Absolute Honor

Chapter 791: You can come back if you are alive!

Facts once again proved that the ghost has extremely sharp judgment.

Although Qin Fei would rather speculate wrongly, but he himself knew it was impossible.

At dusk, the "Barracuda" docked on the simple wharf of the Tiyo base. All day and night fighting made everyone very tired. After getting off the ship early and washing up, they went to the bar to relax.

As expected, the ghost team didn't make any stop. After they made the appointment, they borrowed a car from Qin Fei, then bid farewell and disappeared.

Just like the name of their team, ghosts come and go without a trace, as if they never existed.

There was only one crew member on duty, and two others, one was Qin Fei and the other was Charlotte.

Well, it's Charlotte with nothing.

If we say that when she escaped from Tana Island, Charlotte was not nothing, because in her own view, she seemed to have her own connections in Europe. The latest chapter of the Three Kingdoms Hongji

Only a few short hours passed, and all this fell like a domino.

Qin Fei did not dare to ask the result, but Charlotte was sitting on the back deck of the Barracuda, staring blankly at the fading sea as if his soul had been hollowed out, without saying a word. If dead.


For Charlotte, the hardest hit was not just being helpless, but in the afternoon, new news appeared on the webpages of news and television stations from various countries that Yuri had been following.

This news completely broke Charlotte.

Hassan is dead.

The old King Inno IX is also dead.

Gary released his first public speech at four o'clock in the afternoon, explaining the coup d’état and announcing the death of his brother and father. King of Power

Qin Fei is a master of special operations, but in international politics, he is not considered an expert, but the ghost is.

Before the "Barracuda" reached the contract, the ghost carefully analyzed the current situation with Qin Fei and deduced what the Gary regime would do next.

Sure enough, everything was accurate and compelling.

The Royal Guard has been wiped out, although these troops that finally ended up with the old King Inno IX and Crown Prince Hassan are the elite of Comoro's troops, both in terms of equipment and training.

However, after all, they were just better soldiers and could not reverse the whole situation. With the force of the four battalions, heavy firearms and the guidance and cooperation of the mercenaries of the Blue Dragon group of the Black Sun organization, the line of defense was quickly defeated. .

Then came the massacre.

Gary had a sad expression and a heavy tone in his speech, as if he was the one who was wronged and heartbroken for his father's death. Dimensional chase and escape without pop-up window

After watching the speech in the video, Qin Fei had no doubt that there was an expert in the Black Sun organization or the think tank behind Gary.

First of all, Gary shifted all the responsibility to his brother Hassan, accusing Hassan of being instigated by his officer Colonel Marcus, intending to imprison himself and murder himself before the ceremony.

Because of his high prestige in the army, he was embraced by the army. As a result, the soldiers spontaneously rebelled against the Royal Guard and the ill-intentioned Colonel Marcus, smashing this malicious and illegal operation in one fell swoop, and in the exchange of fire, Hassan And Marcus committed suicide in fear of sin.

His father, Inno IX, was already seriously ill. After learning of Hassan’s stupid practices, he was so angry that he passed away. For the future of the Comoro Kingdom and the stability of the country, he would not be difficult to inherit. The king's throne.

Throughout this speech, Gary even cried a few times and couldn't help himself, and the speech was forced to interrupt several times. Naruto's Joy, No Popup

Seeing Gary's superb performance, Qin Fei feels ashamed. It would be a waste of talent for this guy not to go to Hollywood to develop, otherwise he would definitely win some awards such as best actor.

After that, the security department of Comoro released the latest news and released some videos of the interrogation. Some military officers were interrogated.

Qin Fei didn't know where these officers were obtained, but now Comoro is under Gary's control, it is too simple to get a few scapegoats and tainted witnesses.

The officers who were interrogated almost unified the calibre, all confessing that Hassan tried to kill Gary, while Gary was forced to resist.

After a set of political tricks and routines came down, Gary was thoroughly cleansed and became a victim, while the righteous Crown Prince Hassan became a heinous, perverse and cruel sinner.


Catalogue of Aotian Qishao's Works

It's really high!

Qin Fei had to admire.

Coups, murders, slaying kings, pretending to be miserable, whitewashing...

After this complete process, Gary has become the heir of the kingdom, and the ceremony of enthronment is almost held.

Of course, Qin Fei has no doubt that Gary is eager to wait for the yellow robe after killing his brother Hassan and the old king Inno IX. If it is not for fear of being suspected or criticized by others, this guy dare to announce within 24 hours. Register yourself officially instead of just announcing your intention to inherit the throne.

Dog day!

Qin Fei scolded Gary for his hypocrisy and treacherousness, but he was helpless.

Playing politics, I am really tender.

In the evening, the ship had just docked.

Bad news comes again~www.wuxiaspot.com~Science and Technology Library Works Catalog

The spokesperson of the French government made a public speech on TV, announcing that he would not interfere in the Comoro regime change. In front of the news reporters, Barabara made diplomatic rhetoric. In fact, the bluntly summed up means-you are your business, we No matter, as long as our interests are not damaged, everything is OK!

The implication is that Gary is king, and France has no objection.

Charlotte lost a terrible defeat, and now it seems that even the chance to turn over is gone.

Qin Fei looked at Charlotte's weak and helpless back, and was really worried that this girl would lose sight of her short-sightedness. Since childhood, servants have been like clouds, rich in clothes and jade, before yesterday, Charlotte lived in heaven.

Today, she has fallen into hell.

Life is so impermanent, even if the princes, generals, princesses, and princes are still not immune.

After crying on the deck for two hours, Qin Fei couldn't stand it anymore.

Things really shouldn't be like this.

He made a decision that the X mercenary group must intervene in this matter.

The motives behind this decision are of course very complicated, Hassan’s grace, the hostility and hatred of the Black Sun organization, and as a man, how can an innocent woman be miserable and helpless in front of her?

Good man, isn't it the kind that shouldn't make women cry?

He walked up to Charlotte and placed his hand lightly on her shoulder.

"Charlotte, everything is not over yet, we still have a chance."

Charlotte turned her head, her face was full of tears, she looked at Qin Fei in amazement, couldn't believe what she had heard was true.

"Qin, what are you talking about?"

"I said, don't be discouraged, we still have a chance, people, as long as there is fate, there is a chance to comeback, isn't it!?" The stubbornness of special soldiers in Qin Fei's bones came up again, "Don't be afraid, there is still me, and Our X mercenary group!" 8)

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