Absolute Honor

Chapter 886: Unique way of entry

Dal slept a bit badly tonight. Although the air conditioner was turned on in the room, he still woke up from the heat.

The temperature in Rio has recently risen to forty degrees. The big wolfhound raised in the camp doesn't bother to run around every day, and can spit out for a whole day by hiding in the shade of the yard, drooling and sticking out its tongue.

Turn on the light.

Daller sat there for a while by the simple single bed, the air was full of the smell of gasoline.

It used to be a cross-country club, but it was abandoned. It was later acquired by a security company, a branch of the Black Sun organization in Rio, as a hidden foothold.

The order for this operation was personally issued by Fan Tianlong. As a combat elite in the South American branch, Dalle came here with his team and kidnapped Somme mother and daughter according to the plan.

Everything went smoothly.

Now they are given the order to wait, but they can't deal with Som for the time being, this is a trump card, very useful.

After a few minutes, Dalle suddenly felt like urinating.

He stood up and walked out of his room.

There is no air-conditioning outside, and the heat waves are coming.

Standing at the door, Dall looked towards the end of the corridor, which was the room where the hostages were being held.

He saw that one of his accomplices had moved a bench to the door, and then the person was sitting on it, with his legs on the opposite bench, his back against the wall, and he was dozing off.

He couldn't help but walked up and pushed his accomplices awake.

"Hey! Rutherford!"

Seeing Yuyou's accomplice Rutherford waking up, Dall couldn't help but say: "Open your eyes, if something goes wrong, you and I will be dead!"

According to intelligence, it was two of the elite mercenaries who were to be dealt with this time.

If the other party rescued his companion who was locked in the Bope headquarters, there would be three mercenaries.

These people are currently quite famous in Africa, and a mercenary group they run is the most valuable in the African mercenary circle.

Rutherford rubbed his bewildered eyes, shaved his head and looked at Dalla, lazily said: "The lock is fine, don't worry, two women, one big and one small, can't do much."

"I'm afraid the surname Qin will pass." Dal said, "He is not a fuel-efficient waiter."

"Humph!" Rutherford smiled disapprovingly: "Those mercenaries, I'm afraid they don't even know where the people are. What's to worry about?"

Stretching his waist, Rutherford reached out and took the m4a1 automatic rifle leaning aside into his hand, turned his head and looked into the room to make sure that the two key hostages were still there.

There is no solid wood door, only an iron door welded with thumb-thick steel bars. The iron door is hung with an iron chain and a large lock is hidden against the face. It seems that there is indeed no possibility for the two hostages to open.

Dall knew he couldn't persuade his comrades.

It makes sense to think about what Rutherford said. Perhaps the surnamed Qin didn't know where Som mother and daughter were kidnapped.

He followed Rutherford's gaze and saw Som and his daughter in the room.

The girl is estimated to be very tired. Lying on Somm's lap has already been sweetly.

The hostages are safe, Dalla let go.

He turned around and walked towards the bathroom while taking out the walkie-talkie. The club is surrounded by barbed wire go, and the house is surrounded by open ground. Even the mountain directly behind is bare. Those off-road enthusiasts have already cleaned the mountain.

As long as you occupy a favorable position in the house, you can easily control the surrounding environment.

A total of nine people were dispatched this time, and every three of them were a team to monitor and change shifts.

He pressed the intercom and contacted the team on duty.

The duty team quickly responded and everything went as usual and it was very safe.

Daller finally felt relieved. He saw the toilet sign on the door with his right hand, so he pushed the door and entered.

To be honest, the most dissatisfied part of Dall's house in this club is the bathroom.

It used to be a public toilet. There were seven vertical urinals standing on one side of the wall and seven toilets. However, since it was abandoned, the toilets have not been cleaned for a long time, and the sewage on the ground is constantly flowing, and there is a strange smell , It seems to be the smell of urine.

He picked a relatively clean urinal, hurriedly pulled down the zipper with his hands and feet, and aimed at the urinal...

But after more than ten seconds, although Dal was still full of urine, he couldn't squeeze a drop of urine out.

"Damn it!" Dalle felt that there was something wrong with his prostate, which caused the dripping, and he didn't squeeze out urine for a long time.

He looked up and there was a window on the wall.

Strictly speaking, this cannot be regarded as a "window", because it has been in disrepair for a long time here, so a big hole is broken in the wall.

Looking out the window, Dalle began to whistle softly.

He thought this trick was very useful. When he was a child, as long as his mother played a few melodious tones and melody in front of him, his young self was always slumped and couldn't stop it.

Listening to the familiar whistle melody, the sounds of nature like big beads falling on a jade plate are finally coming late~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so comfortable..."

He finally peeed a little bit.

Daller couldn't help muttering to himself, and when he raised his head, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a dark shadow on the bare hillside behind the house.

who is it?

Could it be that the mercenaries found the place where they held the hostages?

Without saying anything, Dal was about to want his comrades to warn him, when the black shadow on the hillside suddenly speeded up, rushing towards the wooden house tens of meters away.

This situation shocked Dalla. The car looked very large, and it roared and rammed in the direction of the bathroom. At a distance of ten meters, two dazzling lights were suddenly lit. .

The dazzling light passed through the hole in the wall, making Dalla subconsciously raise his hand to block his eyes.

He heard the sound of water splashing in the urinal in front of him, like the next violent wind and rain

Gunshots came from the top of the building, and a black shadow came out from the SUV's skylight. Under the backlight, Dall couldn't see the opponent at all, but could only see the outline.


After firing a few shots with one of the black sun killers who were in charge of the guard upstairs, the black shadow retracted into the car, and then hit the outer wall where the toilet was located.

This house is not a concrete structure, but a wooden structure. In front of the huge inertial SUV, the club house is like a piece of tofu hit by a shot.


In Dalle’s exclamation, he was directly hit by the SUV with the urinal. The man lay down on the front of the car full of wood debris, and the male genitalia below was still in the urinal, **** It was so funny that it was shining with white flowers under the light.

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