapter 789: Bad news from Tanna Island

The sky is getting brighter, the morning glow leaps up from the distant sea, the sea in the morning is light and breezy, the sea and the sky are the same color, and the beauty is intoxicating.

The ghost stared at the morning sun in the distance, seemingly worried.

"It's east, and the motherland is in that direction."

After a long time he suddenly muttered to himself: "I haven't been home for many years..."

These words made Qin Fei's heart tremble involuntarily.

Yes! I have been asking about my father all the time, and I seem to be complaining that his father has no affection.

But what about the ghost?

The ghost also seems to be a national Z.

I don't know how many years he has been abroad like his father.

Even oneself can't see his true face. It can be seen that the ghost has also been incognito over the years.

What about him?

Didn't he lose everything?

Qin Fei felt ashamed for no reason.

Compared with the ghost, he seems to be too careful.

The ghost finally recovered, turned to face Qin Fei and said, "Yes, we are a secret squad hidden in Troop 203. If 203 is top-secret, we don’t exist. We and any organization in any country. There is no connection, you can understand it as a real shadow force." Ghost said: "As you and Mr. An said, we need a more concealed and unruly operation unit."

Qin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed: "I said the same thing with the old man. I said that if you fight with a gangster, you have to be a qualified gangster first."

"Your father’s philosophy back then is very similar to yours, except that he is a senior special forces commander after all. He is relatively conservative in thinking about issues. Without the flexibility of a young man like you, and without your luck, If you are not amnesia, you will definitely not get involved in a war in a muddle, and then form a strong mercenary force. At this level, you are more powerful than us."

Ghost smiled and said: "Our ghost squad is still a special operations squad in essence. Although the previous actions have successfully caused a certain threat to Hei Sun, and they have nothing to do with us. After all, we are flexible enough. It’s big, and we don’t even know about our existence in China. But after all, our power is very small, so we didn’t achieve the greatest effect. This is also your father’s most troublesome thing in the past two years. He feels that his plan has encountered a bottleneck. Until you appeared, he was very happy after learning about your situation in Africa, thinking that your X mercenary group might be the key to unlocking the mystery of the forces behind the Black Sun organization."

It seemed that his father, Qin Anguo, was determined to pull out the big man behind Hei Sun.

Qin Fei couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart. In fact, what's the use of insisting on seeing his father?

His temperament is so stubborn, and after all, he inherited his father. In this case, the decision will not look back.

If you want to see him, you have to wait until you really get rid of the whole black sun and pull out the black hand behind it, that is the time to meet your father.

"Well, tell me, what do I need to do?" Qin Fei asked.

"You just be yourself, do what you think, it's already very good." The ghost said: "No one has more advantages than your conditions, your powerful mercenary group, and you have the trump card in your hand— —Kun Guai. Kun Guai's sister Zhang Lan really has an account book in her hand. This is not a guess, it does exist. If Kun Guai lives for a day, the mystery will be solved one day, and the dark day will also be restless, including him Those big men behind. So, you have to make good use of these aces in your hand."

"I remember when I was a child I used to catch fish in river ditch. If you want to catch the fish hiding in the tree hole, you have to make a circle first, and then make a big noise next to the fish nest. The big fish inside will end up because of Frightened and then fled in a panic. As long as we show up, we will have a chance to catch it. Do you understand?"

The ghost's words are simple to understand, but they are quite easy to understand.

His words are quite reasonable, but Qin Fei knows that it is not easy to do.

Take the Comoro coup last night, he had already lost a game and was driven out of the Comoro Islands by the Qinglong team.


Kunchai trot all the way from the side of the ship along the right side, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Quickly enter the cabin, something has happened."

Qin Fei and Ghost looked at each other, got up and hurriedly walked towards the cabin.

The cabin on the first floor of this cargo ship is very large. Everyone is crowded in the dining room at this time, including the six team members who came with the ghost. They also wear masks, but each has a different pattern on the mask.

The only way Qin Fei and others can distinguish the identities of the members of the ghost group is by relying on the patterns on their masks.

For example, the ghost’s mask is painted with skeletons, and the team member nicknamed "Big Dog" has the head of a poodle on the mask, as well as spiders, bats, sharks, and so on.

The easiest way to call them is to read pictures and call out the names of the animals on the hood.

"What happened?"

As soon as Qin Fei spoke, Charlotte threw out in the crowd, plunged into Qin Fei's arms, and wept bitterly.

Qin Fei was confused, but already realized that something was wrong.

His eyes swept over everyone.

Everyone's gaze was directed in Yuri's direction. Yuri was standing at the front table. Next to him was a computer with web video news playing.

It seems that this is news on a certain European or American news website.

Now the information is really developed, and the latest video records can be found on the web at any time in the news.

This seems to be an emergency news program of a news station.

Two moderators, a man and a woman, sat at the table, and the big screen behind them was a familiar background-the palace on Tana Island.

It is estimated that the footage was taken secretly by some local people or tourists living in nearby hotels. From a perspective, it seems to be the hotel where Qin Fei's X mercenary group stayed before.

That hotel is opposite to the Palace Square~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The viewing angle is very clear, as long as you have a telephoto lens, you can take pictures of every move at the gate of the palace.

Outside the gate, there are temporary fortifications built up temporarily.

Outside the square, many wheeled infantry vehicles and Mitsubishi Type 73 light trucks were parked on the side of the road, and many soldiers wearing Comoro Defense Force khaki uniforms were running around.

The background sound was sometimes mixed with gunshots, and occasionally the sound of guns could be heard.

After the sound of the cannons, the construction tasks in the palace lifted up black smoke...

The hostess is broadcasting the news--

"...Located on the northeast side of the African continent, the Kingdom of the Comoro Islands, known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean, had a coup last night. According to the information sent back by people on the scene, the coup was caused by the former Crown Prince Gary's dissatisfaction with the current King Inno IX's dethronement. A coup was launched... At present, the rebels have besieged the palace and engaged in fierce gun battles with Royal Guard soldiers. According to reliable sources, hundreds of people have died in this coup..."

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