Absolute Honor

Chapter 868: magician

"Your friend, it's over." When he got upstairs, Daniel walked to the sand, threw his pistol on the sand filled with all kinds of sundries, then grabbed the Coke bottle on the table and poured it into his mouth. He picked up a piece of pizza in the pizza box next to him, took a bite, and turned his head to look at Qin Fei.

"Do you want some? There is soda in the refrigerator. If you are hungry right after you get off the plane, you can join me to eat some. Anyway, I can't finish such a big box of pizza."

"What happened to the front sight?" Qin Fei had no appetite, after all, the life and death of the front sight was uncertain at this time.

I was arrested by the police and charged with killing a policeman...


If you think about the heels, you will know that nothing will end.

"Don't worry, eat and talk at the same time, people always want to eat, right?" Daniel pointed to the opposite sand.

Qin Fei and Kun Guai were indeed hungry. Hearing what Daniel said, they had to sit down and put their luggage and rucksack aside.

Kunchai went to the refrigerator to get two cans of juice, and when they came back they ate pizza with ice-cold drinks.

"Your friend's situation is—" Daniel spread his hands out: "It made the matter worse. He killed two policemen. According to the information you gave me, I believe he did not kill Laxter. Unfortunately, the police are now I don’t think so, they planted all three lives on your friend’s body."

"You policeman here is blind?" Qin Fei couldn't help but said, "The police killed Raxter. How could the crosshair kill the police again and then kill Raxter?"

"There is no reason to say that it was the same gun that killed the three people." Daniel said: "I asked the person in the police station to find out about the situation. Now the police think it was Raxter and the crosshair. They were members of a drug gang. They were fighting. After the police arrived, your friend killed two policemen and shot Raxter. There was no loophole in this way. Anyway, there were fingerprints of your friend on the gun. "

"Daniel, I'm here to pick up my friend. You are the local snake here. I want to hear your opinion on this case." Qin Fei said: "If you want to spend money, I can spend it, as long as my friend is safe. ."

"You want to bribe the police?" Daniel's eyes lit up.

"If you can, why not? I don't like to come hard at every turn." Qin Fei took a sip of orange juice and said in a deep voice, "Of course, if I have nowhere to go, if I'm having a fight with the police. I choose between the lives of my friends, and I choose the former."

Daniel was taken aback, smiled immediately, and said with a thumbs up: "No wonder Victor said that you are a great character, and he really didn't lie to me."

He swallowed the pizza in his mouth, drank a coke, took up a napkin and wiped his hands, and looked at Qin Fei sternly: "Here, you have several ways to do it. First, you can hire a lawyer for your friend. Collect evidence to help him fight the lawsuit. Second, you can bribe the police, but this is not very useful. You can do this in ordinary cases. It's just that this is a murder case. No one in the police station dares to take you. Money."

"However, if it is the first method, I advise you to save it, because it takes a long time to fight a lawsuit. During this period, your friend is dead. A criminal who kills the police, unless there is a strong local person. Take care, otherwise he will be tortured to death if he doesn't last a month in prison, especially foreigners like you."

This won't work, that won't work.

Listening to Daniel's point, it's not enough to be upright?

"Is there any other way!?" Qin Fei felt that Daniel had something to say, so he asked: "I think you have more than these two options."

"Of course, another way is to fight directly with the police station and steal your friends." Daniel said: "Victor said you are a very tough guy. No one in the African mercenary circle can fight. I have won against you, anyway, I have never seen him praise someone with such generous words of praise. I think this method is simply to die, because now yours is being held in the prison of Bope headquarters, I believe In Brazil, no matter how awesome the gang boss is, he dare not fight the idea of ​​bope."

"Bope?" Qin Fei has never heard of this abbreviation. He basically knows the abbreviations of special units in the military in the world, but he doesn't know it everywhere.

"A special police force specializing in counter-terrorism and dealing with violent crimes." Daniel said, "Combat power, so to speak, have you heard of the AT team in 1apd? Their level will not be lower than that, because of the long-term and violent type. Gangs actually fight, their combat experience is even richer than at." Daniel said.

"I can tell you, Daniel, if I really have no other choice, I don’t care if he is a d-boy or sae1 or some gsg9. Even if he is an angel, I have to fold off his wings. For my friend, I really People will do that." Qin Fei's tone was harder than rock.

Daniel's heart was shocked, and he was slightly taken aback. It was not that he had never seen desperadoes, but Qin Fei and desperados were different, desperadoes were crazy, regardless of the consequences, but it did not mean that he really had the ability to shake bope Qin Fei is different. Every word Qin Fei says makes people feel very sensible, but it makes you feel unbelievable besides being sensible.

He is like a master analyzing an impossible thing, but you believe that the master can solve this problem.

"It seems..." Daniel said: "I have no other options, I can only support you. However, I declare in advance that I will not be able to top up all of this. I can provide you with all the help you need. After all, Victor and I am a long-term cooperation, and you have paid a fee, and I am quite satisfied. After you say, what I can provide will definitely be provided."

"Weapons, ammunition, transportation, intelligence, escape route, these are the things I want." Qin Fei said: "As long as you do these for me, I don't want you to intervene in the rest."

"If..." Daniel touched his bare chin, "I still want to count these things."

"Okay, how much is it, ask Victor, and he will settle accounts with my finances." Qin Fei said.

For a person who wants money~www.wuxiaspot.com~Qin Fei is relieved, because this is the psychological reaction of a normal person.

If you are someone who is unfamiliar with you, and talks about feelings and feelings with you, and wants to give you something for free, this kind of person is definitely a ghost.

"Simply!" Daniel slapped his thigh. "No wonder Victor praised you so much. It's a pleasure to do business with you."

Qin Fei said, "Wait, before the action, I have something for you to check locally."

"What is it!?" Daniel asked.

"I want the detailed information of the two policemen, as well as personal information such as their bank account numbers." Qin Fei said, "Can you get it for me?"

"Of course! Who am I!? I am Daniel the South American magician!" Daniel said proudly: "Victor didn't tell you? In South America, there is no intelligence that Daniel can't get. Don't worry, it's already on TV. The names of the two police officers were announced. Give me 241 hours and I will figure it out for you."

"Without 24 hours, I don't have so much time." Qin Fei looked at Daniel coldly, "Didn't you say that you are a magician?"

He picked up the phone and dialed Jonnie's number.

"Tell Victor and ask him to transfer another 20,000 US dollars to Daniel's account."

Cut off the phone.

Qin Fei looked at Daniel: "Money, it's not a problem, what I want is fast! Understand? You take the 20,000 dollars, and the more will belong to you; if it is not enough, tell me!"

Daniel couldn't believe his ears. Today, he really met the God of Wealth.

"Oh! Qin, you are my angel!"

"Don't be happy too early. If you can't do anything with the money, the angel will become the devil." Qin Fei looked at Daniel, who was already a little overjoyed, and reminded: "I hope everyone has a good cooperation."

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