Absolute Honor

Chapter 883: Powerful behind the scenes

"Tell me what you know about the Black Sun organization." Qin Fei felt that it was almost done, and the conversation with Mistor was about to touch on the core content he wanted.

"It's very simple. Everything you did in Comoro ruined the good things of the Black Sun Organization, and the Black Sun Organization is precisely one of the spin-off organizations of the'Flying Eagle Project'."

Mister said: "The Flying Eagle Project will cultivate its own forces in countries all over the world. Just as they want to control Comoro, they did similar things in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries in the early years. There are many derivative organizations like this kind of puppet, such as the "Jackal" Corps, the n-2 organization, etc. These actually have nothing to do with you. The Black Sun organization was active in Southeast Asia in the early days, but the exhibition was very important. Xun, from the perspective of recent years, it seems that the Flying Eagle Project is very satisfied with this organization and a little bit wants to hand over all the drug control networks to him."

"Do you know who is the real black hand that controls the Black Sun organization?" Qin Fei was worried about showing his feet in front of Mister. The other party must now think that he is just a mercenary leader who wants revenge, so he set a smoke bomb.

"After the Comoro incident, the Black Sun organization and the people behind him might be eyeing me. They sent several assassination teams to Paris and London to assassinate the family members of our mercenary group, including this time the sight was taken. Human being framed is the same as Som’s mother and daughter being arrested. They are actually directed at us, and it seems inevitable."

Mister frowned and said: "I didn't expect them to be really bad enough. This method was used. But it's not surprising that the five teammates who were in Afghanistan with me before had two of them after the accident. People questioned the matter and submitted a report to the Investigation Department to clarify the entire case. As a result, they were all transferred back to the country, completely left the front line and thrown into the logistics department to sit in the office, and they were all warned to shut up. "

"Delta team members are also afraid?" Qin Fei asked.

"This is weird? I'm okay. I haven't gotten married yet. They are all people who have a family. How tough they are, shouldn't they?"

"Yes." Qin Fei agreed.

"So I think that even the Joint Special Operations Command has people from the Flying Eagle Project." When Mister said this, he suddenly became angry and gritted his teeth: "I will definitely not let these bitches. them."

"So you have been investigating how this matter has anything to do with the military?" Qin Fei asked.

"It's not just that, I swear, who is behind me, I will find out, especially those **** in the military and the CIA, I must have him ruined." Mister said.

Qin Fei asked: "What does this have to do with your coming here to track Delas?"

"I found that some of the drugs were actually transferred to Rio via a base on the seabed, and then handed over to some black police under the control of Delas, and then distributed to the drug dealers who obeyed his orders." Mister said: "Because every delivery, there is a joint person, and this joint person is a clue. I have to figure out who the other party is. Although I have a list and information, I don't have any evidence of who it is."

"Oh! So that's how it is." Qin Fei suddenly understood.

He felt that everything Mister said was true.

Judging from the information he has obtained, there are also people behind this person in Washington, and the influence is not small.

In fact, this is not surprising. In their country's system and circumstances, there are bad people and of course good people. There are organizations like the Flying Eagle Project, and of course there are other forces that dislike them.

Just like light and shadow, where there is light, there must be shadow, but where there is shadow, there must be light.

Although Qin Fei didn't know who was behind Misite, from his own point of view, Misite was an entry point that could be fully utilized.

If what he just said was the truth, then the Flying Eagle Project organization must also be hunting him down.

Of course, for people like Mister, they will not really go to the other party with a big fanfare, but take the internal wanted method. After all, once a member of the Delta Force is on the Interpol's wanted list, I am afraid everyone will turn their attention to Mi For the Flying Eagles, which likes to do things behind their backs and is low-key, this is definitely not their style.

Qin Fei wanted to recruit Misite into his mercenary group.

Although doing this is equivalent to fighting against the Flying Eagle plan, he has already been on the bar of the Black Sun. The boss behind the Black Sun organization is the mysterious Flying Eagle plan, and it is also an enemy. Own intelligence channels can be very helpful in tracking down the black sun organization in many cases.

What's more, if the current drug network is really controlled by the Flying Eagle Project, then the two people will follow the same direction.

"So I said, you don't even know who you are against." Mistor said, "If I were you, I would go back to my own camp. At least Eritrea is a country that is relatively anti-m, so It hasn't been infiltrated yet, you can ask for your blessings there."

Although Mister's tone was loud, and he seemed a little arrogant, he didn't put Qin Fei in his eyes.

But this made Qin Fei extremely happy. It at least proved that Mistor did not fully understand what he was coming from. Moreover, it was only a day before he came to Rio. Mistor actually gave some information and personal information about the X mercenary group. The information is so clear, it is obvious that someone behind him is providing intelligence support for him.

Maybe it was the "powerful" person he mentioned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This also proves that the intelligence agencies of the Eagle Soup Nation have not yet mastered much of their own details, which is conducive to their future actions.

This strengthened Qin Fei's determination to join Ramister.

Bringing him into the group is more conducive to confuse the intelligence department of the Yingjiang Country.

Of course, after Mistre’s explanation, Qin Fei suddenly understood why Ms. M and Boris had a vague attitude.

They are not afraid to offend the Black Sun organization at all, but they know about the Flying Eagle Project organization.

Qin Fei didn't know how much Ms. M knew about the Flying Eagle Project. It seemed that if she had the opportunity, she still had to listen to some news from this woman.

Last time about Comoro, Qin Fei also knew about the double reed play between Boris and M. They were both unwilling to confront Hei Sun by themselves, but used Qin Fei to drive Hei Sun away in Comoro. In this way, their faces are not ugly when facing the Flying Eagle Project, and they can also squeeze out the way they use the drug network to transport them to Europe, ruining the Flying Eagle Project's ambition to control the black triangle drug market in Africa.

This trick is a trick to kill with a knife.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei suddenly sneered in his heart.

Dote is a group of masters of gameplay, and Dote is a group of old fritters engaged in dark struggle.

Fortunately, Qin Fei doesn’t regret everything he did in Comoro. Now the situation of the whole event is moving in the direction he estimated. The Black Sun organization has completely turned its attention to himself, and Fan Tianlong began to target Take action by yourself.

Catch the fish. If the fish has been hiding in the fish hole, there is no way to catch it. Put a net at the mouth of the hole and deliberately alarm them so that the fish will hit the net. This is the kingly way.

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