Absolute Honor

Chapter 829: bad news

"Qinglong! Look at what you have done!"

Gary swept all the things on the desk and handed it up, and the lamp with the crystal lampshade fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

"I just blinded my dog's eyes and believed you pigs! Didn't you keep saying that your intelligence is very accurate? Didn't you mean that your intelligence system is not inferior to the CIA!? Oh! My old man My God! I really believe in the nonsense of your underground organizations!"

Gary walked out from behind the desk and walked in front of Qinglong, his finger almost poking on the tip of Qinglong's nose.

"Look at what you guys have done to mobilize all of my forces to Malo Island. Now let the X mercenary group sneak into my palace and take it away from Hassan's office. I don’t know if it is. What the hell! If I guessed correctly, there must be something in Hassan’s safe that could kill me!"

Having said that, Gary grabbed his hair in despair.

"I shouldn't have cooperated with you! I'm really obsessed with ghosts. If I didn't choose to cooperate with you back then, I would not lose my position as the crown prince, and I would not let Hassan get a handle on it!"

His eyes were bloodshot and he looked terrible, turning his head to stare at Qinglong again.

"If I'm unlucky, you won't have a good life either!"

"His Royal Highness." Qinglong's face was pale, and his eyes were gloomy. "What happened tonight was a complete accident. No one knew that Qin Fei would suddenly change his plan of action. Our intelligence would never be wrong. The news is from European intelligence agencies. There will be absolutely no mistakes coming from the safe way."

"There will be no mistakes!?" Gary growled like crazy: "Then, you come and tell me what is going on in this situation now!"

"Your Highness, please rest assured, the Mirage 2000 of the French military base has taken off. I believe they must still abide by the agreement. Although the Gauls don't like you very much, they will still abide by the agreement on the surface."

Qinglong said that, but he didn't know what to do.

Tonight is really a terrible night.

It seems that he really underestimated Qin Fei.

This special force that can kill the entire FOX squad on its own is really not a general.

In fact, Qinglong still hid some intelligence and didn't share it with Gary.

He knows that Gary is over now.

The layout of the Black Sun organization in the Comoro Islands has also been completed, and the entire Africa plan can be said to have been declared to have been emptied.

Qin Fei spent so much effort sneaking into the palace, he definitely didn't come here for a visit.

There must be information in Hassan’s safe that could prevent Gary from becoming a king, and Nina, who died in Hassan’s office, is even more puzzling. No one can figure out where this woman died. what happened.

Now Qinglong must consider the aftermath.

As Gary said, if he is unlucky, the cooperation between this guy and the Black Sun organization has reached a certain depth. He has a deep understanding of the Black Sun organization's future plans in Africa, and there are too many unseen secrets in it.

Perhaps, it's time to consider removing the troubles.

Of course, maybe...

Qinglong knew that it was only possible that the Gauls would intercept the ships Xia Qin Fei fled and sink them.

It has been more than two hours since Qin Fei left Tana Island. If he were picked up by a high-speed boat and a helicopter on the "Blue Ocean", he might have almost escaped from Comoro's territorial waters.

Once entering the high seas, even the Gaul Phantom 2000, I am afraid I can only look at the ship and sigh, there is no way.

As an elite fighter with strict training, Qinglong certainly knew that Qin Fei would not be that stupid.

After obtaining some evidence, Qin Fei had too many methods to immediately send those things back to the "Blue Ocean" via the satellite network, and he would never be stupid to take him as a baby.

In other words, Gary will be finished no matter what, even if the Gauls are willing to help him sink Qin Fei's ship.

Of course, according to Qinglong's judgment, Gaul talents would not be so stupid.

To kill Qin Fei for an overwhelming prince who was about to fall, this business suffered no matter how he looked at it.

What's more, Qin Fei had been to London and had contact with M and Boris. Their conversation that night involved the exchange of interests of Comoro, and finally reached some agreements.

Now that Qin Fei succeeded, the Gauls are happy to see it happen.

Tuk tuk ——

Outside the office, someone knocked on the door.

Gary yelled in an angry voice: "Come in!"

The captain of the palace guard walked in with a mobile phone in his hand. The situation in the room seemed to surprise him a bit. Seeing the mess in the place, he seemed to understand something.

"What's the matter?!" Gary scratched his head and asked his captain angrily.

"Phone..." The captain of the guard felt that his lips were dry and licked. "It's a call from a Gaul."

"Gaul phone!?"

Gary's eyes lit up, and a flame of hope rose.

He rushed over and grabbed the phone like a straw for life.

"Lieutenant Colonel Boris, do you have good news?"

Boris's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone: "Oh! Your Royal Highness found the'Blue Ocean' of the X Mercenary Corps when our plane arrived in the designated sea area."

"Found it!? So did you sink them!?" Gary's tone became excited, he was anxious to hear the good news that Qin Fei's ship was sunk, which to him was tantamount to the sound of nature.

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, the coordinates of their ship are outside of your country's territorial waters." Boris is still unhurried, "In other words, there is the high seas. According to our defense agreement, we are No ship can be sunk outside the territorial waters, not to mention that it is also a violation of the international law of the sea."

Gary was struck by lightning and froze in place on the spot.

what! ? Can't sink? high seas! ?

His head suddenly hurt, he couldn't help frowning, and then he staggered back a few steps, leaning against the desk.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something important.

"No! Impossible! The squad that sneaked into Tana Island definitely did not leave our territorial waters so quickly. They only walked for less than two hours, and they should be within 200 nautical miles of our islands! I suggest that the lieutenant colonel you order immediately His fighter jets fly back and search the nearby waters, and they will definitely be found. As long as they are not out of the territorial waters, they can be buried in the sea and feed the fish!"

"Sorry, Your Royal Highness, the Phantom 2000 is only a fighter plane, not an early warning aircraft. The sea area is very large. If it is just a small team, we can't even find their position. Besides, it will be more difficult at night," Boris said. She still feels a little lazy, as if everything has nothing to do with her.

"Lieutenant Colonel! You can't do this, there is an agreement between us! You can't openly violate the agreement! This is detrimental to your French national image!"

Watching the last straw sink into the water, Gary growled at the phone unwillingly.

"You Gauls can't be without credit! Can't be without credit!"

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